American Government 2nd Quiz

  1. What is Pluralist Theory?
    View poltics as a contest among intrest groups at all leves and branches of government, with an end goal of gaining.
  2. Do you believe the tea party contributed to the changes in the 2010 elections? Why or Why not?
    Yes, the tea party contributed to the changes seen in the 2010 elections. They brought up pressing issues and allowed the public to see this and were given information, which influenced them and they realized they also wanted changes. Therefore, the tea party affected the outcome of the elections by bringing up what they seen as an issue and informing the public about it.
  3. Political parties generally?
    Tend to have members with similar charecteristics (Race, age, income, education, marital status, and geographical)
  4. What are the symbols of the two major political parties (Democrats and Republicans)? What are their colors? What is their philosphy?
    • Democrats=Donkey=Blue=Liberal
    • Republicans=Elephant=Red=Conservative
  5. Why do intrest groups form?
    Change is usually a catalyst.
  6. Who are noteable democratic political leaders (past and present)?
    • President Barack Obama
    • Senator Harry Reid
    • Hillary and Bill Clinton
    • Senator Ted Kennedy
  7. What is a primary election?
    A pre-liminary election to choose a parties final canidte for an office.
  8. What are the functions of political parties?
    • Selecting canidates
    • Informing the public
    • Coordinate policy making
    • Check the power of the governing party
    • Balance competing interst
    • Running campaigns
  9. What are the differnces between intrest groups and political parties?
    • Intrest goups are often policy specialists, whereas political parties are policy generalists.
    • Political parties have broad based orginizations that must attract suport of opposing groups and consider a large number of groups and a large number of issues. Intrest groups in contrast may have a handful of key policies to push.
    • Interst groups are usually more tightly organized than political partes. They are oten financed through contributions or due paying members.
    • A political parties main sphere of influence is the electoral system. they run canidates for political office. Interst groups may try and have influence for the outcome of an election, but they do not compete in public office.
  10. What is an intrest group?
    • Orginization of people with common intrest and goals and they have objectives to persuade policymakers in government.
    • they operate on all levels
    • not the same as political parties
    • people share common objectives
  11. What are incentives of intrest groups?
    • Share common goals
    • Friendship
    • Raise awarness
    • Financial incentives
    • Serve as watchdogs on elected officials
    • Citizens explain views directly to elected officials
    • Provide legislature with detailed information to use in policy making.
  12. What are indirect techniques used by intrest groups?
    • 3rd party voters
    • Public opinion
    • Rating systmes
    • Issue Ads-Advertisments
    • 527's -tax code proisions -soft money
    • Mobilize constituients
    • Demonstrations
  13. What are political parties?
    A group of individuals who organize to win elections, operate the government and determine policy.
  14. What are the economic ideas of Democrats?
    • They favor minimum wage and progressive taxation.
    • "the more you earn the more you pay in taxes in government."
  15. What states are typically strong Democrats? What states are typically strong Republicans?
    • Democratic States
    • -California
    • -Maryland
    • -Massachusetts
    • Republican States
    • -Texas
    • -Oklahoma
    • -Kansas
  16. What are lobbyist?
    Individuals who handle a particular intrest groups lobbying efforts.
  17. What are Direct Techniques used by intrest groups?
    • Lobbying-attempt to influence legislation
    • Personal contact with legislators
    • Provide experience and research
    • Expert testimony
    • Provide Legal Advice
    • Follow up on Legislation
    • Political Election Support
  18. What are the different types of intrest groups?
    • Public intrest groups
    • Business
    • Agricultural
    • Consumer
    • Senior Citizens
    • Enviornmental
    • Proffessional
    • Single Issue
  19. What do you believe has fueled the anger of the individual involved with the tea party?
    The anger of the tea party first of all abviously comes from the rise in taxes. They are also angered by the governmetns involvement in healthcare and the goverments overspending and budgeting issues.
  20. Who are noteable Republican politial leaders (past and present)?
    • Representative John Boehner
    • Ronald Regan
    • George Bush
  21. Tea Party Supporter: Who are they? What do they believe?
    • 18% of Americans identify themselves as supporter
    • 89% are white
    • Tend to be older: 3 out of 4 are 45; 25% are 65 or older
    • 36% live in the south
    • Better educated 37% are college graduates
    • Tend to be more concerned with economic issues rather than social
    • Higher average household income
    • Conservative
    • 58% keep a gun in their home
  22. What are the economic ideas of Republicans?
    Believe taxes should not be increased and are very strong advocates for the free market system.
  23. What is lobbyig?
    Refers to all attemps by organizations or by individuals to influence the passage, defeat, or contents of legislation or influence the administration decisions of government.
  24. How do political parties select canidates?
    • Narrow the field: simply voting choices for the electorate.
    • -which is done by a primary election
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American Government 2nd Quiz
Questions to study for 2nd Quic in American Government