Theme of Acts
Birth & Growth of Church
Acts 1
Power from the Spirit to be Jesus' witness
Acts 2
Repent and be baptized
Acts 2
- Church priorities
- (teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer)
Acts 4
- Salvation in no one else
- (exclusivity)
Acts 5
The Holy Spirit is God
Acts 5
Obey God rather than man
Acts 13
Those appointed to eternal life believe
Acts 16
The Lord opens the heart
Acts 17
Examine the Scriptures to test what you hear
Theme of Romans
Romans 1
Gospel is the power of God
Romans 1
Nobody has an excuse for unbelief
Romans 2
God's kindness leads you to repentance
Romans 3
- No one is righteous
- (Total Depravity)
Romans 6
Jesus set you free from sin
Romans 6
- Free gift of God is eternal life
- (gospel in a nutshell)
Romans 7
We still struggle with sin
Romans 8
- No condemnation in Christ
- (gospel in a nutshell)
Romans 8
Life in the Spirit
Romans 8
God works all things for good for believers
Romans 8
Predestined to be conformed to image of Christ
Romans 8
Nothing can separate you from God's love
Romans 10
Confess and believe
Romans 12
Life of worship comes from renewed mind
Romans 13
Submit to government
Romans 16
Avoid divisive people