History Russia AOS2 Dates

  1. SOVNARKOM new decrees
    November 1917
  2. Formation of the Cheka
    7 December 1917
  3. Dismissal of the Constituent Assembly
    6 January 1918
  4. Decree on 'Seperation of Church and State"
    23 January 1918
  5. Founding of Red Army
    23 February 1918
  6. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk signed by Sovnarkom
    3 March 1918
  7. Beginning of Civil War in Russia
    January 1918
  8. Decree on Nationalisation - start of War Communism
    28 June 1918
  9. Execution of Romanovs at Ekaterinburg
    17 July 1918
  10. Kronstadt Revolt
    7 - 17 March 1921
  11. New Economic Policy (NEP) introduced
    8 March 1921
  12. Lenin's first stroke
    26 May 1922
  13. Lenin dictates his testament, a "Political Will"
    25 December 1922
  14. Trotsky notes the "scissors crisis"
    17- 25 April 1923
  15. The GPU (Cheka), is renamed OPGU
    6 July 1923
  16. Death of Lenin
    21 January 1924
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History Russia AOS2 Dates
History Russia AOS2 Dates