Achebe, Achinua
Things Fall Apart
Atwood, Margaret
The andmaid's Tale
Beckett, Samuel
Waiting for Godot
Brown, Dan
The Da Vinci Code
Calvino, Italo
A Winter's Tale
Cisneros, Sandra
House on Mango Street
Erdrich, Louise
Love Medicine
Ford, Richard
The Sportswriter
Garcia Marquez, Gabriel
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Hosseine, Khaled
The Kite Runner
Ishiguro, Kazuo
The Remains of the Day
Jones, Edward P.
The Known World
Kostova, Elizabeth
The Historian
McCourt, Frank
Angela's Ashes
Nafisi, Azar
Reading Lolita in Tehran
Proulx, Annie
The Shipping News
Rushdie, Salman
Satanic Verses
Soyinka, Wole
Death and the King's Horsemen
Walker, Alice
The Color Purple