The human eye is made up of;
eyelid - cornea/schlera-aqueous humor-iris-pupil-lens-vitreous humore-retina-fovea-choroid
- Necessary to focus light
- Function of the lens
process of using muscles to change the shape of the lens so that objects come into focus
Lens is ____ when focusing on distant objects
Lens is ____ when focusing on near objects
Refractory Errors-
- Emmetropia
- Presbyobia
- Hyperopia
- Myopia
- Astigmatism
- No refractive error
- Can see right on point
- Refracts light perfectly
- (old eyes)
- the lens harden
- near point increases, ass you age, that point get further and further away
- Doesnt get to one precise point in th eretina
- farsightedness
- Problems seeing neer objects clearly
- Focus light on retina by using a convex lens
- nearsightedness
- problems seeing distant objects
- focus light on retina by using a concave lens
- (could be because lens is too long; retina is normal)
Theories for refractive errors
- we watch things too closely
- raising child with nightlight when sleeping
if the cornea isnt spherical, then light isnt refracted properly
back surface of an eyeball
Example of brain lying to you
the black dot test. Blind spot
not usually in both eyes. Photo receptors just dies for some reason
- Contains several layers of cells
- Photyoreceptors change light energy into a neural energy (tansduction)
Two kinds of photoreceptors
Everywhere else outside the fovea
Cones are for
- color; because you only have cones in the fovea. Everything in your peripheral is black and white
- (if you see color in your peripheral then it is your brain tricking you)
No convergence =
photoreceptors speak directly to the bipolar cell. No information gets lost
- A whole bunch of rods share a bipolar cell.
- Perception is that there is one black dot out there - lose some information
- Lost information(lack of detail
Ability to see small detail
- Ability to see very dim things
- Example: going to the bathroom in the middle of the night
....In Cones
- there is very little convergence; there is very little spatial summation (averaging)
- Detail is preserved=the less everaging, the more detail you will have
Problem with cones
- Cones cant detect low levels of light
- But you do have detail (looking at stars)
....In rods
- lots of convergence, therefore there is alot of spatial summation (all kinds of information is lost)
- Detail is not preserved
Rods can detect/see dim light
Retinal Information Processing:
2 types of ganglion cells
P cells
- part of the parvocellular pathway (cones)
- small receptor field
M cells
- part of the magnocellular pathway (rods)
- large receptor field
the ocean appears darker closer to the horizon (border)
the egzagerated darker line when looking at shadows is the mach band
Lateral inhibition
- a process that enhances our ability to detect borders.
- Increases contrast; results in a sharpening od vision (happens in horizontal cells)
Lateral inhibition produces;
mach bands
Light activates a cell and causes it to;
inhibit a neighboring cell
Amount of inhibition a cell can produce depends on;
intensity of the stimulus (assume 10%)
Hermann Grid
See gray spots at intersection because there is more inhibition there
Cells fire when we;
see different things
Receptive Field
the region in which stimuli will activate a neuron
the further you go from the fovea, the receptor field gets bigger and bigger
smaller in finger - the smaller the field the more detail.
- Surrounds receptive field in ganglion cells
- 3rd layer of processing(ganglion cells)
Pupils expand when;
- arousal
- alcohol/drugs
- lying
Photopic Vision
- uses cones (fovea)
- works best in daylight
- high acuity, poor sensitivity
Scotopic Vision
- uses rods (peripheral vision)
- Works best in nighttime, levels of lumination
- Poor acuity, high sensitivity
Dark Adaptation
Process of adjusting to more dimly lit rooms
- Coming out of movie theater in afternoon
- Waking up to bright light
- takes 20 minutes for eyes to adapt fully to the dark
Macular Degeneration in the eyes (macula, fovea)
- Cones start to fade out
- Visual field becomes less and less clear
- Comes with age and fatness
Example: looking at someones face, blurry
Retinitus Pigmentosa
- Lose retina, half of the visual field is gone
- Can see some in the middle, black frame around it (keeps moving in-tunnel vision)
Usher's Syndrome
People born deaf, and then they lose their vision in middle ages. Genetic
Difference between dark and light bars
Contrast sensitivity function:
Shows how our sensitivity changes due to high/low contrast objects
High spatial frequencies and low contrast =
cant see
We are less sensitive to;
very low and very high spatial frequencies
Most sensitive =
less contrast
- medium size objects-faces
- larger objects are harder to see, will see person before car
Selective Adaptation
- The psychologists electrode
- Our visual system contains neurons selective for spatial frequency
The size of our receptive fields of our cones determines;
What we can see. Determines the smallest thing that we can see
Retinal ganglion cells/stripes
Wide Stripes
maximum excitation + maximum inhibition
Produces a small response
Retinal ganglion cells/stripes
Thin stripes
- Minimum excitation + minimum inhibition
- Produces small response
Retinal ganglion cells/stripes
Medium stripes
Maximum excitation + moderate inhibition
Produces strongest response
Deficits in contrast sensitivy
- Unthoff's symptom
- Night blindness
- Glare sensitivity
- Side effect of Lasik surgery
Deficit in contrast sensitivity
1. Unthoff's Symptom
- Excercise or emotional strain impairs vision for several minutes
- Retain acuity, but world appears washed out
- Sensitivity to contrast decreases
Deficit in contrast sensitivity
2. Night blindness
Causes: cataracts, retinitus pigmentosa, vit A deficiency, drugs...
Deficit in contrast sensitivity
3. Glare sensitivity
associated with degenerative retinal disease
Deficit in contrast sensitivity
4. Side effect of Lasik Surgery
- A change in sensitivity to contrast
- Things inside are darkened, not enough light/but sunlight is way too bright.
Pelli-Robson Charts
- tests from contrast sensitivity problems
- letters fade out gradually
The development of spatial vision
Infant visual acuity
Foced choice preferential -looking paradigm (babies under 6m can tell difference in limas) lose this skill as the age
Young children are not very sensitive to;
high spatial frequency
eyes are not properly alligned
reduced visual acuity in one eye, will cause problems with depth perception
The secondary visual pathway is used to;
orient you/ alert you
2 important features of striate cortex
- cortical magnification
- topographical mapping
Cortical magnification
more cells processing information coming from fovea than other areas of vidual fields
Topographical mapping
- Orderly
- Information is split in optic chiasm-left visual fiels is blue, right visual field is red
If the information stays on the same side and doesnt cross it is called-
- Ipsilateral
- temporal stuff
when information crosses hemispheres
Receptive fields in V1
- cells respond best to bars of light, not spots of light
- gets information from all of the 4 cirlces
Orientation Tuning
- Neurons respond more to bars of certain orientations and less to others (V1)
- Tuning curves
Simple cells
- very specific
- respond to straight lines, edges
- location specific
- Orientation specific(angle of edge has to be just right)
Complex Cells
- more relaxed than simple cells
- straight lines
- orientation specific
End Stopping
Some cells prefer bars of light of a certain length
Weisal thought that these were called hyper-complex, this is where they went wrong
Ocular Dominence Columns
- Each cell in V1 has preffered eye
- But they respond to input from both eyes
Orientation columns
Within each column, all neurons have the same orientation tuning
Orientation column + ocular dominance column