The lower the molecular weight...
the faster the rate of diffusion
Molecular motion
- reflects the kinetic energy of molecules
- is random and erratic
Velocity of molecular movement
- is lower in larger molecules
- increases with increasing temp
The single characteristic of the differentially permeable membranes determines the substances that can pass through them?
Hypertonic solution
the cells are said to be crenated
Isotonic solution
full shaped cells
Hypotonic solution
the cells are filled with h2o and can lyse - Hemolysis
Active Transport
- uses ATP
- May occur against concentration and or electrical gradients
- explain solute pumping, phagocytosis, and pinocytosis
- move ions, amino acids, and some sugars across the plasma membrane
Passive Transport
- no ATP
- include osmosis, simple diffusion, and filtration
- account for the movement of fats and respiratory gases through the plasma membrane
- use hydrostatic pressure or molecular energy as the driving force
Movement of molecules from high to low concentration down a concentration gradient
The diffusion of water
Diffusion that occurs on its own
Selection of what is allowed to pass through
Englufing of a molecule by a cell
Absorbtion of larger molecules via Edocytosis
Ability of the body to maintain a condition of equilibrium or stability within its internal environment
Goal of Homeostasis:
to stabalize health and functioning reguardless of the outside changing conditions
helps maintain homeostasis when environmental conditions change
Sweating in a humid environment vs non-humid
high humidity -> sweat doesnt evaporate -> body temp increases -> sweat more