1. What code describes the maintenance performedon an item identified by a WUC?
    Action Taken Code
  2. What is the proper name for what mosttechnicians refer to as the Manufacturer ’s code?
    Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE).
  3. What is a Malfunction code?
    A three character, alphanumeric code used to describe the malfunction occurring on or in an end item.
  4. How many positions complete the Time/Cycleblock on a VIDS/MAF?
    Five, a prefix and four numbers
  5. What form is used to document preservation ofsupport equipment?
    SE Custody and Maintenance History Record, OPNAV 4790/51.
  6. Are SE Custody and Maintenance HistoryRecords, OPNAV 4790/51, used to documentrework maintenance on an engine test cell?
    No. Test cells have their own records
  7. Who retains the latest completed copy of the SECustody and Maintenance History Record,OPNAV 4790/51?
    Reporting custodian
  8. What is the major provision of the MonthlyMaintenance Plan?
    The MMP provides scheduled control of all predictable maintenance
  9. At the O level, when is the Monthly MaintenancePlan for March required to be distributed?
    By the 25th of February
  10. Where can you find a list of current I-levelcollateral duty inspectors?
    The IMA Monthly Maintenance Plan
  11. What is the purpose of the Maintenance TrainingImprovement Program (MTIP)?
    The MTIP identifies training deficiencies, at both the O and I levels of maintenance, through diagnostic testing procedures.
  12. What is the purpose of the systemadministrator/analyst at the organizationalmaintenance level?
    Monitor, control, and apply the Maintenance Data System within the activity
  13. Who has the responsibility, as well as many otherresponsibilities, to identify material deficienciesand high man-hour consumption trends?
    System administrator/analyst
  14. What work center plans, schedules, andprovidespositive control of all maintenance performed onor in support of the activities assigned aircraft?
    Maintenance control.
  15. What branches or work centers make up theaircraft division?
    Power Plants, airframes, and aviators life support systems (some activities also have an inspection or phase branch and a corrosion branch).
  16. The avionics/armament division consists of whatwork centers?
    Electronics branch, electrical and instrument branch, and the armament branch.
  17. What is the purpose of the production controlwork center?
    Production control, the central point of the entire maintenance effort, plans and schedules the IMA’s workload.
  18. At the intermediate maintenance activity, whoprovides qualitative and quantitative analyticalinformation to the AMO?
    The maintenance data base administrator/analyst
  19. At the I-level, power plants, airframes, avionics,armament equipment, support equipment, andaviators’ life support equipment are known aswhat type of divisions?
    Production divisions
  20. What is the purpose of NALCOMlS?
    NALCOMIS provides OMA, IMA and ASD activities with a modern. real time, responsive, computer based management information system.
  21. What are the three basic objectives ofNALCOMIS?
    • 1. To increase aircraft readiness by providing local maintenance and supply managers with timely and accurate information required in their day-to-day management and decision making process.
    • 2. To reduce the administrative burden to the fleet.
    • 3. To improve the quality of up-line reported data.
  22. If an I- or O-level activity does not yet operateunder NALCOMIS, under what system do theydocument their maintenance?
    Visual Information Display System (VIDS)
  23. What element is important to ensure successfuloperation of the Visual Information DisplaySystem (VIDS)?
    Communication between maintenance/production control, workcenters, and material control.
  24. With regard to the VIDS board, what actionshould take place with maintenance control on adaily basis?
    VIDS board verification
  25. Upon initiation of a VIDS/MAF at theorganizational level, which copies areforwarded to the work center?
    Copies 1 and 5 are forwarded to the work center.
  26. What must be done if a maintenance actionresults in the requirement of a check flight?
    Notify quality assurance
  27. Upon the completion of a maintenance actionand when the VIDS/MAF is completed, whichcopy is forwarded to maintenance control?
    Copy 1 of the VIDS/MAF is sent to maintenance control
  28. What does a red signal tab on an I-level VIDSboard or VIDS/MAF indicate?
    The component inducted is expeditious repair
  29. Upon induction of a non-RFI component to anI-level activity, where are copies 1, 4. and 5 ofthe VIDS/MIF routed?
    To the work center receiving the non-RFI component for repair.
  30. At the I-level, what happens to a repairablecomponent for which parts have been ordered?
    The component should be properly preserved, packaged and sent to the AWP unit managed by supply personnel.
  31. What is the result of inaccurate or incompleteinformation documented in the MaintenanceData System (MDS)?
    Loss of effectiveness of the data and the MDS in general.
  32. At both the I and O levels of maintenance, whatis the purpose of NALCOMIS or VIDS/MAFS?
    Documentation of on-equipment maintenance actions.
  33. What is the "look phase" of an inspection?
    The portion of a special, conditional, corrosion, periodic, phase, acceptance or transfer inspection that involves the search for defects.
  34. What components create the Job ControlNumber (JCN)?
    The organization code, the last three digits of the Julian date, and an activity assigned sequence number.
  35. What is indicated by a JCN suffix?
    A subassembly or subassembly repair action completed separately from the major component repair action
  36. What is a Work Unit Code (WUC)?
    A one, three, five, or seven character numeric or alphanumeric code which identifies the system, subsystem, set, component or part of the end item being worked on
  37. What are the objectives of the NAMP?
    Achieve and maintain maximum material readiness, safety and conservation of material in the maintenance of aircraft.
  38. What is the purpose of the Aircraft Maintenance Department within an organization?
    To maintain assigned aircraft in a state of full mission capability (FMC).
  39. What are the major types of aircraft maintenance?
    Rework and upkeep.
  40. The restorative or additive work performed on aircraft, quipment, or support equipment iswhat type of maintenance?
    Rework maintenance.
  41. Standard rework is also known as what type of maintenance?
    Standard depot-level maintenance (SDLM)
  42. What is special rework?
    Work done to aircraft, equipment, or support equipment to improve or change its capability to perform special functions.
  43. Upkeep maintenance is performed by what activities?
    Operating units and SE activities.
  44. Standard upkeep is also known as what type of maintenance?
  45. Maintenance performed on aircraft without regard to operating hours or calendar is known as what type of maintenance?
    Special upkeep or unscheduled maintenance
  46. Aircraft maintenance functions are divided intohow many distinct levels?
  47. What are the distinct levels of aircraftmaintenance?
    Organizational, intermediate and depot
  48. Describe organizational-level maintenance
    Work performed by an operating activity on a day-to-day basis in support of its own operations.
  49. What level of maintenance includes themanufacture of non-available parts?
    Intermediate level.
  50. Depot-level maintenance is performed in whattype of facility?
    Industrial type.
  51. The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) has whatresponsibilities to the Naval AviationMaintenance Program?
    The CNO sponsors and directs the NAMP.
  52. Who is responsible for providing material insupport of the operation and maintenance ofaeronautical equipment?
    Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP)
  53. What is a "line" relationship?
    A relationship that exists between a superior and subordinate within both staff and line segments of the organization.
  54. A relationship that exists between an advisorystaff supervisor and a production line supervisoris known as what type of relationship?
    A staff relationship.
  55. Who is responsible to the commanding officer forthe accomplishment of the maintenancedepartment’s mission?
    The aircraft maintenance offcer.
  56. What are the functional managementresponsibilities of the aircraft maintenanceofficer?
    Planning, control, and production
  57. What subordinate officers assist the aircraftmaintenance officer in the management of themaintenance department?
    Assistant aircraft maintenance officer (AAMO), maintenance/material control officer (MMCO), and aircraft division and branch officers.
  58. What officer is responsible for ensuring that staffdivisions conform to established policies?
    Assistant aircraft maintenance officer
  59. In addition to material support, what is themaintenance material control officer's directresponsibiliy?
    The overall productive effort of the maintenance department
  60. What is the concept of quality assurance?
    To prevent defects from occurring from the onset of a maintenance operation through its completion.
  61. The achievement of quality assurance dependson what factors?
    Prevention, knowledge, and special skills.
Card Set
Chapter 1