Inclusive Education

  1. Asperger syndrome or (Asperger's disorder)
    • neurobiological disorder
    • mild-severe
    • normal intelligence and literary skill
    • difficulty with social skills, transitions, changes, reading body language and responding to social cues
    • prefers sameness
    • sensitive to sensory cues s/a sounds, light, and tastes
  2. attention deficit disorder (ADD)
    • inability to sustain attention
    • perscribed stimulant medications
  3. Attention deficit hyperactiity disorder (AD/HD)
    • inability to maintain attention
    • impulsive behaviours
    • and/or motor disorder
    • genetic
  4. Autism
    severe learning disorder that includes disturbances in the rate of educational development, the ability to relate to the environment, and the development of the use of languages
  5. Autism spectrum disorders
    • A group of diabilities that may include disturbances in some or all of:
    • the rate of educational development
    • the ability to relate to the environment
    • the development and use of language and mobility
  6. Braille
    a system for reading and writing for blind and severly visually impared people, embossed dots identified through touch
  7. Categorical
    an approach to delivering special education that depends on identifying students as belonging to a category, then grouping them as such and delivering instructions to the group
  8. Closed head (brain) injury
    injury to the brain from trauma, compressing the brain against the skull, which may result in impaired sensory, language, emotional, and other brain functions
  9. Complex disabilities
    significant disabilities that may be compouded by additional factors such as physical, phychological, neurological, and/or sensory impairments, aka "low-incidence"
  10. Cross-Categorical
    students are grouped fro instruction based on their needs, using the assessment information about categorical features as a starting point for designing instruction, however functional skills determine how teachers then select instructional interventions for these students
  11. curriculum modifications
    changes made to content of instruction/ performance level to set an appropriate level for the student. Differs from accomodations
  12. curriculum-related disabilities
    • students who are underachieving in various and specific parts of the curriculum
    • high incidence
Card Set
Inclusive Education
Introduction to Inclusive Education Midterm (EDPY 301)