Lab Practical PT2

  1. Image Upload 2
    • Physalia
    • Man o' War
  2. Image Upload 4
    • Aurilia
    • moonjelly
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    1 -4
    • Planaria
    • 1. eyespots
    • 2. Auricle
    • 3. Gastrovascular cavity
    • 4. Pharynx
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    Fertlilized egg
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    4 - cell stage
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    8 - cell stage
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    16 - cell stage
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    • Blastula
    • - Blastula
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    What is this and what is being pointed at
    • Early Gastrula
    • - Blastocoel
    • - Yolk Plug
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    What is this and what is being pointed at?
    • Gastrula
    • -Archenteron
    • -Endoderm
    • -Blstocoel
    • -Yolk Plug
    • -Ectoderm
  12. Image Upload 24
    What is this and what is being pointed at?
    • Early Neural Plate
    • -Neural Plate
    • - Notochord develops here
    • -Archenteron
  13. Image Upload 26
    What is this and what is being pointed at?
    • Neural tube stage
    • -Nueral tube
  14. Image Upload 28
    • Late Neural tube stage
    • -Neural tube
    • -Notochord
    • -Gut
  15. Who created the system in which animals are classified what is it called?
    Carl Linneaus / Linnean System
  16. The names of each category are preferred by rules of nomenclature to be unique and are regulated by the _____________________________
    International Code of Zoological Nomenclature
  17. Why is latin used ?
    Its a 'dead' language and the meaning doesnt change
  18. Groups of actually or potentially interbreeding natural populations which are reproductively isolated from other such groups
  19. Higher class is called _______-
  20. Lower class is called ______-
  21. Lowest sub category is called _______ -
  22. The first rounds of mitosis is called __________
  23. Cleavage leads to a hollow ball of cells called a ________
  24. The space within the blastula is called the ______
  25. __________ follows the blastula stage
  26. This process is characterized by cell movement resulting in the formation of a __________
  27. Lowest maginifaction - the highest
    4, 10, or 40x
  28. The smallest , complete unit of life is a ?
  29. Two types of cells
    Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic
  30. Meiosis takes place into the ? cells
  31. Mitosis takes place in the ? cells
  32. The primary purpose of meiosis is to produce ?
  33. Three types of cells found in sponge and their function
    • pinacoyates - protects
    • mesenchyme - digestion and secetion
    • choanocytes - traps food particles
  34. Three body types of sponges from the least to the most complex
    • Ascon
    • Sycon
    • Leucon
  35. What is in the Phylum Porifera
  36. What is in the Phylum Cnidaria
    Jellyfish, corals, sea anemones
  37. Cnidarian Charateristics
    • Tissues
    • Radial symmetry
    • Cnidocytes
  38. What are cnidocytes?
    Stinging cells on tentacles
  39. Two types of body forms for Cnidarians and the animals they apply too
    • Polyp - hydras, sea anemones, and coral
    • Medusa - jellyfish
  40. Hyrda occurs in ? form but produces ? and ?
    poylp / sexually/ asexually
  41. Physalia also known as ? is a ? colony with both ? (____) and ? (_____) stages found on different parts
    Man o' war / pelagic / medusa (sexually) / polyp (asexual)
  42. Obelia, hydra, and Physalia all memebers of Class ?
  43. Moon jelly fish (Aurelia) and the Cabbage head jellyfish are members of the class ?
  44. What is platyhelminthes?
  45. What are the characteristics of Flatworms
    • triploblastic animals
    • bilateral symmetry
    • tissue
    • organ developement
    • flat wormlike body
    • no body cavity
    • some free living / parasitic
  46. What are some parastic flatworms
    Flukes and tapeworms
  47. What are some free-living flatworms
  48. Planaria are members of ? and most are ? they exhibat ?
    Turbellaria/ freeliving/ cephalization
  49. Sense organs are concentrated at one end of the body
  50. Fascicola is a member Class? which only contains ? parasites
    Tremaroda / internal
  51. The adult fluke lives in human but 2 intermediate host ? and ? are required to complete the life cycle
    Verabrate / inverabrate
  52. The Dipylidium is also known as ?
    Dog tapeworm
  53. Tapeworms are members of Class ? and are all ? parasites
    Cestoda / Internal
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    Sex & 5
    • Male Ascaris
    • Testis
  57. Image Upload 36
    Sex & 4
    • Female Ascaris
    • Uterus
  58. Image Upload 38
    1 & 8
    • Rotifer
    • 1. Corona
    • 8. Toe
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    Snail Radula
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    Foot/mantle/Gills/adductor muscles
  61. Image Upload 44
    • Nereis
    • 11. Parapodia
  62. Phylum Nematoda include
  63. Nematodes are ?
  64. What is in the Phylum Rotifera
  65. What is in the phylum Mollucsa and what are the 4 classes studied
    • Mollucs - Snails , clams, squid
    • C. Polyplacophora / Gastropoda / Bivalvia / Cephalopoda
  66. Class Polyplacophora include
  67. Class Gastropoda include
  68. What is the function of radula?
    Teeth / digestion
  69. Class Bivalvia include
    Clams and osyster
  70. Bivalvias do not have a _________!
  71. Class Cephalopoda include
    Octopus and squids
  72. What is the most advanced class in the phylum mollusca?
  73. What is in the Phylum Annelida?
    Segmented worms (earthworms / leeches)
  74. Segments that are equal in size are called?
  75. Class Polychaeta include
    Marine worms - Nereis
  76. Subclass oligochaeta include
  77. Subclass Hirudinea include
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Lab Practical PT2