EMT-B Test 2 Part 5

  1. What two parts of the assessment are done after the focused assessment?
    Detailed and ongoing.
  2. List five devices used to lift and move a patient
    • Backboard
    • Scoop stretcher
    • Gurney
    • Stair chair
    • Butt bucket
    • Slider board
    • Sheet
  3. List five actions to take when lifting a pt to prevent back injury
    • When possible, use a stair chair
    • Know weight to be lifted
    • Ensure enough help is available.
    • Use at least two people
    • Use an even number of people to lift
    • Keep back locked.
    • Keep feet a comfortable distance apart
    • Avoid reaching more than 15-20 inches
    • Tighten your abdominal muscles
    • Keep feet flat on the ground
    • Keep the center of your body over the object
    • Straighten your legs as you lift.
    • Keep your back locked into position, don't twist
  4. List three emergency moves
    • Feet drag
    • Clothes drag
    • Blanket drag
    • Shoulder drag
    • Forearm drag
    • Cradle carry
    • Two person carry
    • Direct ground lift
    • Extremity lift
    • Direct carry
    • Draw sheet transfer
  5. Describe why it is important to do a detailed and on going assessment.
    In order to continue to identify any problems and also to note if there are any changes in the patient's status
  6. What does DCAPBTLS stand for?
    • Deformity
    • Contusion
    • Abrasion or amputation
    • Penetration or puncture
    • Burns
    • Tenderness
    • Laceration
    • Swelling
  7. What is the most important part of a focused trauma assessment?
    Doing the hands on
  8. What is the most important part of a focused medical assessment?
    Getting a good patient history
  9. List the four senses you must use during your assessment, and what you would note with each!
    • Sight: Skin color; pupils; bleeding; facial expressions; posturing
    • Smell: Diabetic keto Acidosis; vomit; blood; death; gangrene; GI bleed
    • Touch: Diaphoresis; pulse; fracture; dislocation
    • Hearing: Blood pressure; history; pain; breath sounds
  10. Six steps of the initial assessment
    • General impression
    • LOC
    • A
    • B
    • C
    • Priority
  11. Five findings for airway
    • Phonation
    • Color
    • Position
    • Sounds
    • Rate
    • LOC
    • Obstruction
  12. Five findings when assessing breathing
    • Rate
    • Depth
    • Volume
    • Color
    • Chest rise and fall
    • Color
    • Sounds
    • Quality
  13. Five findings when assessing circulation
    • Color
    • LOC
    • Mentation
    • Temperature
    • Bleeding
    • Central vs peripheral
    • Capillary refill
  14. Define ventilation
    The amount of air moved in or out during one inspiration or expiration
  15. Define oxygenation
    Saturation of the body with oxygen
  16. Define perfusion
    A constant flow of blood through the capillaries
  17. How often do you retake vital signs?
    • Every 5 minutes on an unstable patient
    • Every 15 minutes on a stable patient
  18. Four colors you may find and two causes of each
    • Pale: Shock, hypoxia, burns, poor perfusion
    • Cyanosis: Hypoxia, hypothermia
    • Red: Hyperthermia, CO poisoning, burns, exercise
    • Mottling: Cardiogenic shock, septic shock, hypovelemic shock
    • Yellow: Liver failure, gallbladder failure, hepatitis, alcoholism
    • Black: Necrosis, burns, frostbite
  19. List three ways you may find pupils and two causes of each.
    • Constricted: Light, narcotic overdose, organophosphates, barbiturates
    • Dilated: Head injuries, shock, cocaine, meth
    • Unequal: Aniscoria, head injuries
  20. List five causes of bradycardia and tachycardia
    • Bradycardia: Narcotics, hypothermia, head injury, late hypoxia, cardiac disease, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, ACS
    • Tachycardia: Shock, anxiety, meth, cocaine, epinephrine, hyperthermia, dever, infection, exercise, ACS
  21. What does AVPU stand for? What is it used for?
    • Determining the responsiveness of a patient who has decreased awareness.
    • A: Alert
    • V: Verbal
    • P: Painful
    • U: Unresponsive
  22. What does GCS stand for? What are the scores for each section?
    • Eyes: Open - 4, Open to verbal command - 3, Open to painful stimuli - 2, No response - 1
    • Verbal: Alert - 5, Disoriented - 4, Inappropriate - 3, Incomprehensible - 2, No response - 1
    • Motor: Alert - Obeys command - 6, Localizes pain - 5, Withdraws from pain - 4, Decorticate (abnormal flexxion) - 3, Decerebrate (abnormal extension) - 2, None - 1
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EMT-B Test 2 Part 5
EMT-B Test 2 - Quiz 3