French Vocabulary

  1. Acidifier (ah SEE deef yay)
    To add lemon juice or vinegar to fruits, vegetables, and fish to prevent oxidation.
  2. Affuter (AH foot tay)
    To refine and preserve the cutting edge of a knife blade using a fine grain steel or stone.
  3. Aiguiser (AY ghee zay)
    To make the dull edge of a knife sharp and cutting with the use of a steel or stone.
  4. Allumettes (AH loo met)
    • Literally: matches
    • Very thin French fries
  5. Anglaise (on GLEZ)
    To cook in boiling water (potatoes, vegetables)
  6. Aplatir (AH plah teer)
    Flattening a piece of meat or fish in order to make it more tender and facilitate cooking or stuffing.
  7. Batonnet (Bah toh nay)
    • Literally: litte stick
    • Cut vegetables into sticks
  8. Beurre Noisette (BURR nwah zet)
    • Literally: hazelnut butter
    • Butter that is cooked to a light brown color and has a nutty flavor
  9. Bechamel (BAY shah mel) - accent on first e
    White sauce made from milk and a white roux. One of the basic sauces of classic cuisine, named after Louis XIV's Maitre d'Hotel, Marquis de Bechamel
  10. Blanchir (BLON sheer)
    To place vegetables or meats in cold water and then bring to a boil (or plunge in boiling water) in order to precook, soften, or remove an excess flavor (acidity, saltiness, bitterness)
  11. Bouchon (BOO shon)
    To slice a vegetable into the shape of a cylinder or a cork.
  12. Bouquet Garni (Boo kay GAR nee)
    A mixture of herbs (thyme, bay leaf, celery stalk, and parsley stems) enclosed in the green portion of a leek used to flavor dishes during cooking.
  13. Brider (BREE day)
    To tie a bird into a compact shape to ensure even cooking.
  14. Brunoise (BROON wahz)
    Vegetable cut into very regular cubes.
  15. Chateau (SHUH toe)
    A large turned potato with seven sides.
  16. Cheveux (SHUH voy)
    One of the potato "frying" cuts, very thinly sliced.
  17. Ciseler (SEE zuh lay)
    • 1. To finely chop; a manner of finely cutting onions, shallots, and garlic.
    • 2. To shred; to finely slice leaves of green vegetables (lettuce, sorrel).
  18. Concasser (KON kah say)
    To break up coarsely with a knife or a pestle in a mortar.
  19. Deglacer (DAY glah say) - accent on top of the first e
    To dissolve the substance attached to the bottom of a pan with liquid.
  20. Demilune (DUH mee loon)
    A half moon cut, associated with carrots.
  21. Des (Day) - accent over the e
    Cubes; small regular squares.
  22. Ecumer (AY koo may) - Accent over the first e
    To remove the foam from the surface of a boiling liquid.
  23. Emonder (AY mon day) - accent over the first E
    To remove the skin of certain fruits or vegetables (peaches, tomatoes) by plunging into boiling water, cooling them in an ice bath and pulling the loosened skin off.
  24. Emincer (AY man say) - accent over the first E
    To cut into thin slices.
  25. Friturier (free toor yay)
    The chef de partie responsible for preparing fried foods.
  26. Fumet (FOO may)
    Basic stock made from fish and used to make sauces
  27. Fusil (FOO zee)
    Sharpening steel; long, rounded, metal rod used to maintain the cutting edge of a knife.
  28. Garniture (GAR nee toor)
    An accompaniment to a dish (usually vegetable based).
  29. Hacher (AH shay)
    To chop very finely with a knife.
  30. Julienne (JOOL yen)
    Cut into very fine strips (e.g. vegetables).
  31. Liaison (LEE ay zon)
    Thickener; element or mixture used to thicken a liquid or sauce.
  32. Macedoine (may SAY dawn) - accent over first E
    A mixture of vegetables or fruits cut into small cubes.
  33. Mandoline (MON doh leen)
    A long rectangular kitchen tool made of stainless steel with two blades, one straight, the other wavy. The mandolin is used to slice vegetables very finely and to make gaufrettes.
  34. Mirepoix (MEER pwah)
    Vegetables cut into cubes, the size depending on the length of cooking. It also refers to a certain blend of aromatic vegetables (onions, carrot and celery).
  35. Mise en place (MEES ahn plaz)
    Means everything in its place, advance preparation.
  36. Napper (nah PAY)
    To cover food, savory or sweet with a light layer of sauce, aspic or jelly.
  37. Passer (PAH say)
    To strain; generally using a strainer or china cap sieve.
  38. Paysanne (PIE zhan)
    Is a cut used as an aromatic garnish. Vegetables are cut into thin triangular or square shapes.
  39. Pince (PAN say)
    Pincer la tomate: To add tomato paste to ingredients while they are sauteing and let it cook until it darkens, to add flavor, color, and texture to the finished dish.
  40. Poeler (PWAH lay) - triangle accent on first E
    To cook large pieces of meat in a covered cocotte over a garniture aromatique that has been sweated in butter
  41. Pommes de terre
  42. Pont neuf (PON nuff)
    Large stick cuts for potatoes
  43. Quatre-epices (KAT ray peess) - accent on E in 'epices'
    A mixture of ground spices made up of pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. Often used to flavor meat stuffings.
  44. Rafraichir (RAH fray sheer) - triangle accent on first I
    To plunge a food into an ice bath after cooking in order to halt the cooking process and cool the food quickly
  45. Roux (ROO)
    A cooked mixture of equal parts by weight of fat and flour.
  46. Rouelle (ROO elle)
    The method of cutting layered or hollow vegetables (onions, peppers) into rings.
  47. Sauter (SOH tay)
    To saute; to cook with coloring over high heat, stirring often in order to prevent sticking
  48. Singer (SAN jay)
    To sprinkle with flour at the start of cooking in order to eventually thicken the sauce
  49. Suer (SOO ay)
    To gently cook vegetables in a little fat without coloring in order to bring out their flavor
  50. Veloute (vuh LOO tay) - accent over last E
    A thickened sauce/soup made from a stock and a roux
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French Vocabulary
French Vocabulary Handout