Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Mental retardation, slow growth & facial abnormalities caused by alcohol consumption during pregnancy
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Range of physical, mental & behavioral outcomes caused by prenatal alcohol exposure
Prenatal organism fr. 2-8 wks aft conception
Membrane that encloses the developing organism in amniotic fluid
Alcohol Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder
Least severe FAS disorder causing brain inj but w/normal physical growth& absence of facial abnormalities
Age of Viability
Age @ which a fetus can survive if born early
Any environmental agent that causes damage during prenatal period
Developmental Science
All changes we experience during our life span
Bronfenbrenner's innermost level of environment that includes activities & interaction patterns in immediate surroundings
Bronfenbrenner's 2nd level of environment that encompasses connections between microsystems; home, school, neighborhood etc
Describe Sociocultural Theory
The ways that culture of a social grp is transmitted fr generation to generation
Independent Variable
One that an investigator expects to cause change in another variable
Describe an Environmental Design
Design that permits inferences about cause & effect b/c researchers use an evenhanded procedure to assign ppl 2 or more tx conds
What is a structured observation?
One where an investigator sets up a lab situation to evoke certain behavior so each participant has = opportunity to display a response
Describe a Naturalistic Observation.
Observing behavior of interest in the field or natural environment
What is Bronfenbrenner's Macrosystem?
Outermost level of environment & includes culture, values, laws, customs & resources
Describe Bronfenbrenner's exosystem.
These are social settings that dont contain children but affect childrens experiences in immediate settings
What is plasticity?
Ability for development to be open to change in response to influential experiences
What are contexts?
Unique combinations of environmental & personal circumstances resulting in different paths of change
What is the fetus?
A prenatal organism fr 9th wk to end of pregnancy
Describe implantation.
Time when blastocyst burrows deep into uterine lining
Describe Partial Fetal Alcohol Sndrome.
FAS disorder characterized by facial abnormalities & brain inj caused by consumption of sm amts of alcohol during pregnancy
What is the placenta?
Structure that separates mother's bloodstream fr that of fetus while permitting exchange of nutrients & waste
What are trimesters?
3 equal periods in prenatal period
The umbilical card is. . . .
The link between the prenatal organism & the placenta
A dependent variable is one that . . . .
the investigator expects to be influenced by an independent variable
Describe random assignment.
Unbiased procedure used to choose participants that increases chances that characteristics will be equally distributed across tx grp
A longitudinal design is one that. . . .
participants are studied as they age & changes are noted
Childhood development is an area devoted to what?
Understanding constancy & change fr conception thru adolescence
Behavior Modification is described as what?
Procedures that combine conditioning & modeling t eliminate undesirable behaviors & increase desirable ones
What is mutation?
A sudden permanent change to DNA
Genetic counseling . . . .
Helps couples to assess their chances of giving birth to a baby with a heredity disorder & choose the best course of action
What are prenatal diagnostic methods?
Medical procedures that permit detection of developmental problems b/f birth
What is coparenting?
Mutually supporting each others parenting behaviors
What is Socioeconomic Status & 3 variables that determine it?
Combined factors that help determine social position & economic well being. Determined by (1) Yrs of education (2) job prestige & skill requirements (3) Income
An extended family household is one that . . . .
parents & children live with one or more adult relatives
What are fetal monitors?
Electronic instruments that track fetal HR during labor
Describe induced labor.
Labor is started artificially by breaking the amnion & admin oxytocin to stim contractions
What is a cesarian delivery?
Surgical birth of a child
Describe Breech Position.
When a fetus is presenting with feet or buttocks 1st.
What is a theory?
An orderly, integrated set of statements that describes, explains & predicts behavior
What are cohort effects?
A threat to accuracy in longitudinal findings caused by cultural/historical change
Describe behaviorism.
Directly observable events - stimuli & responses
What does Maturation refer to?
A genetically determined, naturally unfolding course of growth
Erikson's psychosocial theory states that. . . .
In addition to mediating between Id impulses & superego demands, Ego makes positive contributions to development
Freud's psychosexual Theory say that. . . .
The way parents manage their child's sexual & aggressive drives in 1st few yrs is crucial for healthy personality development
The psychoanalytic perspective says that. . . .
Children move through a series of stages in which they confront conflicts between biological drives & social expectations. How they resolved determines persons ability to learn, get along w/others & cope w/anxiety
The social learning theory recognizes that . . .
Children acquire skills by modeling, observing & imitating others
Information Processing is what?
A view of human mind that ses it as a symbol manipulating system through which info flows
What is DNA?
The chem substance that makes up chromosomes
A gene is . . . .
Segment of DNA along the length of the chromosome
Gametes are what?
Sex cells - sperm & ovum
Meiosis is the process of what?
Cell division that forms gametes or sex cells
Resilience is described as what?
Ability to adapt effectively in face of threats to development
What is mitosis?
Process of DNA duplicating itself
A zygote is a . . . .
cell that results when a sperm & ovum unite
Sex chromosomes are which ones?
The 23rd pair. Males = XY Females = XX
A phenotypes is what?
A directly observable characteristic of an individual
Kinship Studies are those that. . .
Compare characteristics of family members in order to obtain heritability estimates
Public policies are . . .
Laws & govt programs designed to improve current conditions
A stage is described as what?
qualitative changes in thinking, feeling & behaving that characterize specific periods of development
An allele is . . . .
One gene fr mother & one fr father that occur on the same place on a chromosome
Fraternal or dizygotic twins are described as what?
2 infants resulting fr the release & fertilization of 2 ova but are genetically NOT alike
Homozygous occurs when?
Alleles fr both parents are alike & the child will display the inherited trait
Heterozygous occurs when?
Alleles fr each parent are different
Continuous development is described as what?
Process of gradually adding more of the same types of skills that were there to begin with
Identical or monozygotic twins occur when?
A zygote separates into 2 clusters of cells that develop into 2 individuals w/same genetic make up
Autosomes are what?
23 matching pairs of chromosomes which geneticists number fr longest to shortest
A genotype is what?
A complex blend of genetic info that determines our species & influences all our unique characteristics
Chromosomes are . . . .
Rod like substances that store & transmit genetic info
X-linked inheritance applies when?
A harmful allele is carried on the X chromosome. Males a more likely to be affected.
Describe dominant - recessive inheritance.
Occurs when only 1 allele affects a childs characteristics
A carrier is a . . . .
heterozygous individual w/1 recessive allele that they can pass on to their children
Natural or prepared child birth is one that utilizes . . .
A grp of techniques aimed @ reducing pain & medical intervention & makes child birth as rewarding as possible
The APGAR scale is a way of. . .
Assessing a newborn's condition quickly
A transition in labor occurs when?
At climax of stage 1 when frequency & strength of contractions are @ their peak & cervix opens completely
Discontinuous development is what?
Development process in which new ways of understanding & responding to the world emerge @ specific times
A clinical interview is described as what?
A flexible, conversational style used to probe participants for their POV
The clinical or case study method is described as a. . . .
Method for brining together a wide range of info on one child to include interviews, observation &/or test scores
Cognitive - developmental theory says that. . . .
Children actively construct knowledge as they manipulate & explore their worlds
A sensitive period is one that is. . . .
Biologically optimal for certain capacities to emerge b/c individual is especially responsive to environmental influences
Developmental cognitive neuroscience is described as . . .
Info processing research that brings together researchers fr psychology, biology, neuroscience & medicine to study relationship between changes in brain & developing childs cognitive processing & behavior patterns
Visual acuity is what?
Fineness of discrimination
SIDS is described as the . . . .
Unexpected death of an infant <1 yr of age
Rapid eye mvmt sleep is defined as?
Sleep state when brain wave activity is very similar to that of the waking state
States of arousal are defined as?
Degrees of sleep or wakefulness
A reflex is an . . . .
Inborn, automatic response to a particular form of stimulation
Bonding is the development of what?
Feelings of affection & concern for an infant
Neonatal Mortality is the . . . .
Rate of death within the 1st month of life
Nature vs nurture controversy is an age old argument that what?
Questions whether genetic or environmental factors are more important in influencing development
Infant mortality is described as what?
Number of deaths in 1st year of life/1000 live births
A small-for-date child is described as one that . . .
Is below expected weight considering length of pregnancy
Anoxia defined as what?
Inadequate O2 supply