Give the location and fxn of stem cells
- location: basale
- fxn: give rise to kerationocytes
give the location and fxn of keratinocytes:
- location: all layers
- fxn: synthesize keratin
give the location and fxn of melanocytes:
- location: basale
- Fxn: systhesize brown pigment melanin, and keratinocytes 2. distruibute keratinoctyes
give the location and fx of dendritic cells:
- location: spinosum, grandulosum\
- fxn: macrophages: secretes digestive enzymes and break it apart 2. protect against microbs, toxins, and pathogens
give the location and fxn of tactile cells:
- location : basale
- fxn: receptors of touch
within the epidermis the dividing cells are undergoing ____, and the older cells above are about 20- 30 layers thick
list the sublayers of the epidermis from deep to superficial:
stratum: basale, spinosum, granulosum, lucilum, corneum
describe the structure and fxn of the basale:
- structure: single cubiodal cells, contains keratinocytes, melanoctyes, tactile, and stem cells
- fxn: resting like glue to the basement membrane
describe the structure and fxn of the spinosum:
- structure: multi layers of cuboidal cells, contains mostly keratinocytes and dendritic cells, thickest startum
- fxn: cells are undergoing mitosis
describe the structure and fxn of the grandulosum layer:
structure: 3-5 layers of flat kerainocytes 2. cells contain dark granules
describe the structure and fxn of the lucidum layer:
- structure: pale, featureless, indisntic boundries, lacks hair
- fxn: found only in thick skin, elledine protein
describe the fxn and sturcture of the corneum layer:
- structure: 20 - 30 layers of dead cells 2. flaking off
- fxn: resistant to abrasion, penetration, and h20 loss
remove skin cells, enzymes break apart desesomes.
describe the structure and fxn of the dermis:
- structure: connective tissue, mostly collegen, lots of fibers, blood vessels, glands, hair, nails, attachement of muscles.
- fxn: support, secretion
describe the structure and fxn of the papillary layer of the dermis:
- structure: areolear tissue, passage of blood vessels, interfaces with the epidermal layer
- fxn: difficult to pull apart from epidermal layer, so reisists slippage, fingerprints, provide sensitivty for lips
describe the structure and fxn of the recticular layer of the dermis:
- structure: irregular tissue
- fxn: strength, support
the two receptors of the dermis are the tactile, which are receptors of ____ and lammellar corpuscles which are receptors of ______ and vibrations
The importance of the vascular supply in the dermis is that the WBC act as macrophages to _____, while the nervous supply allows for the _____ of lips
describe the structure and fxn of the hypodermis:
- structure: composed of adipose tissue (fat), blood vessels and nerves
- FXN: holds skin together from underneath, insulation, shock absorbers, energy resiovor (glucuose)
describe the source, fxn, and importance of melanin:
- source: melanocyte cells
- fxn:
- importance:
describe the source, fxn, importance of hemoglobin at melanin:
- source: RBC,
- Fxn: carries O2.
- importance: red, pink pigment on the skin surface
describe the source, importace, and fxn of cyanosis as a pigment
- source: reduced O2
- importance: blue shades
describe the source, importantance and fxn of janudice as a pigment:
- source: bile
- imporantace: dark yellow skin color
describe the source, importance and fxn of carotene as a pigment:
- source:
- importance: yellow color
describe the general structure and fxn of hair:
- structure: hard keratin, ridged in the bulb, root, shaft
- location: everywhere except palms, soles
- , toes, fingertips
- fxn: protection, insulation, protect eyelides, ears, nose
list the 3 types of hair, and its fxn:
- lanugo: hair on a fetus, unpigmented
- vellus: fine hair, 2/3 females have it, 10% males have it
- terminal: on head, axillary, pubic, eyebrows, eyelashs
describe the structure, location, and secretion of the sebaceous gland
- structure:
- location: opens to hair folicle
- secretion: oily
describe the structure, location, secretion of the sudoriferous glands:
- meriocrin: pirsperation, location: ducts lead to the surface
- apocrine: secretions: thick, milky, consumed by bacteria lead to BO
- location: ducts lead to the hair folicle
- active during puberty
describe the structure, location, and secretion of the cerumminous glands:
- structure
- location: ear canal, hair
- secretion: lubercaints, ear wax
explain the difference between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree burns:
- 1st degree is just on the epidermis
- 2nd degree is on the epidermis and slighty the dermis, blisters
- 3rd degree burns both the epidermis and dermis are destroyed, can regenerate
name the 3 types of skin cancer and where in the integument they orginate:
- 1. basale carcinoma - common, rarely metastasis
- 2. squamous carcinoma: stratum spinosum
- 3. maligname melanoma: from melanocytes, rare metastasis but fatal