AP2-Labtest 10/5

  1. What are the 3 formed elements of blood?
    • Erythrocytes (rbc)
    • Leukocytes (WBC)
    • Platelets
  2. What are the 2 different types of leukocytes?
    • Granulocytes- you can see the granules
    • Agranulocytes- you cannot see their granules
  3. What is the Wright's stain?
    • Stains leukocytes
    • Eosin-acidic, red orange stain
    • Base component- blue black stain
  4. What are the 3 granulocytes and what color do they turn in Wright's Stain?
    • Neutrophils- purple/lilac
    • Eosinophils- red orange
    • Basophils - black/blue
  5. Name the leukocytes from the most abundant to the least
    • Neutrophils- 50%-70%
    • Lymphocytes- 25%-45%
    • Monocytes 3%-8%
    • Eosinophils 2%-4%
    • Basophils- .5%-1%
  6. What does a neutrophil look like through a microscope?
    • Lilac/purple
    • Multi lobed nucleus
  7. What does a neutrophil do?
    Phagocytizes bacteria
  8. What does an eosinophil look like under a microscope?
    • red/orange
    • Nucleus is bilobed
  9. What is the function of an eosinophil?
    Fights parasitic infections
  10. What does a basophil look like under a microscope?
    • Blue Black
    • Nucleus is bilobed
    • Cell will have black spots on it
  11. What is the function of a basophil?
    Releases histamines
  12. Name the 2 Agranulocytes
    • Lympocytes
    • Monocytes
  13. What does a lymphocyte look like under the microscope?
    Nucleus takes up 90% of the cell
  14. What is the function of a lymphocyte?
    reduces antibodies
  15. What does a monocyte look like under a microscope?
    • Nucleus is U or kidney shaped
    • Has vacuoles
  16. What is the function of a monocyte?
    Develops into macrophages
  17. What are the protein complexes on an erythrocyte called?
  18. What is found in the plasma that determines blood type?
  19. Having Agglutinogen A means you have what type of blood?
  20. Having no agglutinogen means you have Blood type ___
  21. If you have Anti-A, what could your blood type be?
    B, O
  22. If you have Anti-B what coudl your blood type be?
    A, O
  23. If you have no Anti-a nor any Anti-B what is your blood type?
  24. What occurs during Antigen/antibody complex?
    • Conflicting Antigen and agglutinogen are in the same blood
    • It causes clumping
  25. What is Erythroblastosis Fetalis?
    When the newborn is born Rh positive and the mother is also Rh positive
Card Set
AP2-Labtest 10/5
Lab Test