2010.03 종로 Day 2_수정.txt

  1. revisit
    1. to visit a place or situation that you have been in before: Last week he revisited his old neighbourhood. 2. to consider or discuss something again: I think that's a subject which will have to be revisited.
  2. outgrow
    1. to be unable to wear a piece of clothing because you have grown: She's outgrown all her school clothes.
  3. outgrow
    2. to change as you grow up, so that you no longer behave in the way that you used to or no longer like the same things: Childhood friends often outgrow each other.
  4. outgrow
    3. to become bigger, more successful, more popular etc, in a way that makes your previous methods or activities no longer suitable: Company bosses feel they have outgrown their original market.
  5. plot
    a secret plan to do something bad, made by two or more people: an assassination plot: a plot against the government. The two men are accused of a plot to bomb an American plane.
  6. talk someone through something
    to explain to someone in detail how something should be done: He talked me through the whole process of sending email.
  7. to say the least
    used for saying that you could have expressed something in a much stronger way: I found the flight rather uncomfortable, to say the least.
  8. jump into something
    to become involved in a situation very quickly: He jumped headlong into organizing the event.
  9. spawn
    the eggs of a frog or fish protected by a transparent layer
  10. offspring
    1. someone's child or children: conflicts between parents and offspring. 2. something that has developed as a result of something else: Jungle is an offspring of techno and jazz.
  11. equestrian
    relating to riding horses: the national equestrian team
  12. boot camp
    1. a place where young criminals are treated very strictly and have to do hard physical exercise. 2. a camp for training people who have just joined the US armed forces
  13. break a leg
    "Break a leg" is a well-known saying in theatre which means "good luck". It is typically said to actors and musicians before they go out onto stage to perform.
  14. security
    the department within an organization that protects buildings and workers: If you won't leave, I'll have to call security.
  15. call off
    1. to decide that something will not happen: She's called off the wedding.
  16. call off
    2. to decide to stop something that is already happening: With the weather worsening, they've called off the search for survivors.
  17. call off
    3. to tell an animal or person to stop attacking or chasing someone: I yelled to the man to call off his dog.
  18. nod
    to move your head first downwards and then upwards, to answer 'Yes' to a question or to show that you agree, approve, or understand: I expected an argument, but she merely nodded and went out. The manager nodded his understanding.
  19. hash out
    to discuss a plan or agreement in order to agree about the details: We hashed out some of the details of the plan.
  20. ramble
    1. to talk for a long time in a confused way, especially about other things instead of the subject that you should be talking about. 2. to go for a long walk in the countryside for enjoyment
  21. in the making
    in the process of being created or produced: We are witnessing a piece of history in the making.
  22. count
    to be important, or to have influence: You're late, but you're here, and that's what counts. What really counts is whether you have good computing skills. They made me feel my views didn't count for anything.
  23. vows
    a set of promises that people make to each other, for example during a wedding ceremony: The couple exchanged vows in a simple church ceremony.
  24. someone's strong suit
    something that someone does well: Tact has never been his strong suit.
  25. stand for something
    1. if a letter or symbol stands for something, it represents a word or idea, especially as a short form: What does ATM stand for?
  26. stand for something
    2. to support a particular set of ideas, values, or principles: It's hard to tell what the party stands for these days.
  27. cut someone down
    if a weapon, bullet, or illness cuts someone down, it kills or injures them
  28. observatory
    a study centre or a building with a telescope which scientists called astronomers use to study the stars and planets
  29. Griffith Observatory
    Griffith Observatory is in Los Angeles, California, United States. The observatory is a popular tourist attraction with an extensive array of space- and science-related displays.
  30. loved one
    someone who you care about very much, especially a member of your family
  31. pocket
    a small area which has a particular quality that makes it different from the areas around it: There are still pockets of resistance to the government forces.
  32. brink
    1. the top of a very steep cliff.
  33. brink
    2. the brink: the point in time when something very bad or very good is about to happen: She believed she was on the brink of discovering a cure for cancer. The crisis brought the two nations to the brink of war. A late goal pulled the team back from the brink of defeat.
  34. outrun
    1. to run faster than someone else. 2. to avoid getting caught by moving faster than someone who is chasing you. 3. to develop or increase more quickly than something else
  35. cortex
    the outer layer of your brain or another organ
  36. cerebrum
    the front part of your brain that controls thinking, learning, and feeling. It is divided into two halves called cerebral hemispheres.
  37. cerebral cortex
    the outer layer of the cerebrum
  38. disorient or disorientate
    1. to make someone confused about where they are or what direction they are moving in: The sudden drop in altitude disorientated the young pilot. 2. to make someone unable to think clearly or make sensible decisions
  39. keep your head down
    to continue doing something quietly, especially when there is trouble happening around you: I have got to keep my head down and play it as it comes.
  40. break the news to someone/ to break "it" to someone
    to tell someone some important news, usually bad news: I hate to be the one to break it to you, but your wife has been cheating on you.
  41. affirmative
    1. showing that you mean 'yes': an affirmative answer. 2. showing support for something.
  42. commence
    to begin, or to begin something: The lawyers are preparing for the trial, which commences in 30 days. In 1993 the company commenced drilling on the property.
  43. level
    1. to make something flat: Level the ground carefully before you start to lay the paving stones.
  44. level
    2. to destroy a building or group of buildings: Hundreds of houses were levelled by the tornado.
  45. level
    3. to make something equal: James' goal levelled the score at three all.
  46. memento
    something that you keep to remind you of a particular person, place, or experience: Crockett kept the cross as a memento of his trip.
  47. commemorate
    to show that you remember an important person or event by having a special ceremony, or by creating a special object: A huge bronze statue commemorating the poet stands in the main square.
  48. burn
    an exclamatory response, generally used by a third party after someone has just received an insult.
  49. be a pain (in the neck/butt/ass)
    to be very annoying. You can also say be a pain in the bum or arse but these expressions are impolite: You're being a real pain!
  50. clog
    a shoe with a wooden sole (=bottom part), especially a shoe that does not cover your heel
  51. scare away or scare off
    1. to make someone feel so frightened or worried that they do not do something that they had planned to do: The city's high murder rate has scared away tourists.
  52. scare away or scare off
    2. to make someone so frightened that they run away: The attacker was scared away when the woman started to scream.
  53. zealous
    full of great energy, effort, and enthusiasm, especially in your political or religious ideas
  54. overzealous
    doing something so much that it causes problems
  55. foible
    a way of thinking or behaving that is unusual and strange or annoying
  56. stick with someone
    to stay close to someone and go with them wherever they go, especially so that they can help or protect you: Stick with me and you'll be all right.
  57. stick with something
    to continue to do or use something, and not change it: They're going to stick with the same team as last Saturday. We had a tough time for a few years, but we stuck with it.
  58. stick with someone
    if something sticks with you, you continue to remember it clearly: It was a moment that has stuck with me for years.
  59. full-blown
    1. a full-blown flower is completely open. 2. in its most complete and developed form: a full-blown economic crisis. Not all HIV patients develop full-blown AIDS.
  60. sort through something
    to look at a lot of things in order to find what you want or need: She sorted through her handbag for her keys.
  61. push for
    1. to continue trying to achieve something despite opposition or difficulties: push ahead with or push forward with: They are pushing for plans to expand production.
  62. push for
    2 .to move further towards a place in a determined way, or in spite of opposition or difficulties: John pushed forward into the dark entrance of the cave.
  63. push for
    3. to try to make people recognize someone's qualities or abilities: Nicola was never one to miss out on a chance to push herself forward.
  64. pony up (something)
    to pay (something): They ponied up $4.1 million for the Bush campaign.
  65. literally
    1. in the most basic, obvious meanings of the words that are used: There's an Italian dessert called tiramisu, which literally means 'pull me up'. Children take things literally when they hear them from a teacher.
  66. literally
    2. used for showing that what you are saying is really true and is not just an impressive way of describing something: Now there are literally thousands of companies using our software.
  67. literally
    3. used when you are describing something in an extreme way that cannot be true: When I told him the news he literally exploded.
  68. barely
    used for saying that something almost does not happen or exist, or is almost not possible: He was so dizzy he could barely stand. The roads were barely wide enough for two cars to pass.
  69. put someone/something first
    to decide that someone or something is more important than anything else: I always put my marriage first.
  70. break even
    for income to equal expenses: Unfortunately, my business just managed to break even last year. I made a bad investment, but I broke even. After a bad year in 1995, the company just about broke even in 1996. Some of the books we publish do not sell enough copies to break even.
  71. the best/better part of something
    almost all of something, especially a period of time: The journey will take him the best part of a year.
  72. choked or choked up
    feeling so sad, angry, excited etc that you find it difficult to speak: I was really choked when I heard the news.
  73. fall to bits/pieces
    1. to be in a very bad condition because of being old or badly made: The furniture's falling to pieces.
  74. fall to bits/pieces
    2. to be so upset or unhappy that you cannot behave normally
  75. fall to bits/pieces
    3. if a theory, system, or relationship falls to pieces, it no longer works
  76. make sense of something
    to understand something that is complicated or unusual: We've been trying to make sense of our dreams.
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2010.03 종로 Day 2_수정.txt
2010.03 ver.02