SF340 Powerplant

  1. What engines are on the Saab 340? 14-1
    GE CT7-9B
  2. How much power do the CT7-9B engines produce? 14-1
    1750 SHP at 35C at sea level
  3. What controls the intel variable guide vanes? 14-1
  4. How many fuel pumps are installed on each engine? 14-2
  5. What fuel pumps are installed on each engine? 14-2
    HMU HP Pump and Main Fuel Pump
  6. How many fuel pumps are on the Saab 340? 14-2 & 9-10
  7. What is used to prevent bird ingestion into the engine? 14-3
    Inlet protection device (interial separator)
  8. Where are objects directed after being caught in the inlet protection device? 14-3
    Overboard through a duct on the underside of the nacelle
  9. Where do items such as sand and hail exit after being seperated from the airflow? 14-3
    Through the separator duct and out the tailpipe
  10. What prevents power levers from being retarded below flight idle in flight? 14-4
    Automatic Flight Idle Stop
  11. The Flight Idle Stop will automatically open at touchdown with what inputs? 14-4
    • Both main gear down lock switches
    • Anti-skid computer (for wheel speed monitoring)
    • Both WOW systems
  12. What is the placarded operating range for the power levers? 14-4
  13. What position on the power lever is identified by a detent? 14-4
  14. How is the FI Stop opened with a WOW failure? 14-5
    By pulling the FI STOP OVRD knob
  15. When is the FI Stop automatically opened? 14-5
    • When either main gear is down and locked AND:
    • Any wheel speed exceeds 25 kts OR either WOW detects the A/C is on the ground
  16. If the gear is not retracted when does the FI stop automatically close? 14-5
    • Both WOW systems detect the A/C is airborne
    • All wheel speeds decrease below 9 kts
  17. What indication is given if while on the ground with the FI STOP OVRD knob pulled, the left engine is started? 14-6
    A red CONFIG warning
  18. Can the CONFIG warning be cancelled for a FI STOP OVRD knob pulled while starting the left engine? 14-6
    No, the condition lever must be returned to fuel off
  19. What is the placarded operating range for condition levers? 14-6
  20. The engine driven alternator supplies the Engine Electrical System through a seperate for the operation of what? 14-7
    • Ignition exciter power supply
    • DECU power supply
    • ENG (Ng) indicator signal
  21. Are there any controls or indications for the Engine Electrical System? 14-7
  22. What are the three modes of the igntion system? 14-9
    Start Ignition, Auto Ignition, Continuous Ignition
  23. When is Start Ignition available? 14-9
    When the switch is in NORM, ignition is activated when the start relay closes and terminates when the start relay opens at the end of a start cycle
  24. Auto ignition occurs when the DECU detects what?
    Engine flameout or Np over speed
  25. How long is Auto Ignition activated for? 14-9
    At least 7 seconds
  26. When is Continuous Ignition active? 14-9
    When the switch is selected to CONT or when power is lost from the respective battery bus
  27. When will the respective IGN light illuminate on the status panel? 14-9
    • Anytime the switch is selected to CONT or when NORM is selected and any of the following occur:
    • Engine Start Cycle
    • Auto Relight is activated
    • Control power is lost
    • The power tubine over speeds
  28. What is used to preventy fuel filter icing? 14-10
    Fuel Heater
  29. What is the heat source for the fuel heater? 14-10
    Prop gear box oil
  30. Is fuel eating pilot controlled? 14-10
    No, it is automatically regulated by a thermal sensor
  31. Can the engine operate without a working main pump? 14-10
    Yes, standby pressure is sufficient
  32. Can the engine operate without a HP pump from the HMU? 14-10
  33. What functions does the HMU provide? 14-10
    • -Fuel scheduling for the metering valve of Ng governing
    • -Controls actuation of the inlet guide vanes and AI/SBV
    • -Protects the gas generator spool from over speeding
    • -Accomplishes engine shutdown by means of fuel shutoff valve
  34. How does the HMU protect the gas generator from over speeding? 14-10
    By automatically shutting fuel off at 110% Ng
  35. The DECU accomplishes what functions? 14-12
    • Np over speed protection
    • Auto ignition
    • Bottom governing
  36. At what speed does the DECU shut off fuel for Np over speeding? 14-12
    25000 power tubine RPM or 1572 PRPM
  37. When will the fuel shut off valve be reopened due to a prop over speed? 14-12
    When power turbine RPM decreases below 25000 RPM
  38. What prop RPM does bottom governing maintain? 14-12
    Min. of 1040 PRPM
  39. During maximum reversing prop RPM increases to what RPM? 14-12
    1200 PRPM
  40. Where must the condition lever be in order to obtain bottom governing? 14-12
    MIN-MAX range
  41. What is the function of Bottom Governing? 14-12
    To maintain a minimum prop RPM during taxi and reverse operations.
  42. What controls CTOT and APR operation? 14-13
    The DECU through the HMU torque motor
  43. If a flameout should occur what % increase does the APR provide? 14-13
    7% increase to the operating engine
  44. What procedure is done to correct a DECU failure that is causing over-temp, over-torque or prop over-speed? 14-13
    Torque motor lockout
  45. While in T/M range where is fuel vented to? 14-13
    Fuel is vented overboard so it is important to not stay in T/M range
  46. Does T/M lockout affect propeller governing? 14-13
  47. What "normal" functions will be lost if operating in the T/M lockout? 14-13
    Bottom governing, CTOR and APR
  48. Before selecting the CTOT switch to ON or APR power should be set to? 14-14
    Within 15-20% of target torque, but no lower than 75%
  49. What temperature will the CTOT limit the engine to? 14-14
    955 degrees C
  50. Does the CTOT provide torque and temp protection during T/O and GA? 14-14
    Yes, it will increase to selected torque value or 955 degrees C whichever occurs first.
  51. Does the Autocoarsen switch have to be on to achieve APR function? 14-14
  52. What is indicated by an oil pressure gauge reading zero without a CWP light on? 14-15
    Failure of the oil pressure gauge
  53. With a leak in oil pressure what would typically be noticed? 14-15
    Pressure dropping to around 20psi and fluctuating, followed by either constant or decreasing oil temp due to air being introduced into the line
  54. How is scavange oil cooled? 14-15
    By an oil-to-fuel cooler and then directed to the inlet frame vanes to aid in inlet anti-icing which further cools the oil
  55. Of the 5 quarts in the prop gear box reservoir how much is kept for a reserve for emergency feathering? 14-17
    1 quart
  56. With the PL above FLT IDLE what psi triggers an OIL PRESS CWP? 14-18
    25 psi
  57. With the PL below FLT IDLE what psi triggers an OIL PRESS CWP? 14-18
    Below 7 psi
  58. What is a characteristic of a pressure transducer failure for the oil system? 14-18
    Indication will rapidly go to zero or to the upper limit of the gauge
  59. What is indicated by an illuminated ENG OIL PRESS light on the CWP? 14-18
    The associated prop gear box OR engine oil pressure is low
  60. What is the governer speed control range? 14-19
    1150 to 1396 PRPM
  61. On the Dowty props what is used to drive the engine to feathered position? 14-19
    Prop oil pressure
  62. With a loss of prop oil pressure will the prop feather when CL is in fuel off? 14-20
  63. How is the prop feathered after a loss of prop oil pressure? 14-20
    Using the MAN FEATHER pump
  64. What are the 2 different modes for Autocoarsen system? 14-29
    High or low power modes
  65. AUTOCOARS LOW light illuminates when which conditions exist? 14-30
    • One or both PLA less than 64 degrees
    • Ng greater than 55% on both engines
    • Starter/gen rpm greater than 60% on both engines
  66. Autocoarsen is activated in low mode when which conditions exist? 14-30
    • Ng less than 55% on the failed engine
    • Starter/gen rpm less than 60% on the failed engine
    • Ng greater than 55% on operarting engine
  67. What would cause the prop to un-coarsen? 14-30
    The AUTOCOARSEN switch is selected to OFF
  68. What conditions must be met for the AUTOCOARS HIGH light to illuminate? 14-31
    • PLA greater than 64 degrees
    • Torque at least 50%
    • P3 more than 120 psi
  69. Autocoarsen is activated in high mode if what conditions exist? 14-31
    • PLA greater then 64 degrees on both engines
    • Torque greater than 50% on operating engine
    • Torque less than 50% on the failed engine
    • Torque differential greater than 25% between engines
    • P3 less than 120 psi on the failed engine
  70. What is indicated by an illuminated AUTOCOARS CWP light? 14-31
    Autocoarsen computer has failed
  71. What is used to keep both props at the same RPM? 14-32
    A prop syncrophaser
  72. Which prop is considered the Master prop in the synchrophasing system? 14-32
    The left prop is the master and controls the right prop (slave) *Hamilton Standard*
  73. What does the phasing portion of the prop sync do? 14-33
    Positions the blades so only one blade crosses the wing root at a time between both engines
  74. At what tempature do the ENGINE OV TEMP lights illuminate? 14-34
    962 degrees celsius
  75. Which engine gauge operates in digital and analog? 14-34
Card Set
SF340 Powerplant
Saab 340 Powerplant