353 Nursing Management in F&E

  1. What is the nursing management for hypovolemia/hypervolemia?
    • -monitor I and O
    • -Monitor Cardio and respiratory changes
    • -Take daily weight
    • -Skin assessment
    • -Check neurologic function
  2. What is the nursing management for Hypernatremia?
    • -Treat underlyign cause
    • -Oral fluids cannot be ingested, IV of 5% dextrose in water or hypotonic saline
    • -Diuretics
  3. What is the nursing management for hyponatremia?
    • -Fluid restriction if water is excess
    • -Give small amounts of IV hypertonic saline solution (3% NaCl)
    • - Abnormal fluid loss, replace with sodium containing solution
    • -Vasopressins
  4. What is the nursing management for hyperkalemia?
    • -Elminate oral and parenteral K intake
    • -Increase elimination of K by diuretics, dialysis, Kayexalate
    • -Force K from ECF to ICF by IV insulin or sodium bicarbonate
    • -Reverse membrane effects of high K by administering calcium gluconate IV
  5. What is the nursing management for hypokalemia?
    • -KCL supplements orally or IV
    • -Should not exceed 10-20 meq/hr
  6. What is the nursing management for hypercalcemia?
    • -Excretion of Ca with loop diuretic
    • -Hydration with isotonic saline infusion
    • -Synthetic calcitonin
    • -Mobilization
  7. What is the nursing management for hypocalcemia?
    • -Treat cause
    • -Oral or IV calcium supplements, NOT IM
    • -Treat pain and anxiety to prevent hyperventilation induced respiratory alkalosis
  8. What is the nursing management for hyperphosphatemia?
    • -Identify and treat underlying cause
    • -Restrict foods and fluids containing phosphorus
    • -Adequate hydration and correction of hypocalcemia conditions
  9. What is the nursing management for hypophosphatemia?
    • -Oral supplementation
    • -Ingestion of foods high in phosphorus
    • -IV administration of sodium or potassium phosphate
  10. What is the nursing management for hypermagnesemia?
    • -Prevention
    • -Emergency treatment-IV CaCL or calcium gluconate
    • -Fluids to promote urinary excretion
  11. What is the nursing management of hypomagnesemia?
    • -Oral supplements
    • -Increase dietary intake
    • -Parenteral IV or IM magnesium when severe
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353 Nursing Management in F&E
353 Nursing Management in F&E