What is LOAD
force acting on structure
Force =
mass x acceleration: Newtown's Second Law of Motion
Static/Gravity loads, applied slowly
- 1. Live loads (people, furniture, movable equipment, snow)
- 2. Dead loads (building structure, immovable equipment)
Dynamic and lateral loads, applied suddenly
Wind, seismic, impact loads
Beams, loads are typically limited by bending stress and deflection
What is STRESS
load or force per unit area
External Stresses
- Tire pressure, p.s.i (pounds per square inch)
- Residential floor systems are required to support 40 p.s.f. (pounds per square foot)
Internal Stresses
Tensile, Compressive, Shear, Bending Stress
Tensile Stresses
- "pulling" force acting through the axis of the structure.
- include: chain, cable, rod and rope
Compressive stresses
- "pushing" force acting through the axis of the structure
- include: columns and bearing walls
Shearing stresses
- "slipping" force acting through the structure
- Vertical shear occurs perpendicular to the major axis of the structure (scissors work by applying shear perpendicular to the paper surface)
- Horizontal shear occurs parallel to the major axis of the structure (loading a beam introduces horizontal shear)
Bending Stresses
- Coupled "pulling" and "pushing" forces acting parallel the axis of the structure.
- Gravity loads on a simply supported beam causes tensile stresses in the bottom of the beam and compressive stresses at the top of the beam
- Maximum allowable loads are typically limited by bending stress