Ancient rome

  1. aqueduct
    Channel made of stone for carrying water to towns and cities. Sometimes, aqueducts ran high above ground on a series of great arches, sometimes, they ran underground
  2. atrium
    Central court of an ancient Roman house. The atrium was the social and religious centre of the home.
  3. Augustus
    Roman adjective that means "majestic" or "dignified" This title was given to Octavius/Octavian, the grandnephew of Juluis Caesar and was used by all the Roman emperors who followed him.
  4. calidarium
    Hot room at the baths, with the hottest pools of water. The Latin word for "hot" is calidus.
  5. cena
    Dinners; the main meal of the day, usually eaten about 3 or 4 pm
  6. census
    In ancient Rome, a census was a registration of citizens only, usually for tax purposes. The officials in charge were called censors. The modern meaning for census is an official count of the population of a country. We have a different meaning for censor today.
  7. centurion
    Army officer in charge of a century (a Roman army unit of 60-80 men)
  8. circus
    Stadium in which chariot races were held. The track was oval-shpaed. In ancient Rome, the biggest Roman stadium was the Circus Maximus.
  9. disciples
    Followers, or pupils from the Latin word discipuli, which means "pupils"
  10. Forum
    Open space in the centre of Rome where markets, law courts, and political meetings were held. All Roman cities and towns had a forum.
  11. legionary
    Soldier in the Roman army. A legion was the largest division in the Roman army, and had 4000 to 6000 Roman citizens as soldiers. Each legion had its own standard, a silver eagle, which was carried into battle.
  12. mulsum
    Roman drink made with wine and sweetened with honey. It was usually served with appetizers at dinner
  13. odeum
    Roman concert hall.
  14. patrician
    Member of the old, wealthy, and powerful families of Rome, members of the upper class. Three hundred patricians were appointed for life to the Roman senate.
  15. Pax Romana
    Means "the peace of Rome" Period of stability and posperity that lasted from 27 BCE to 180 CE when Rome's military power kept peace in the Roman empire During that time, conquered people lived quite well.
  16. plebeian
    Name given to a member of Rome's poorer classes, such as shopkeepers and farmers.
  17. practor
    important elected Roman government officials. The word was later used to mean a judge or even a governor of a Roman province.
  18. Senate
    Law-making assembly of ancient Rome.
  19. toga virillis
    White woollen robe worn by Roman citizens. The toga was a large circular piece of cloth and had to be folded in a special way. the toga virillis was the toga young boys put on to signify that they mad reached adulthood.
  20. tribune
    1. Someone who was elected to represent the interests of the common people of Rome. 2. Rank in the Roman army
  21. villa
    Roman country house, usually part of a farming estate The term may also refer to the whole estate.
  22. Hadrian
    (Publius Aelius Hadrianus)(76 CE-138 CE; Roman emperor 117 CE - 138 CE) Succeeded Trajan and was not very popular in Rome. Spent much of his reign travelling throughout the empire. Visited Britain and had Hardrian's Wall built.
Card Set
Ancient rome
vocabulary, and timeline