burns and cancer.txt

  1. Rule of Nines
    way of estimating the volume of fluid lost by computing the percentage of body surface burned. The body is divided into 11 areas, each accounting for 9% of the total body area, plus an additional 1% in the genital area
  2. Rule of Nines percentages
    remember to account for anterior and posterior - head and neck 4.5%, upper limbs 4.5% each, trunk 18%, perineum 1%, lower limbs 9% each
  3. First degree burns
    only epidermis is damaged; has swelling and pain, heals in 2-3 days
  4. Second degree burns
    epidermis and upper region of dermis are damaged; mimics first degree but shows blisters, heals in 3-4 weeks
  5. Third degree burns
    involves entire thickness of skin; appears blanched, cherry red or blackened, nerve endings have been destroyed; skin grafting is often necessary
  6. basal cell carcinoma
    least malignant and most common form of cancer; cells of the stratum basale invade dermis & epidermis; usually involves areas of body exposed to sunlight
  7. squamous cell carcinoma
    arises from keratinocytes of the stratum spinosum; grows rapidly and metastasizes to adjacent lymph nodes; if caught early, with surgery and radiation complete cure is good
  8. melanoma
    most dangerous skin cancer and most rare - 5% of all skin cancers; cancer of melanocytes; usually appears as a spreading brown to black patch that metastasizes rapidly. Survival rate is 50% with early detection
  9. ABCDE rule
    Asymmetry; Border irregularity; Color; Diameter; Elevation
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burns and cancer.txt
burns and cancer info from integumentary system chapter, Ivy Tech A&P 101