EMT-B Test 2 Part 2

  1. What do cells of the body produce and excrete?
    • Produce: CO2
    • Require: O2
  2. What does the brain do without a supply of oxygen?
    • After two minutes conscioussness is lost
    • After four to six minutes the cells begin to die
    • After ten minutes the brain is dead
  3. How many lobes does each lung have?
    • Right: 3
    • Left: 2
  4. Oxygen rich airs enters the ______ and passes through the ______ into the ______.
    • 1) Alveoli
    • 2) Capillaries
    • 3) Bloodstream
  5. What is tidal and minute volume?
    • Tidal volume: The amount of air passing through the lungs during a normal inspiration or expiration.
    • Minute volume: The amount of air passing through the lungs in a minute. (Tidal volume x respiratory rate)
  6. What happens to the airway of an unresponsive patient?
    • The patient loses the ability to keep the airway open.
    • The tonuge falls to the back of the throat, blocking the airway.
    • Moving the jaw forward lifts the tongue from the back of the throat.
  7. What is the primary way in opening the mouth?
    • Crossed finger technique.
    • Thumb on lower set of teeth, forefinger on upper.
  8. What is the purpose of the head tilt chin lift?
    To open the airway of an unresponsive patient who has no known head or neck trauma.
  9. What is the purpose of the jaw thrust without head tilt?
    Used to open the airway of an unresponsive patient with suspected head or neck trauma.
  10. What are the three methods of cleaning an airway?
    • Recovery Position
    • Finger Sweeps
    • Suction
  11. What is the danger of suctioning?
    It removes oxygen from the patient's airway. 15 seconds maximum. Make sure the catheter doesn't stimulate the back of the throat.
  12. What are the three main steps when applying an airway adjunct?
    • Open the airway.
    • Insert the adjunct.
    • Make sure the head position is maintained for the duration of the adjunct.
  13. What are the purposes of an NPA and OPA?
    • OPA: keeps tongue away from throat. Used in unresponsive patients without a gag reflex.
    • NPA: Unresponsive patients, or responsive patients with a gag reflex.
  14. What are the signs of normal breathing?
    • Quiet
    • Painless
    • Occurs at a regular rate
    • Has regular depth
    • Has equal chest rise and fall
    • No abnormal muscle movements
    • Normal skin color
  15. What are the 4 major breathing noises and a cause of each?
    • Stridor: Seal like bark heard on inhalation. Suggests upper airway obstruction.
    • Snoring: Suggests the upper airway is blocked by the tongue.
    • Gurgling: Wet sound. Fluid is stuck in the upper airway.
    • Wheezing: Whistling on exhalation. Lower airway obstruction.
  16. What is respiratory distress?
    Increased effort to breath.
  17. What is respiratory failure?
    • Inadequate oxygenation and/or ventilation to meet the body's demands.
    • Very sick patient.
  18. What is respiratory arrest?
    • Absence of breathing.
    • -Agonal breathing (slow and shallow)
    • -Unresponsive
    • -No air movement
    • -No chest rise
    • -Skin color changes
  19. What are four methods to issue positive pressure ventilation?
    • Mouth-to-mask
    • Mouth-to-barrier
    • Mouth-to-mouth
    • Bag valve mask
  20. What are the portable oxygen tank types and amount of oxygen held?
    • D: 425L
    • Jumbo D: 640L
    • E: 680L
  21. What are the onboard oxygen tank types and amount of oxygen held?
    • M: 3450
    • G: 5300
    • H: 6900
Card Set
EMT-B Test 2 Part 2
EMT-B Test 2 - Airway and Breathing