AP US History Ch. 6-8

  1. French and Indian War
    • 1754
    • George Washington encroaches Ohio River Valley
    • (America's 7 years war)
  2. Albany Congress
    • Discussion of a union of the colonies
    • All agreed to union, but could not give up stuff
  3. Peach of Paris (1763)
    France deported from colonies

    Americans want freedom, British vs. French
  4. Foundation of Quebec
    • 1608
    • Samuel de Champlain
    • St. Lawrence River
  5. coureurs de bois
    • runners of the woods (fur trappers)
    • hunting for beavers
    • treked across American plains
  6. Jesuits
    • try to convert Indians to catholicism
    • explored and aided with geography
  7. Antoine Cadillac
    • 1701 Detroit
    • "the City of Straits"
  8. Robert de La Salle
    • 1682 down the Mississippi river
    • Louisiana
    • 1687 Mutiny
  9. New Orleans
    Established in 1718
  10. French trading posts (before French and Indian War)
    Kaskaskia, Cahokia, and vincennes
  11. Peace at Utrecht
    • 1713
    • England wins Newfoundland and pinched St. Lawrence
    • Won trading rights with Spanish-War of Jenkins Ear
  12. War of Jenkin's Ear
    • 1739
    • James Oglethorpe suppresses Spanish
    • Caribbean Sea
  13. War of Austrian Succession's Peace Treaty
    • 1748
    • Louisbourg back to French
  14. Fort Duquesne
    • 1754
    • Washington and 150 take fort
    • French reinforcements-fall back to Fort Necessity
  15. Fort Necessity
    • July 1754
    • Washington surrenders, walks away
  16. Franklin's contribution to Albany Congress
    Join or Die
  17. General Braddock
    • 1755 with 2000 men- attack Fort Duquesne
    • Incounters smaller force before FD-LOSES!!!
Card Set
AP US History Ch. 6-8
The Revolutionary Era