Equine Acupuncture

  1. LU-1
    Depression in the middle of the pectoralis muscle, 1.5 cun lateral to the sulcus.
  2. LU-5
    Medial cubital crease on lateral side of biceps brachii.
  3. LU-6
    7 cun proximal to LU-9, 5 cun ventral to LU-5, cranial muscle groove of extensor and flexor carpi radialis.
  4. LU-7
    Craniomedial edge of radius, cranial to cephalic vein at level of the distal border of the chestnut.
  5. LU-9
    Medial side of carpus at junction of radius and 1st row of carpal bones.
  6. LU-10
    Medial forelimb, halfway on splint between suspensory ligament and palmar common digital vein
  7. LU-11
    Caudomedial aspect of front hoof, proximal to coronary band, cranial to medial collateral cartilage.
  8. LI-1
    Craniomedial aspect of front hoof, proximal to coronary band.
  9. LI-2
    Craniomedial aspect of front hoof.
  10. LI-2
    Craniomedial, distal to fetlock depression cranial to extensor branch of suspensory ligament attaching to common digital extensor tendon.
  11. LI-3
    Craniomedial fetlock, distal to end of splint, over interosseous.
  12. LI-4
    Distal and medial to base of splint between suspensory and splint.
  13. LI-5
    Depression between 2nd and #rd carpal bones on craniomedial aspect of the carpus.
  14. LI-6
    3 cun above LI-5, cranial muscle groove in lateral surface of the foreleg.
  15. LI-7
    2 cun above LI-6 in the same groove.
  16. LI-10
    2 cun below in LI-11 in the same groove.
  17. LI-11
    Depression cranial to the elbow in the transverse cubital crease.
  18. LI-15
    Cranial to point of shoulder.
  19. LI-16
    Cranial border of scapula, in a depression 2/3 distance from TH-15, to point of shoulder.
  20. LI-17
    2 cun craniodorsal to LI-16 on sternocleidomastoid muscle.
  21. LI-18
    Extend head follow line of ventral mandible to depression above jugular groove.
  22. LI-20
    2/3 way upward along lateral edge of nares, 1 cun caudal to nares.
  23. ST-1
    Lower eye lid, 1/3 from medial canthus.
  24. ST-2
    Ventral to medial canthus at bifurcation of angular vein.
  25. ST-4
    0.5 cun caudal to corner of mouth.
  26. ST-6
    Dorsal to intermediate tendon of the masseter in the center of the belly at the level of the lateral canthus of the eye.
  27. ST-7
    Depression ventral to the TMJ.
  28. ST-10
    Heel of hand on point of shoulder, (R to R) grab muscle above juglar groove with thumb and index finger, finger is in spot.
  29. ST-25
    2 cun lateral to umbilicus.
  30. ST-34
    2 cun proximolateral to the patella in the belly of the vastus.
  31. ST-35
    Between distal border of the patella and the proximal border of the tibia, in the depression between middle and lateral patellar ligament.
  32. ST-36
    3 cun below ST-35, 0.5 lateral to the cranial aspect of the tibial crest.
  33. ST-37
    3 cun below ST-36, 0.5 lateral to the cranial aspect of the tibia.
  34. ST-38
    2 cun below ST-37, 0.5 cun lateral to the cranial aspect of the tibia.
  35. ST-39
    1 cun below ST-38, 0.5 cun lateral to the cranial aspect of the tibia.
  36. ST-40
    0.5 cun lateral to ST-38, between long and lateral digital extensor m. (8 cun proximal to the lateral malleolus)
  37. ST-41
    At the level of the bottom edge of the lateral malleolus, between between long and lateral digital extensor, proximal to the intermediate retinaculum.
  38. ST-42
    Distal to the hock on the cranial aspect of the metatarsus, proximal to the distal retinaculum.
  39. ST-43
    Proximocranial to the fetlock 0.5 cun lateral to the long digital extensor.
  40. ST-44
    Craniodistal to the fetlock, 0.5 cun lateral to the long digital extensor.
  41. ST-45
    Cranial midline of the hind hoof, proximal to the coronary band.
  42. SP-1
    Caudomedial aspect of the hind hoof, proximal to coronary band.
  43. SP-2
    Distal to the medial sesamoid bone, caudal to interosseous m. (caudal to LIV-2)
  44. SP-3
    Distal to the end of medial splint bone, proximal to the medial sesamoid.
  45. SP-4
    Depression on the hind limb, caudodistal to the base of the medial splint bone, caudal to the deep flexor tendon, (caudal to LIV-3)
  46. SP-5
    Depression caudal to the medial mallelous.
  47. SP-6
    3 cun proximal to medial malleolus caudal to tibial boarder, 0.5 cun behing saphenous.
  48. SP-8
    3 cun distal SP-9 caudal border of tibia cranial to deep digital flexor.
  49. SP-9
    Depression at level of the patellar ligaments, 0.5 cun in front of saphenous vein.
  50. SP-10
    2 cun proximal to proximomedial border of the patella (in the belly of the vastus)
  51. SP-12
    Depression ventral to the curve of the cranial tuber coxae.
  52. SP-13
    0.5 cun cranioventral to the tuber coxae.
  53. SP-20
    4th intercostal space at level of elbow.
  54. SP-21
    10th intercostal space at the same level as point of shoulder.
  55. HT-1
    Center of the axillary space.
  56. HT-3
    Between the olecranon and the medial epicondyle of the humerous.
  57. HT-7
    Caudolateral aspect of the radius, proximal to the accessory carpal bone, ath the insertion of the lateral ulnar m at the level of the carpus (opp PC-7)
  58. HT-8
    Caudolateral aspect of the cannon bone, half the distance from the carpus to the fetlock, just cranial to the deep digital flexor tendon.
  59. HT-9
    Caudolateral aspect of front hoof.
  60. SI-1
    Craniolateral aspect of front hoof
  61. SI-2
    Caudo lateral aspect of the pastern, caudal to the suspensory ligament, distal to the lateral sesmoid bone.
  62. SI-3
    Depression on the causlateral boder of the cannon, distal to the end of the lateral splint, proximal to the fetlock.
  63. SI-4
    Distal to carpal joint, caudolateral to base of the lateral splint and cranial to suspensory (opp LI-4)
  64. SI-8
    Depression between the olecranon and the lateral epicondyle of the humerous.
  65. SI-9
    Depression along the caudal border of the deltoid muscle at the juncture with the lateral and long heads of the triceps brachii.
  66. SI-16
    Dorsal border of the brachiocephalicus muscle at the level of the C2 space.
  67. SI-19
    Indention of the rostral medial corder of the ear base. (Dorsal to zygomatic arch at the TMJ)
  68. BL-1
    Indention at medial canthus of eye.
  69. BL-2
    1 cun dorsal to BL-2 at level of eyebrow.
  70. BL-7
    1.5 cun lateral to the dorsal midline at the level of GV-20
  71. BL-10
    Depression just caudal to the wings of the atlas, 2 cun below dorsal midline.
  72. BL-11
    Cranial to withers, 1.5 cun lateral to dorsal midline.
  73. BL-12
    Ventral to highest point of withers, 1 cun lateral to dorsal midline.
  74. BL-13
    Caudal edge of scapular cartiledge (8th intercostal space), 3 cun lateral to the dorsal midline.
  75. BL-14
    Caudal edge of scapular cartiledge (9th intercostal space), 3 cun lateral to the dorsal midline.
  76. BL-15
    10th intercostal space
  77. BL-16
    11th intercostal space
  78. BL-17
    12th intercostal space
  79. BL-18
    13th and 14th intercostal spaces
  80. BL-19
    15th intercostal spaces
  81. BL-20
    17th (last) intercostal space
  82. BL-21
    Thoracolumbar junction (T18-L1), 3 cun lateral to dorsal midline.
  83. BL-22
    1st lumbar vertebral space (L1-L2), 3 cun lateral to dorsal midline.
  84. BL-23
    2nd lumbar vertebral space (L2-L3), 3 cun lateral to dorsal midline.
  85. BL-24
    4th lumbar vertebral space (L4-L5), 3 cun lateral to dorsal midline.
  86. BL-25
    5th lumbar vertebral space (L5-L6, cranial edge of wing of ilium), 3 cun lateral to dorsal midline.
  87. BL-26
    Lumbosacral space (L6-S1), 3 cun lateral to dorsal midline.
  88. BL-27
    1st sacral vertebral space (S1-S2). 3 cun lateral to dorsal midline.
  89. BL-28
    2nd sacral vertebral space (S2-S3). 3 cun lateral to dorsal midline.
  90. BL-35
    Muscle groove between biceps femoris and semitendinosis at most proximal, (2 cun craniolateral to root of tail)
  91. BL-36
    Muscle groove between biceps femoris and semitendinosis at level of center of anus
  92. BL-37
    Groove between biceps femoris and semitendinosis, at level of tuber ischii.
  93. BL-38
    Muscle groove between biceps femoris and semitendinosis, 2 1/3 cun distal to BL-37
  94. BL-39
    Ventral extent of the groove between biceps femoris and semitendinosis at level of stifle.
  95. BL-40
    Midpoint of the transverse crease of the popliteal fossa.
  96. BL-53
    Caudal to the tuber coxae.
  97. BL-54
    Midway on line connecting Bai Hui and the greater trocanter of the femur.
  98. BL-60
    Between lateral malleolus of the tibia and the calcaneal tuber. (opp KID-3)
  99. BL-62
    Depression distal to the lateral malleolus.
  100. BL-67
    Caudolateral aspect of hind hoof, proximal to coronary band.
  101. KID-1
    Depression between the bulbs of the heel.
  102. KID-3
    Between medial malleolus of the tibia and the calcaneal tuber. (opp BL-60)
  103. KID-6
    Depression between calcaneal tuber and the talus.
  104. KID-7
    2 cun directly above KID-3, on the cranial border of the calcanean tendon.
  105. KID-10
    Medial side of popliteal fossa between semitendinosis and semimembranosis.
  106. KID-27
    Between the sternum and 1st rib 2 cun lateral to the ventral midline.
  107. PC-1
    Medial to and at the level of the point of the elbow in the 5th intercostal space
  108. PC-3
    Medial side of the cubital crease halfway between LU-5 and HT-3
  109. PC-6
    Directly cranial to the lower border of the chestnut, in the groove between the flexor carpi radialis, and the flexor carpi ulnaris.
  110. PC-8
    2/3 the distance from carpus to fetlock, caudal aspect of the superficial digital flexor tendon.
  111. PC-9
    Central depression between the heel bulbs.
  112. TH-1
    1 cun lateral to the cranial midline of the front hoof.
  113. TH-5
    2 cun proximal to the antebrachiocarpal joint on a line connecting TH-4 and the olecranon.
  114. TH-14
    Caudal margin of the shoulder joit at the level of the point of the shoulder.
  115. TH-15
    Depression on the dorsal border of the the scapula at junction of scapula and scapular cartilage.
  116. TH-16
    Caudal border of the brachilcephalicus muscle between the 1st and 2nd cervical vertebral space cranial to SI-16
  117. TH-23
    Near lateral canthus of the eye at the end of the eyebrow.
  118. GB-1
    1 cun caudoventral to the lateral canthus of the eye, over transverse facial vein.
  119. GB-20
    Large depression caudal to the occipital condyle, cranial to the wing of the atlas, 1 cun ventral to dorsal midline.
  120. GB-21
    Depression located halfway along cranial edge of scapula.
  121. GB-24
    14th intercostal space at the level of the elbow, caudodorsal to LIV-14
  122. GB-25
    Depression halfway between caudal border of the costochondral junction of the 18th rib and lumbar muscle.
  123. GB-29
    Depression midway between wing of illium and greater trochanter of the femur.
  124. GB-30
    Depression of the caudoventral margin of the greater trochanter.
  125. GB-34
    Craniodistal to the head of the fibula in the interosseous space between the extensor muscles.
  126. GB-39
    3 cun proximal to the tip of the lateral malleolus on caudal aspect of the tibia, between lateral extensor and deep digital flexor.
  127. GB-40
    Cranial to BL-62. Craniodistal to the tip of the lateral malleolus of the tibia, over the tendon of the lateral digital extensor.
  128. GB-41
    Caudolateral surface of the cannon bone, just cranial to the base of the lateral splint bone.
  129. GB-44
    Craniolateral aspect of the coronary band of the lindlimb.
  130. LIV-1
    Craniomedial aspect of the coronary band of the hindlimb.
  131. LIV-2
    Medial side distal to fetlock joint, cranial to extensor branch of suspensory ligament.
  132. LIV-3
    Craniomedial aspect of the canon bone, at level of the head of the splint bone.
  133. LIV-8
    Depression 2 cun craniomedial to KID-10
  134. LIV-13
    Distal to end of 18th rib.
  135. LIV-14
    13th intercostal space at level of the elbow.
  136. GV-1
    Bepression between anus and the ventral aspect of the tail.
  137. GV-3
    On the midline in a depression between L4 and L5 vertebrae
  138. GV-4
    Depression on dorsal midline at intervetebral space L2-L3
  139. GV-14
    Depression at the cervicothoracic vertebral space (C7-T1)
  140. GV-16
    Depression between the occipital protuberences between GB-20.
  141. GV-20
    At highest point of the poll, in front of the nuchal crest.
  142. GV-24
    On face at rostral end of the mane.
  143. GV-26
    On upper lip between ventral limits of the nostrils.
  144. GV-28
    Inner surface of the upperlip on the midline of the maxillary labial vein
  145. CV-1
    Midline 1/2 way between anus and scrotum or vulva.
  146. CV-3
    4 cun caudal to umbilicus.
  147. CV-4
    3 cun caudal to umbilicus.
  148. CV-5
    2 cun caudal to umbilicus.
  149. CV-12
    Midway between xiphoid and umbilicus.
  150. CV-14
    At tip of xiphoid.
  151. CV-17
    At level of caudal border of elbow (midline of 4th intercostal space.)
  152. CV-22
    Midline, depression cranial to sternum.
  153. CV-23
    Ventral midline of neck, just in front of laryngeal head.
  154. CV-24
    Lower lip on midline, 1 cun ventral to the rim of the lower lip.
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Equine Acupuncture
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