One-House Legislature
A new state constitution adopted by Pennsylvania, that sought out to institutionalize democracy by concentrating power in a one-house legislature elected annually by all men over age of twenty-one who paid taxes. This abolished the office of governer, dispensed with property qualifications for officeholding, and provided that schools with low fees be established in every county. Also included clauses guaranteeing "freedom of speech, and of writing," and religious liberty.
Thoughts on Government
Published by John Adams in 1776, insisted that new constitutions should create "balanced governments" whose structure would reflect the division of society between the wealthy (represented by the upper house) and the ordinary men (who would control the lower). A powerful governor & judiciary would ensure that neither class infringed on the liberty of the other.
Balanced Government
Structure of government that reflects division of society between the wealthy (upper house), and Ordinary- in other words; poor (lower house). Stated and insisted its creation by Thomas Jefferson in Thoughts of Government.
The right to vote.
Wall of Separation
The freeing of politics and the exercise of the intellect from religious control, with members of evangelical sects, who sought to protect religion from the corrupting embrace of government.
Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom
Published in 1779 & enacted in 1786, Thomas Jefferson encouraged religious freedom, elimitating religious requirement for voting, officeholding, government financial support for churches, and barred the state from forcing individuals to adopt one religious outlook or another.
Free labor
Working for wages, or owing a farm or shop.
Free Trade
Trades between countries free of government interference or restriction.
An enormous increase in prices caused by an increase of paper money issued by the Congress.
Those who retained their allegiance to the crown after the American Revolution.
Stockbridge Indians
A tribe from Massachusetts that suffered heavy losses fighting the British, during the War of Independence.
General John Sullivan
Led an expedition dispatched by Washington, against hostile Iroquois, with the aim of totally destroying and devastating their settlements, and capturing as many prisoners of every age and sex as possible. After his campaign Sullivan reported to have burned and destroyed forty Indian towns, leaving many Iroquois communities into facing starvation.
The ending of slavery in the America.
Freedom Petitions
Arguments for liberty presented to New England's courts and legislatures in the early 1770's by enslaved African Americans.
Lemuel Haynes
A black member of the Massachusetts militia and later celebrated minister. He had urged that Americans extend their conception of freedom, in other words saying that Africans have just as good a right to freedom as Englishmen.
Free Blacks
Blacks that had escaped from bondage (slavery), or had been freed by abolition of slavery in the North, or by voluntary emacipation (given liberty) in the Upper South.
Citizens of Color
Term that suggested the first generation of free blacks, at least in the North, formed part of the political nation.
Republican Motherhood
An ideology that emerged as a result of independence (The Revolution), improved the status of women, which led women into playing an indispensable role by training future citizens (imparting political wisdom onto their children). Women- wrote Benjamin Franklyn, needed to have a "suitable education" to enable them to instruct their sons in the principles of liberty and government."
Suitable Education
Benjamin Franklyn's statement on the level of education a woman should acquire in order to instruct their children (sons specifically), the principles of liberty and government.