
  1. Systems of the brain that controls anxiety and insomnia
    Limbic System and Reticular Activating System (RAS)
  2. Stage IV NREM
    • deepest stage of sleep and necessary to prevent feeling tired and depressed
    • patients who are deprived of this stage experience depression and a feeling of apathy and fatigue
    • linked to repair and restoration of the physical body
    • sleep walking and nightmares in children happen in this stage
  3. BuSpar
    • Buspirone
    • may take several weeks to see effects
    • MOA: unclear, but may be related to dopamine receptors-high affinity for serotonin (inhibitory) receptors and agonistic effect on dopamin (inhibitory) receptors
    • SE: dizziness, headache, drowsiness
  4. Major SE of Ambien
    Somnambulance- doing things in your sleep and having no recollection
  5. Situational Anxiety
    • due to stressful environment
    • can motivate ppl to get things done
    • most ppl learn to cope and dont get med help
  6. For stress/treatment to be effective
    Cause Must be Determined
  7. Seizure Meds
    effective treatment for anxiety
  8. Benzodiazepines uses
    • medication of choice to manage various anxiety disorders and insomnia due to low risk of abuse/dependence
    • Alcohol withdraw
    • seizure treatment (valium)
    • central muscle relaxation
    • induction agent in general anesthesia
  9. Benzodiazepines Action
    binds to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor-chloride molecule by intensifying effects of GABA (inhibitory) neurotransmitter
  10. SSRIs SEs
    • Very few side effects
    • weight gain and sexual dysfunction (2 biggest reasons patients do not comply)
  11. Should be avoided when taking MAOIs
    • Tyramine (naturally occuring monoamine acts as a catecholamine) foods containing: aged cheeses, avacadoes, bananas, eggplant, oranges, plums, processed foods, soy
    • also avoid caffeine-can cause hypertensive crisis
  12. Why are Barbiturates rarely used to treat anxiety?
    b/c they have serious side effects
  13. BiPolar
    cycles of mania and depression
  14. Patients just starting on meds for depression are...
    highest risk for suicide
  15. Lithium
    • patients must have their levels checked b/c can become too toxic or too low and still have episodes of mania
    • Therapeutic range 0.6-1.2
    • Stabilized patients should be able to explain the sins and symptoms of toxicity and how to avoid it.
    • good choice for bipolar
  16. ADHD
    • children stabilized on meds should be able to have normal play with peers
    • avoid appetite suppression by giving med after meals and snacks
  17. Seasonal Affective Disorders
    occur during the winter months when there is limited sum exposure
  18. MAOI actions
    prevent depression by preventing the destruction of Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, and Serotonin
  19. Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia
    being withdrawn, not talking, and not interacting with the environment
  20. Antipsychotic medications for schizophrenia have what type of side effects?
    • Anticholinergic side effects
    • urinary retention, dry mouth...
  21. Tardive Dyskinesia
    unusual tongue and facial movements (lip smacking and wormlike tongue movements) that come with use of anipsychotic meds
  22. Clozapine (Clozaril)
    • Atypical antipsychotic
    • used to treat sschizophrenia
    • can cause serious side effects-low white blood count that can be life threatening
    • treats positive and negative symptoms
  23. Narcan
    • used to reat overdose of narcotics, including PCA pumps
    • completely reverses the effects of the narcotics, including bringing back the pain
  24. Before giving Any pain med, a nurse should first?
    assess the patients pain level on a scale of 1-10
  25. Serious side effect of narcotics
    Respiratory depression
  26. Tinnitus
    • ringing in ears
    • an adverse side effect of Aspirin therapy
  27. Acetaminophen
    • hepatotoxic
    • contraindicated for patients with liver disease and alcoholics
  28. Visceral pain
    dull, aching pain
  29. Action of med to stop migraine pain?
    vasoconstriction of certain intracranial arteries
  30. Cross Tolernce
    example- alcoholic patient requiring additional anesthesia for surgery
  31. Cocaine OD can lead to:
    cardiac dysrhythias and death
  32. smoking + oral contraceptives =
    higher risk for lung cancer
  33. alcohol withdraw symptoms
    tremors, anxiety, confusion, and delirium
  34. Malignant hyperthermia
    most serious side effect of inhaled anethesia
  35. What is added to local anethesia to control bleeding and extend the duration of the anesthetic?
  36. Most common side effect of spinal anesthesia?
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exam III