What consists of upper and lower GI tract?
- Upper: esophagus, stomach, and duodenum
- Lower: small intesting and large intestine
Occult Blood
- Hematochezia: bright red or maroon stool from rectum
- Melena: black tarry stool
- Occult blood: somewhat visible blood, scant amount
- Hematemesis: bloody vomit
Common unmodifiable causes of PUD
- Imbalance in protectors
- Hostile factos in gut and duodemun
- H pylori
- family hx
- genetic predisposition
Common modifiable causes of PUD
- Inflammation Infection
- Most common cause of lower GI bleeding
- Risks: overcoagulants and chronic constipation
Chrohn's Disease and ulcerative colitis
- Both: dx by colonoscopy and biopsy; treated w/ coticosteroids; inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
- CD: extends through intestinal wall (mouth to anus), bloody diarrhea major feature
- UC: confined to mucosa and submucosa, bloody diarrhea most common symptom, more bleeding than crohn's
Neoplasyms and Polyps
- Both: occult bleeding
- Neo: bleeding is slow, chronic, and self-limiting, bowel resection and remove tumor
- Polyps: bleeding common after removal
What is RN's role w/ GI bleeds?
- Assessment
- Communication
- Administer treatments correctly
- Documentation
Most common cause of upper GI bleed
PUD Location. Why?
- Stomach and proximal duodenum
- b/c of acid leak
Biggest indicator of PUD
- Pain; hallmark symptom
- Location, timing, quality, severity, contibuting factors, alleviating factors
- Analgesics do NOT work!
- Pain usually shows 30mins in stomach or 1-2hrs in duodenum after eating; worsens at night
- N/V
- Anorexia/weight loss
- Bloating w/ N/V (gas build up)
- Hematemesis
- Melena
- Occult blood
- Hx
- S/S
- Documentation
- Communication
- EGD (only thing that will show ulcer)
- Contrast is contraindicated
PUD Treatment
- PPIs (not effective in duodenum, only in stomach): esmeprezole, omeprazole, pantoprazole
- NG Suction
- Nutrition
- Antibiotics (H pyloric)
- Histamine receptor antagonist: Rantidine, famotidine, cimetidine
- Antisecretory agent (lessens amt of acid in environment): misoprostol
- Cytoprotective agent (stops body thinking there's a wound and sending cytokins): sucralfate
- Antacids
- Famotidine can destroy platelets!
Common causes of Acute erosive/hemorrhagic gastritis
- NSAIDS (chronic, 20-30yrs)
- Stress
S/S of acute erosive/hemmorhagic gastritis
- Bleeding (Hematemesis, possible melena); usually not severe except in critically ill pts
- Pain
- N/V
- Decreased H&H
Gastritis Dx, Prevention, and Treatment
- Dx: EGD
- Prevention: PPIs, nutrition, eliminate risk factors
- Treatment: Cauterize during EGD, Vasopressin therapy (antidiruretic therapy), surgical resection
- NSAID induced: discontinue, reduce, or serve w/ meals
- ETOH induced: alcohol withdrawal
Ischemic bowel disease causes
- Post-op: arteries are clamped to work on another vessel; no or low perfusion
- Hypotension: no blood flow and perfusion to bowel
- Athersclerosis
- Obstruction
Ischemic bowel disease S/S
- Hemotachezia
- Fever
- Abd pain: doesn't go away, severe!
Ischemic bowel disease Dx and Treatment
- Dx: CT scan w/ contrast; KUB and Xrays not helpful
- Treatment: restore circulation w/ fluids, antibiotics if infection present
Small bowel obstruction causes
- Surgery: post-op adhesions
- Hernia
- Tumor
Small bowel obstruction S/S
- Pain: visible peristalic waves, tinkles ausculated, rebound tenderness, tenderness on palpation; uncomfortable feeling not sharp
- Nausea
- Abd distention: gas and fluid accumulation, swallowed air most common, inflammation
- Bowel sounds: watch for BMs; below distention will be hypoactive, above is hyperactive
Small bowel obstruction Dx
- Labs: CBC, BMP: WBCs b/c of inflammation, electrolyte changes (become trapped in small bowel)
- Radiological exams: KUB, Flate panel X-ray, CT w/ contrast
Small bowel obstruction treatment
- Hydration
- Abd decompression (for comfort)
- Medication (Reglin will start moving gut; somewhat effective)
- Surgery
Acute paralytic ileus causes
- Loss of peristalsis: trauma, surgery, meds
- Extremely common in ICU
Acute paralytic ileus Treatment
- Bowel rest
- Do not feed gut
- Give Reglin
- Get up and move
- Will resolve on its own
Ogilvie Syndrome
- A severe form of paralytic ileus, people who are bedridden for a long time
- Paraplegics, elderly in nursing homes
Abdominal compartment syndrom causes
- Abd surgery or trauma
- Certain fractures
- Burns
- Ruptured abd aortic aneurysm
- Bowel obstruction
- Ascites
- Pancreatitis
Abd compartment syndrome S/S and treatment
- S/S: acute pain
- Treatment: surgery; immediately
Abd compartment syndrome complication
Compromises perfusion to intestinal mucosa, which becomes ischemic and translocates bacteria to blood stream, increasing risk of SIRS
Varices causes
- Backflow from liver dysfunction
- Cirrhosis (most common)
- Portal/splenic vein thrombosis
Varices clinical course
- Massive bleeding
- Occurs w/o warning
- Tubes, food, coughing, etc can cause them to rupture
Varices risk factors
- Liver patient
- Hx of bleeding or varices
- Scope down throat
- Portal HTN
Varices Treatment
Mallory Weiss Tears causes
- Extreme vomiting (belimia)
- ETTOH abus
Mallory Weiss tears S/S
Hemoptysis (coughing up blood): mild to moderate
Mallory Weiss tears Dx and Treatment
- Dx: EGD
- Treatment: heals on on
AV Malformation cause
Unknown, possbile genetic
AV Malformation Clinical course, Dx, and Treatment
- CC: occult blood, possible melena; chronic slow bleed; recurrent bleeding, chronic anemia or severe acute GI bleeding
- Dx: EGD (start in upper then lower)
- Treatment: careful monitoring
Assessment of GI bleeds
- Vital signs (hemodynamic instability, should be assumed emergency until otherwise)
- Mental status
- I/O: urine, intake, NG tube
- Bleeding: increased BUN suggests fluid vol. deficit or metabolism of blood w/in GI tract
GI bleed Resusciation
- IV fluids (LR or NS)
- Blood: whole, plasma, or platelets (decreased H&H or anticoag)
- Oxygenation
GI Treatments
- Endocscopy: PUD, Gastritis, Mallory Weiss tears, AV Malformations
- Arterial angiotherapy: pts who are poor candidates, infusion of vasopressin into vessel; coag placed in vessel
- Sclerotherapy: use of chemical to stop bleeding and harden vessel
- Surgery: severe hemmorhage, rebleeding, invasive,acute intervention
Sclerotherapy Post procedure
- Monitoring of s/s of rebledding and complications
- Monitor for aspiration pneuomonia
- Monitor for esophageal scar tissue contraction; obstuction
- Infection
- Perforation