- Dinophysis
- Unicellular
- anterior and posterior flagella
- 2 flagella
- Dinoflagellate
- asexual
what are 5 features of the diatoms
- Unicerllular
- Non motile
- skeleton made of silica
- abundant
- pennate or centric
Name the 5 subgroups in protozoa
dinoflagellates, zooflagellates, formanifera, radiolara ciliates
name the 6 most important phylums in the holoplankton
- protozoa, cnidaria, ctenophora,
- annelida, mollusca and chordata
what are the three major phytoplankton divisions
chrysophyta, dinophyta and cyanobacteria.
what species are a part of the chrysophyta?
golden brown algae and silicoflagelates, coccolithophores and diatoms
what classification is blue green algae,
name three features of the golden brown algae
- naked, flagellated cells,
- mixotrophic grazers of bateria
name 3 features of the silicoflagellates
- most abundent in cold waters,
- body wraps around silicaeaous framework
- 2 flagella
name 3 key features of the coccolithophores
- calcium carbonate instead of silica
- coccoliths cover surface
- significant global primary producers
name three key feature of the dinoflagellates
name 3 key features of the cyanobacteria
- prokaryote with no chloroplasts
- lack protective shell
- non motile
name one key feature of cnidaria
long nematocysts
name 3 key features of the ctenphores
- no nematocysts
- full digestive system