What are some contraindications to a lumbar puncture?
- Evidence of IICP
- If suspected, intracranial tumor (can cause shifting)
- Decubitous infection where the puncture site is
What pre-procedure measures need to be carried out before an LP?
- Consent Empty bladder (may need a Foley)
- Pt education (purpose, position, risks, local anesthetic, ect.)
- e.g. take 8-10 ml of fluid (about 2-3 test tubes), bedrest for 4-6 hrs, can turn side to side, continuous VS
How can bedrest assist and support the pt during an LP?
- Help curl them
- Relaxation, calming
- Explaining
what laboratory studies would you expect to be ordered on the CSF sample?
- RBCs, PR, glucose, WBCs
- expect the first stick to be bloody
- if couldy-infection
- if brown/orange/yellow-inc in PRO
what post procedure restrictions can you expect and prepare the pt for?
- check VS
- may be on bedrest
- fluids to restore fluid volume and prevent spinal headaches
what complications do you need to monitor the pt for?
- spinal headaches
- hemmorhage
- brown /orange/yellow CSF-inc PRO
- cloudy-infection
- nucal rigidity-stiff neck from menningeal irritation
- transient difficulty voiding
- extreme pain in back, radiationg to thigh
- may need a bandaid or patch to dec sepage
- document the procedure, was the pt cooperative, outcomes
- viral menningitis if under 5, bacterial if over 5
temperature-indications of change in neuro
- hyperthermia raises metabolic demands of the brain, hypothermia can cause cardiac arryhthmias
- hypothermia is sometimes used to treat IICP
respirations-indications of a change in neuro
elevated levels of CO2 will cause vasodilatation and increased cerebral blood flow
Cheyne-Strokes Respirations-indications of a change in neuro
alternately crescendos to to hypernea and decrescendos to apnea. (bilateral cerebral hemispheres, basal ganglia)
Cushing's Triad/wide pulse presure-indications in a change in neuro
- increased systolic BP greater than the increase in diastolic pressure, decreased HR and respiratory rate
- opposite of shock signs: dec BP, inc HR and inc respiratory rate
- wide pulse pressure-systolic doesn't change or slightly changes, while diastolic continues to drop
assessment of reflex activity-neuro assessment
- blink (protective)-move hand quickly toward eyes
- corneal-check with Q-tip
- gag/swallow
- plantar (Babinski)-stroke lateral aspect of foot. Normal-flexion of toes, Abnormal-great toe dorsiflexes, other toes fan. Positive Babinski-indicates an upper motor neuron lesion. Usually those older than 2 should have a negative Babinskis. Possible to have both positve and negative (e.g. could have different results for each foot)
posturing-neuro assessment
- abnormal movements-seizures, tremors
- muscle corrdination-any injury/disease that involves the cerebellum or basal ganglia will affect coordination) i.e.ask to close eyes & touch finger to nose
assessment of sensory function-neuro assessment
- central and peripheral vision-ask pt to read something
- hearing/ability to understand verbal communication
- superficial sensation-touch, pain
- -start at furthest point and move toward trunk
- -check dull/sharp pain
- -hot/cold
- -positioning-moving a finger or toe, turn pt away and move pts finger/toe and ask them what you're doing
neuro assessment-history
- past diseases
- traumatic injury
- factors that exacerbate or alleviate sx
- family hx-DM, CVD, HTN, cancer, neuro diseases
- social hx/habits-smoking, drug use, alcohol use, occupation, ect
- meds-Neurotin (peripheral neuropathy-DM, spinal stenosis)
general observations-neuro assessment
- appearance and behavior:
- dress, grooming
- facial expression, ptosis (drooping, common in myasthenia gravis)
- mood-depressed, euphoric, angry
assessment of mental status
- consciousness-implies awareness and response to stimuli
- unconsciousness-depressed, cerebral function, inability to respond to sensory stimuli
assessment of mental status-evaluation of consciousness
- orientation-in order of what we lose first
- Time
- Place
- Person
-be aware of what is in pt's room-e.g. clock, date, ask things more specific like what tv show are you watching, what did the weatherman just say
assessment of mental status-evaluation of consciousness
- attention span
- do you have to keep stimulating pt?
- are they staying focused?
-note that pain meds can alter attention so be aware
assessment of mental status-evaluation of consciousness
- language and speech
- are responses clear/understandable/slurred/garbled-be aware of meds given
assessment of mental status-evaluation of consciousness
- memory
- check remote, recent (recall), and new
- long-term (remote) i.e. where were u born? (very few people lose)
- short-term (recent) i.e. who brought you to the hospital, what happened?
- new-give three step command to follow
early loss of memory (recent)-shows neurologic problem in early stages
levels of consciousness
- most important party of neuro exam
- awake, alert, oriented
- confusion-misinterpret stimuli, short attention span, disoriented to time
- delirium-restless, agitated, irritable, disoriented, combative
- lethargic-drowsy, but awakens with stimulation, able to answer questions and follow commands slowly
- stupor-very drowsy, generally inresponsive, briefly aroused after repeated painful stimuli-may moan or withdraw from stimuli but doesn't follow commands
- coma-does not respond to continuous stimuli, doesn't move
better to describe than label e.g. drowsy, but awakens with stimuli, follows commands slowly-rather than saying lethargic
when assessing LOC-may use Glasgow Coma Scale
- based on ability to respond and communicate
- eliminates ambiguous terms
- based on 3 responses:
- eye opening
- motor response
- verbal response
- score range-3-15
eye opening
- 4=spontaneous
- 3=to voice
- 2=to pain
- 1=none
best motor response
- 6=obeys commands
- 5=localizes
- 4=withdraws
- 3=abnormal flexion (decordicate posture)
- 2=abnormal extension (decerebrate posture)
- 1=flaccid-no response
types of stimulation
- trapezius squeeze-be careful, can pinch a nerve
- supra-orbital pressure
- sternal rub-most invasive
- nailbed pressure-least invasive
best verbal response
- 5=oriented
- 4=confused
- 3=inappropriate words
- 2=incomprehensible sounds
- 1=none
score of 7 or less indicates
#2 optic
#3 occulomotor
- pupillary refelx
- look at eyes with regular light and then flashlight
- look for constriction/dilation
#3 occulomotor
#4 trochlear
#6 abducens
- eye movement
- ask pt to follow your finger
#5 trigeminal
- corneal (blink) reflex
- check with Q-tip
- *if impaired may get corneal abrasions
#7 facial
ask to raise eyebrows, frown, smile, >>>look for symmetry
#9 glossopharyngeal
#10 vagus
- control cough and gag reflex
- check with tongue blade and ask to cough
- *if impaired, may aspirate
#11 spinal accessory
place hands on shoulds and ask them to shrug shoulders
#12 hypoglossal
- tongue movement
- ask to stick out tongue
- deviation occurs on weak side
assessment of extremity movement
- does pt move all four extremities with equal strength?
- ask to follow commands-i.e. hold up right hand
- *hand grasp may be misleading -may not be able to follow commands but may have a strong grasp reflex like in infants
- may have strong grasp with frontal lobe damage
- carpal tunnel-ccan have weak grasp
- check muscle strength
- have pt push nurses hands with soles of feet (plantar and dorsal flex)
- hand grasps
- abnormal movements-seizures and tremors
- ulnar drift-close eyes and hold arms with palms up for 20-30 sec. if one arm falls, weak muscle strengh, positive ulnar drift
posturing (abnormal spontaneous movement or a response to painful stimuli)
- decordicate (flexion posture)
- decerebrate (rigid extension)
posturing may be unilateral, bilateral or mixed
muscle tone-rigidity, spasticity, flaccidity
decordicate posture
- occurs with lesions of cerebral hemispheres
- arms flex at elbows, legs extend with internal rotation
- decordicate-arms move toward core
- C=cerebral hemispheres
- cerebral lesions
decerebrate posture
- occurs with brain stem damage
- all four extremities rigidly extend
- dEcErEbratE E=extension
- decereBrate B=brainstem
- brainstem damage
pupil checks
size-normal, contricted, dilated?
- constricted?-if taking narcotics
- pinpoint?-if on glaucoma eye gtts or may be d/t pons damage (brainstem)
- dilated-bilaterally dilated?-if on Atropine or hypoxic
- equality-grossly unequal pupils>>danger sign
- **25% people have unequal pupils
- reaction-brisk, sluggish, fixed PERLA/PERRLA
- *don't expect a reaction from a blind or false eye
- position-midline or deviated from midline
- deviated to the side, could be lazy eye
- to check eyes, move light toward eye from the side
- normally there is no involuntary movements of the eyes
- pupil changes usually occur on the opposite side as the lesion
direct response=when light is shined in eye, pupil contricts=keep opposite eye shut
conjugate gaze-eyes track together to look at something i.e. follow finger
epidural space
- first space, can have a bleed here
- arterial bleed with a head injury
- need to be treated quickly
dura mater
- strong and fiborous
- contains meningeal arteries
subdural space
- most common site of head trauma
- can have a bleed here, venous bleed
- slower, more common than epidural
arachnoid mater
- spidering/cobwebbing
- contains blood vessels
- has arachnoid vili that project into subdural space acting as an exit point for CSF
subarachnoid space
space that exits btwn the arachnoid and pia mater, filled with CSF
- 2 hemispheres
- lesion on 1 side shows s/s on opposite side
frontal lobe
involves sense of ethical behavior, personality, abstract thoughts-concentration/memory, affect, Broca's motor speech-articulation and written speech, usually dominant in left hemisphere, important to know for head injuries and strokes
parietal lobe
- sensory discrimination-e.g. hot/cold, pain/pressure
- spacial relation
- speech area-Wernickies works with temporal lobe in interpreting and understanding speech and written word
temporal lobe
- hearing-helps to understand spoken word
- olfaction
- short-term memory
occipital lobe
helps integrate and interpret what we see-vision
basal ganglia
- suppossedly 4 actual masses in the bases of each hemisphere
- steadying influence on muscle activity-esp. legs and hands, helps regulate posture
- regulates temperature, appetite, water balance, and sleep
- under the thalmus
- emotions such as anger and fear
- lesion on one side>>s/s on same side
- looks like caulliflower
- muscle control/movement/tone/balance
- fine motor control, proprioception-awareness of where body is
relays (relay point( sensory and motor tracks, controls fear and instinct
- gives rise to cranial nerves 3-12
- midbrain
- pons
- medulla
- protective reflexes-blink, gag, cough, swallow, sneeze, vomit-usually projectile
conduction pathway and reflex center where cranial nerve 3-occulomotor nerve originates
reticular formation
- located in the brainstem and diencephalon-nerve network
- supplies constant muscle stimulation to counteract gravity (why we can stand up)
- recticular activationg system (RAS) is w/i the recticular formation
- the RAS controls the sleep wakefulness cycle (conciousness and concentration)
cerebral blood supply paired carotid and vertebral arteries
- Circle of Willis-where a lot of aneursyms happen
- HTN affects blood flow aiding in this
ventricular system and CSF
- 2 lateral, 3rd and 4th ventricle-these are spaces
- ventricles contain choriod plexus which produces CSF
- CSF-100-500 ml circulates at one time
- clear, colorless, odorless
- conatains PRO, glucose, chloride and 0-5 WBCs
- provides nutrityion, cleans out organisms
- if bloody-hemmorrhage or trauma
glial cells
support, protect, rapidly reproduce, cancer tumors grow fast b/c of these
chemical neurotransmitters
acetylcholine-causes muscles to contract
norepinephrine-fight/flight response, increases metabolism
dopamine-relaxes muscles
- acetylcholinesterase-eats acetyllcholine then works with dopamine for muscle relaxation
- not enough dopamine causes muscles to contract -e.g. Parkinson's
brain metabolism relies on
- CHO-if a dec. in glucose occurs>>seizures, coma
- main source of energy for brain
- oxygen-brain will get 20% O2 while at rest
- get more while not at rest
vitamin B-needed for nerve conduction
blood brain barriers
- complex of membranes in the choriod plexus
- protectrs the brain from foreign substances
- large molecules penetrate slowly-i.e. insulin
- small molecules penetrate rapidly-i.e. urea-nitrogenous waste products from kidneys
- some molecules cannot penetrate-i.e. dyes
31 pair of spinal nerves
- vertebral column
- spinal cord
- -*ends at L1/L2
- -*the spinal cord joins the brain stem @ the foramen magnum
- -*lumbar puncture (LP) is done btwn L4/L5
autonomic nervous system
controls body function
- sympathetic-prepares body for fight/flight (stressful situations)
- norepinephrine is associated with this
- parasympathetic-slows body down and conserves energy
- acetylcholine is associated with this
peripheral nervous system
- sensory/motor tracks of spinal nerves
- -they sense and send back motor response
- pyramidal-fine voluntary movementparalysis problems if lacking
- extrapyramidal-gross motor movement and posture, involves cerebellum/reticular formation/basal ganglia-problem>>spasticity (psych meds remember cause extrapyramidal s/e like Haldol) Cerebral palsy, Parkinson's
- cranial nerves
- -12 cranial nerves
- 1-4 eyes and ears
- 3-occulomotor
- 9-glossopharyngeal
- 7-facial Bell's Palsy
normal intracranial pressure fluctuates btwn..
- 0-15 mm hg
- increased pressure if above 15 mm hg
- normal variations occur with:
- coughing
- sneezing
- valsalva
- isometric muscle contractions (pushing against bed with arms)
- extreme hip flexion
- standing up-causes a drop
CPP-cerebral perfusion pressure
- amount of pressure needed to deliver O2 and nutrients to the brain (effectiveness of cardiac output to maintain cerebral perfusion)
- (normal CPP is above 70 mm hg)
prinicples of IICP
Kellie Monroe hypothesis
the skill is a fixed sided box, containing brain tissue, CSF, and blood. the pressure within the box stays within 5-15 mm hg. if one or more contents of the box expands , there will come a point in time that the intracranial pressure will also increase
cranial insult>tissue edema>IICP>compression of blood vessels>dec cerebral blood flow>dec O2 with death of brain cells>dec edema around necrotic tissue>IICP with compression of brainstem and respiratory center>accumulation of CO2>vasodilation>IICP resulting from inc blood volume>death
causes of IICP
- tumor
- head injury
- infection
- abcess
- birth trauma
- hydrocephalus
- *cerebral edema-most common caue, inc in water content, inc tissue volume, can be generalized-more severe or infection-menningitis and encephalitis are the two most common
s/s if IICP
cerebral edema-life threatening, inc bulk>>neurodeficits, exacerbation of IICP
- motor strength
- pupils
- VS
LOC is the first to change
- early signs-dec orientation
- forgetfulness-mild confusion
- restless
- suddenly quiet after being restless
- increased stimulation required to display same response-Voice, Shout, Shake, Pain
- late signs-
- difficult to arouse
- dec GCS
motor strength
- early signs-
- subtle weakness (contralateral)-opposite side
- paresthesia
- late signs-
- pronator (arm) drift
- extreme motor weakness followed by no response (flaccid)
- hemiparesis
- hemiplegia-opposite side, contralateral weakness, paralysis
- early signs-
- may have double or blurred vision
- -sluggish reaction
- -unilateral progression>>dilation (usually occurs on affected side)
late signs-
- one fixed dilated pupil *neuro emergenecy
- followed by both pupils fixed and dilated-big problem at this point
- early signs-
- no reliable changes
- may have altered respiratory pattern such as Cheyne Strokes
- temp elevation r/t hypothalmus dysfunction
- late signs-
- *Cushing's Triad
- -systolic HTN (wide pulse pressure)
- bradycardia
- bradypnea
s/s of IICP
- headache
- early signs-
- usually present in AM
- may be constant, inc in intensity, aggravated by movement
- late signs-
- possible seizure activity
- loss of protective reflexes
- vomiting
- early signs-
- occurs typically w/o nausea-projectile
- may relieve headache
- late signs-
- changes in speech-slurred>>no speech
- papilledema
- may be first sign observed (by eye Dr)
ICP monitoring
- interventricular catheter
- subarachnoid screw
- extradural or epidural sensor
tx of IICP
- osmotic diuretic (Mannitol)-most common
- causes water to shift from brain tissue into blood (decreases cerebral edema and slows CSF production)
- given IVP or IVPB (may have bolus)
- pre-op bf cataract surgery to dec edema
- can dec pressure w/i 15 min-last for 3-8 hrs
- *monitor UO 1-3 hrs diuresis should occur after infusion
- s/e
- can produce fluid/e-lyte imbalance and hypotension
- monitor output, e-lytes, CVP, renal studies (may cause CHF/pulmonary edema with fluid shift from intracellular to intravascular)
- controversial
- Decadron-a lot of controvery as to whether it helps or not
- reduces cerebral edema, dec inflammation and inc. glucose to the brain b/c adrenal insufficiency>>colapse
- can't be DC'd quickly b/c adrenal insufficiency>>cardiac collapse
- monitor K+
- check stools for occult blood
- give protonix, pepcid-to dec GI irritation
- Dilantin, Cerebyx
- prevent seizure activity
- ***Dilantin-combine only with NS-it precipitates, give orally
- monitor Dilantin levels
- therapeutic-*10-20-like Theophylline
- Cerebyx-sound a-like celebrex
- not as many s/e as Dilantin
loop diuretic
- Lasix, Bumex
- Adjunct
- pools fluid off-Lasix is used more
- Codeine or fentanyl (Sublimaze)
- **doesn't depress respirations or LOC as much as other narcotics
- Codeine is the drug of choice
- dec agitation and supresses cough
maintain CO2 level (maintain low normal side)
- -pCO2=34-45
- CO2 is a vasodilator
- Dobutamine/Dopamine
- hyperventilation dec CO2 which causes vasoconstriction of cerebral arteries >dec cerebral blood flow and dec ICP
- **prolonged hyperventilation reducing cerebral perfusion can result in cerebral ischemia or infarction
- Diprovan-dec metabolic needs, vent control
shunt ot allow drainage of CSF
nursing interventions for IICP
- ineffective airway clearance r/t diminished protective relfexes (coughing/gaging)
- accumulation of secretions
- maintain patent airway by-suction less than 10 sec
- position in Semi-Fowler's at least 30 degrees
- don't flex hips
- turn head or them to the side
nursing interventions for IICP
- altered cerebral tissue perfusion r/t effects of IICP
- don't flex hip (have extreme flexion)
- keep neck in neutral position (use log roll to turn)
- vent-PEEP setting for best oxygenation
- stool softener to dec valsalva
- dec activities that would increase ICP
- no bright lights
- turn-slow, gently, in one motion
- SCD's
nursing interventions for IICP
- risk for infection r/t ICP monitoring system
- meningitis-stiff neck (nucal rigidity), headache, fever, chills
complications (PCs)
- brainstem herniation
- diabetes insipidus (if pituitary is affected)
- -output over 200 ml/hr may indicate D.I.
- -clear urine
- are they on Manitol? Lasix? figure out what's causing it
traumatic brain injury
- leading cause of trauma death
- death can occur immediately after injury, w/i 2 hrs, 3 wks or more later from multisystem failure
- survivors may have long-term effects and deficits
- cause-motor vehicle accidents, falls, violence
types of injuries
- fractures-
- may be opened or closed
- linear fracture-
- common in temporal or parietal area
- *commonly associated with epidural and subdural bleeds
- basal fracture-
- base of skull involving occipital, temporal, sphenoid or frontal bones
- not usually life-threathening but may result in leakage of CSF and blood from the nose and ears (rhinorrhea/otorrhea)
- s/s-
- dec hearing with ruptured tympanic membrane or fluid behind the membrane
- *battle sign-ecchymosis of mastoid process behind ear
- *racoon eyes-periorbital bruising
- *halo sign-CSF (spot on pillow case, red and pink in the middle, blot with 2x2, at risk for meningitis)
what is the possible complication to monitor for with a basal skull fracture?
closed head injury
result of blunt trauma-may be serious because of chance for IICP
- concussion
- contusion
- diffuse axonal injury
- more severe than a concussion
- bruising, hemorrhage and edema of cerebral cortex-commonly affects the frontal and temporal lobes
- unconscious lasting over 5 min
- CNS dysfunction lasting 12 hrs to 5 days
- usually diagnosed by pt symptoms since there may not be any obvious physical injury
- dizziness, spots before eyes, act dazed
- brief loss of consciousness (usually less than 5 min.)
- some confusion or amnesia to events prior to and after injury-retrograde amnesia
- usually no residual deficits and CNS dysfuntion clears w/i 12 hrs
- *severity of concussion correlates to duration of amnesia
diffuse axonal injury
- widespread damage to axons
- immediate loss of consciousness, usually no lucid intervals
- prolonged coma, decerebrate/decorticate posturing
classified as mild, moderate, or severe
- injury at point of impact
- contusion occurs where brain is forced up against skull
injury occurs at point of impact and also where brain impacts the opposite side in rebound, more involved
epidural hematoma
- btwn the skull and dura
- *arterial bleed is common in temporal lobe
- *surgical emergency to evacuate the clot
- s/s
- typically brief loss of unconsciousness then return to normal
- (lucid interval) for a few minutes/hrs then a rapid neurologic deterioration
- constant headache
- motor weakness
- + Babinski
- ipsilateral pupil dilation
- vomiting
- dec LOC
subdural hematoma
- below the dura
- *venous bleed
- s/s-
- tend to develop slowly-have 48 hrs-may take 2-4 weeks
- *more common in elderly and those on anticoagulants
- increased drowsiness
- confusion
- mild persistent headache
acute subdural hematoma
s/s w/i 48 hrs
s/s w/i 48 hrs-2 wks
- s/s w/i 3 wks-several months
- esp with alcoholics from always falling and the elderly-experience brain atrophy increasing the size of the subdural space
intracerebral hematoma
- bleeding w/i the brain tissue that cannot be removed surgically
- i.e. aneurysm
nursing assessments
- airway evaluation
- is the pt able to ventilate adequately with a spontaneous regular rate and effort ?
- if yes-continue monitoring, check pulse ox
- if no-decide if they need intubated, give O2
neuro assessment
- head injury impairment
- mild-13-15
- moderate9-12
- severe3-8
- is the pt's GCS at 9 or above?
- if yes-monitor, may need supplemental O2
- if no-decide if you need to support airway
- **a drop of 2 or more points in the total score is a dangerous sign of neurologic deterioration
- is the pt's systolic BP above 90 and are there strong peripheral pulses??
- if yes-keep monitoring may start IV
- if no-monitor cardiovascular/fluid status, Foley esp with Dobutrex, Mannitol, lASIX-monitor UO
- is the Cushing's Triad/reflex present??
other assessments
- assess ears and nose for CSF leaks
- "Halo"-ring sign-test drainage for glucose:
- dextrose sticks-it could be CSF or regular fluid so check, mucous has no dextrose
- assess skull for signs of ecchymosis/hematomas
- assess for nunchal rigidity-only after spinal injury is ruled out
nursing diagnosis
keep in mind the care of an unconscious pt and the pt with IICP
- some questions to keep in mind with interventions:
- how is an increase in ICP prevented?
- how much fluid should the pt be given?
- how is the pt protected from injury?
- is CSF leakage is noted, what should you do?
- how is adequate nutrition provided?
- what is the pain med of choice?-codeine
maintaining airway and preventing IICP
- position to avoid extreme hip/neck flexion
- elevate HOB 30 degrees, 30-45 degrees
- log roll
- O2 as needed
- suction as needed
- Mannitol
- Lasix
- IV fluids may be limited to help prevent overload
maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance
- monitor labs
- I&O
- Foley catheter
preventing injury
- observe for restlessness
- possible causes:
- seizure precautions-pad side rails
- keep environmental stimuli to a minimum-low light, turn off tv, limit visitors, curtain/blinds closed
- maintain sleep/rest cycle
- orientation cues-make sure date/time is correct
- skin care/eye care-can they close eyes, inc HOB (gravity for eyes)
- watch out for sensory overload>>agitation
- pain med-codeine, fentenyl
- CSF drainage from nose>>2x2 dressing/tape
- *don't blow nose, don't inhibit sneezes
- CSF drainage from ear>>drsg over ear not inside ear, also protects from meningitis
providing adequate nutrition
- if an NG tube is needed-assess nose for CSF drainage first
- use caution in inserting NG-an undiagnosed skull fracture could allow the NG tube to perforate into the brain
- assess swallowing first before feeding-thickened liquids if trouble swallowing
improving cognitive and sensory /perceptual functioning
- *be aware there may be fluctuations in orientation and memory
- *be aware that pt may experience a loss of sensation of pain, touch, temperature, proprioception (parietal lobe)
post concussion syndrome
- symptoms may last a few days>months>yrs
- may affect employment
- s/s:
- headache, dizziness, easily fatigued, can affect work
- impaired memory
- problems with perception, reasoning
- personality and behavior changes
post-traumatic seizures r/t scarring of brain tissue
may occur immediately or years later
spinal cord injury
- causes:
- motor vehicle, falls, gunshot/stab wounds, sport injuries
- incidence-12,000 new SCI every year
- more common in 16-30 yr old males
- mechanism of injury:
- flexion-rotation: most unstable, severe neurologic deficits e.g. car accidents
- **injuries usually occur in the cervical or lumbar area where there is the greatest mobility
- ***any pt with a head injury, suspect a spinal cord injury
damage to spinal cord rages from..
- transient concussion
- contusion
- laceration
- compression-lke a jump or fall
- partial or complete transection
- hyperextension-fall, whiplash
- penetration-bullet
most common sites of injury
- C1-C4-respiratory paralysis
- C1-C8-classified as a quadriplegic
- T1-and below-classified as a paraplegic
functional loss depends on site of injury and whether injury is partial or complete
cords response to injury
- *irreversible unless appropriate intervention
- ischemia
- edema
- hemorrhage
neurogenic shock
- loss of vasomotor tone and impairment of autonomic function
- (dec BP, bradycardia, warm/dry extremities), lasts 3 days-3 wks-peripheral vasodilation
- tx-Dopamine/Dobutamine
spinal shock
- usually occurs with complete spinal cord lesions
- immediate effect is confusion b/c of loss of spinal relflexes-type of neurogenic shock
- the result is:
- flaccid paralysis below the level of injury-absence of reflexes
- areflexia-no reflexes>>spastic movements-e.g. toe twitches
- loss of pain,sensation, and proprioception-e.g. sense of R and L, knowing what sides is moving
- dec VS
- loss of ability to perspire below the level of injury-skin may feel warm and dry
- bowel and bladder dysfunction
- phrenic nerve-if affected/interrupted>>dec respirations
- *pt appears pink, warm and dry with vasodilation
spinal shock develops w/i 2 hrs after injury and usually lasts 1-6 weeks
how will you know when spinal sock is resolving?
- spastic movement-twitching of lower extremities e.g. big toe twitches
- once swelling is dec
*better prognosis if movement occurs w/i first 48-72 hrs
treatment of spinal shock
- steriods to dec edema-methylpredisone (Solu-Medrol)
- remember-use different steroids for different things
supportive>>proper alignment to dec edema (Decadron) for head, Prednisone for rep, Solu-Medrol for resp, spinal edema, keep spinal cord straight, better if used w/i 8-24 hrs with steriods
mgmt of pt with spinal shock
- initial:
- immobilization-cervical collar-if don't have, use hand or roll something up to stabilize neck, use jaw thrust for airway
- *modified jaw thrust
- *focus on resp status of pt esp with C3-C5 injuries
- look for neurologic deficits
- extrication-move on back board-perdon at the head is the boss
- stabilization and control of life threatening injuries
- rapid and safe transport
- suction if needed, intubation, meds-may need Atropine if bradycardic
emergency room mgmt
- assessment and monitoring VS and neuro checks
- x-rays, CT, MRI
- **Foley-atonic bladder? measure UO
- NG-prevent aspiration pneumonia, ileus is common-may be difficult to insert b/c can't tilt neck
- *steroids-Solu-Medrol to dec edema w/i 8-24 hrs
surgical intervention for spinal shock
- will try to do w/i the first 24 hrs
- controversial-do benefits outweigh risks???
- criteria for surgical intervention-
- compound fractures, penetrating wounds
- bone fragments in spinal cord
- progressive neurologic deficits
non-surgical mgmt
- *immobilization by skeletal traction
- Crutchfield or Gardner-Wells tongs-most common
- traction typically 10-20#, maintained for 6 weeks
- pain and muscle spasm decreases with vertebrae separated and aligned
- special bed for turning-skin care
- halo vest-for ppl who are mobile
- *immobilization places pts at risk for-
- hypoventilation-pt on back
- pneumonia/atelectasis.dec ability to cough
- pulmonary embolism b/c of immobility, SCDs, infection-pin care
nursing interventions
- potential complications to monitor for:
- hypoxemia
- urinary retention
- paralytic ileus
nursing dx for spinal cord injury
- ineffective airway clearance r/t high cervical injury
- *prevent-atelectasis, infection, pneumonia
impaired physical mobility r/t paralysis-watch for foot drop, wear high top shoes, don't leave on all the time, anti-spasmodics/anti-inflammtory
anxiety r/t perceived effects of injury on life style and unknown future
rehabilitation with spinal cord injury
focus-coping with alterations in r/t ADLs, maintaining body function and preventing complications
- impaired physical mobility r/t paralysis
- prevent -contractures, joint alkalosis aka stiff joint, muscle shorteneing, skin breakdown
- constipation-inc fluids, fiber, stool softener, bowel program, ROM
- enemas are NOT used because they can retain edema and distend bowel
- pain-from nerve root irritation @ level of injury from scar tissue (surgery, trauma)
- -analgesics
- -anti-spasmodics:
- Baclofen-most common
- Dantrium
- Xanaflex
- Botulism Toxin
- *narcotics are contraindicated ig high cervical injury-resp depression
impaired urinary elimination-encourage to drink 4000 ml/day to prevent calculi, cranberry juice, apple juice, vitamin C-acidifiers
*UTI, renal calculi, pyelonephritis and hydronephritis were major causes of death-wth better urologic mgmt these have dec
neurogenic bladder
- full bladder 3300-500 ml triggers emptying
- spastic reflex or automatic-upper motor neuron, spontaneous uncontrolled voidings
- flaccid atonic, areflexic or autonomous-lower motor neuron, overflow incontinence
*most common causes of death now appear to be pneumonia, PE and septicemia
physiologic experiences common to SCI people
**pt and families need to understand these
- autonomic dysreflexia (hyperreflexia)
- *occurs only with injuries abouve T6
- s/s
- pounding headache
- blurred vision
- nasal congestion
- HTN (240-300/160
- bradycardia>stroke>death
- marked diaphoresis and flushing above the level of injury
causes of autonomic dysreflexia (hyperreflexia)
- *distended bladder or plugged Foley-most common
- *constipation>>impaction-2nd most common
- urinary calculi-UTI
- uterine contractions with cramps or labor
- pressure sores
- hot/cold stimulus e.g. sitting in drafty hall
- medical interventions-**this is a medical emergency
- **elevate HOB check catheter, if don't have, check abd (intermittent foley cath-could straight cath, cath q4-6 hrs)
- check for impaction
- spray pressure sore-granulex
- monitor BP
- meds for elevated BP>>Apresolie, Hyperstat
- if out and about, check to see if their clothes are too tight, like their belt, sit them up
spasticity and muscle spasms
- *as spinal shock clears, spasticity develops
- spastic movements may be initiated by:
- toush
- bumping bed
- cold weather
- emotion-anxiaety, crying, anger, laughing
- may last 1 1/2-2yrs but can disappear
- spams may range from mild twitching to violent jerking
- Interventions:
- ROM 4 times a day-stiffness increases spasticity
- limit tactile stimulation-be gentle, firm , and steady
- avoid situations known to cause stimuli that increases spasticity-i.e. cold, prolonged sitting
- meds:
- Valium
- Dantrium-skelestal muscle relaxant
- Baclofen (Lioresal)-antispasmodic
- surgery when muscle spasms are painful and can't be controlled i/e/ tendon release, chordotomy-for pain relief
psychosocial aspects
- grieving
- risk for disturbed body image
- interrupted family processes r/t adjustment requirements, role disturbances, and uncertain future
- kids-long-term care will need to be planned for schooling?? vocational choices?? discipline and setting limits to help child become independent?? what will happen to child as parents age??
- risk for altered sexuality pattern