Sleep disorders .txt

  1. How often do REM periods occur on average in the normal human adult?
    Every ninety minutes
  2. What have animal sleep studies shown to be true?
    All mammals show REM sleep
  3. Who was the first person to record the EEG, including the loss of alpha waves with sleep onset?
  4. When are sleep spindles in the EEG normally first observed?
    Sleep stage 2
  5. If an individual produced an EEG with delta waves present 60 percent of the time, what would it be scored as?
    Stage 4 sleep
  6. Who first collected dream reports from REM sleep?
    Dement and Kleitman
  7. On average, what is the incidence of dream reports from REM awakenings?
    90 percent
  8. What did Dement's studies of REM deprivation show?
    REM deprivation produces increased REM pressure
  9. Who founded the world's first full-time sleep disorders clinic?
    Dement in 1970
  10. Why were the results of sleep deprivation study with Peter Tripp biased?
    He secretly took large doses of a stimulant drug during the study
  11. What was found to be the cause of the Exxon Tragedy?
    Excessive sleep debt
  12. What does the means score of 2-3 minutes on the MSLT?
    Extreme sleep tendency
  13. As a rule of thumb, an average adult requires _____ of sleep for every _____ awake.
    One hour; two hours
  14. The statement "the brain keeps an exact accounting of how much sleep it is owed" seems to be correct.
    Nearly all of the time
  15. Studies have shown that large sleep debts are alarmingly common in which group?
    College students, truck drivers, nurses and doctors.
  16. What have studies shown about the interaction of sleep debt and alcohol intake?
    In the presence of high sleep debt, even very little alcohol can be deadly.
  17. Your textbook states that we are in the midst of pandemic of fatigue caused by which of the following?
    Our "work hard, play hard" ethic
  18. What is the relationship between sleep deprivation and wakefulness?
    All wakefulness is sleep deprivation
  19. Randy Gardner stayed awake for _____ hours and showed _____ symptoms of mental illness as a result.
    264; no
  20. What does research on total sleep deprivation in animals show?
    Rats die after about sixteen days
  21. What is the current thinking about the biological clock?
    Responsible for clock-dependent alerting, sole function is to promote alert wakefulness, functions only at certain times
  22. Which of the following is defined as an internal neural mechanism that regulates body and behavioral functions on 24-hour schedule?
    Biological clock
  23. Which of the following has occurred when a biological process and clock time are in synchrony?
  24. What is the current thinking about the homeostatic sleep drive?
    Its sole function is to promote sleep
  25. The process of clock-dependent alerting predicts that on an average there will be two daily peaks in alerting. When does this occur?
    Midmorning and early evening
  26. Which term refers to an individual who prefers to stay up late at night and who often feels most alert in the evening?
  27. According to the opponent-process model, wakefulness at any given moment is a product of which of the following?
    Clock dependent alerting and sleep debt
  28. In setting day/night sleep/wake cycle of the biological clock, which is the most important Zeitgeber?
  29. While early research suggested that the natural day/night cycle of the biological clock was about 25 hours, we now know that it is closer to which of the following?
  30. According to research, where is the biological clock located?
    Suprachiasmatic nucleus
  31. On average, how many hours per day do neonates sleep?
  32. Current research suggest that REM sleep comprises what percentage of total sleep time in newborns?
    50 percent
  33. When do parasomnias, such as sleepwalking and night terrors, often first appear?
    In toddlers/children
  34. According to recent research, how much sleep do teens 13-19 need?
  35. Compared to adults, what is the effect of equal amounts of sleep debt in teenagers?
    More impairment than adults
  36. Sleep scientists' work with teens has shown that their frequent delayed sleep phase syndrome produces an increase in the number of _____ among teens.
  37. Which of the following is a suggested solution for dealing with sleep debt in teens?
    Allowing afternoon nap, light therapy, avoiding exciting activities after 9 pm
  38. Women often report disrupted sleep during what time?
    Menstrual periods, pregnancy, menopause
  39. Which of the following is most likely to show an advanced sleep phase syndrome (lark) daily schedule?
  40. The incidence of sleep apnea is greatest in which age group?
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Sleep disorders .txt
sleep disorders