Algebra 2 Vocab

  1. Integers
  2. Natural Numbers
    • Counting Numbers
    • 1,2,3...
  3. Opposites

    • Additive Inverse

    • 3 = -3

  4. Reciprocal
    • Multiplicable Inverse
    • 1/2 = -2
  5. Closure Property
    • Of Addition: 1+2=3
    • Of Multiplication: 1*2=2
  6. Commutative Property
    • Of Addition: 1+2=2+1
    • Of Multiplication: 1*2=2*1
  7. Associative Property
    • Of Addition: (1+2)+3=1+(2+3)
    • Of Multiplication: (1*2)3=1(2*3)
  8. Identity Property
    • Of Addition: 1+0=1, 0+1=1

    • Of Multiplication: 5*1=5, 1*5=5

  9. Inverse Property
    • Of Addition: 2+(-2)=0
    • Of Multiplication: 2*1/2=1
  10. Distributive Property
    1(2+3)=1*2 + 1*3
  11. Term
    • A number, a constant, a variable, or a product.
    • EX: 2, x, 2x, 2x2
  12. Coefficient
    • The number in front of the variable.
    • EX: The 2 in 2x
  13. Constant
    • The number by itself.
    • EX: The 5 in 2x+5
  14. Like Terms
    • Must have the same variables with the same power.
    • EX:(7*x2*y3*z) and (8*y3*x2*z)
  15. Rational Numbers
    • Decimal form terminates or repeats.
    • Numerator and denominator are both integers.
  16. Irrational Numbers
    Decimal form doesn't repeat or terminate.
  17. Whole Numbers
    • No decimal.
    • EX: 0,1,2,3...
Card Set
Algebra 2 Vocab
Chapter 1 Vocab