Exersize 2.1 B

  1. 1. λεγει
    it says
  2. 2. άκοὐειϛ
    you hear
  3. 3. γράφουσιν
    they write
  4. 4. θέλομεν
    we will
  5. 5. ἒχω
    I have
  6. 6. εύρίσκετε
    youse find
  7. 7. έσθίουσιν
    they eat
  8. 8. λαμβάνει
    it takes
  9. 9.ἒχει
    it has
  10. 10. εθρίσκειϛ
    you find
  11. 11. ἒρθίω
    i eat
  12. 12. ἀκούουσιν
    they hear
  13. 13. γράφομεν
    we write
  14. 14. θέλετε
    youse will
  15. 15. λἐγω
    I say
  16. 16. γρἀφειϛ
    you write
  17. 17. λαμβάνετε
    youse take
  18. 18. θέλειϛ
    you will
  19. 19. ἀκούομεν
    we hear
  20. 20 ἒχουσι
    they have
  21. 21. λέγομεν
    we say
  22. 22. λαμβάνειϛ
    you take
  23. 23.  εύρἰσκουσιν
    they find
  24. 24. θἐλει
    it will
Card Set
Exersize 2.1 B
Verb with random declinations.