Study Guide 8

  1. Which of the following may reduce the out-of-field artifact?

  2. A cone beam artifact may look like stars:

  3. Which of the following affects beam hardening?
    1. the types of tissues the beam passes through
    2. the thickness of the tissues traversed by the beam
    3. the energies of the photons in the beam

  4. A CT artifact is:

  5. Which of the following would desplay the greatest amount of partial volume artifact?

  6. Which of the following is a result of reducing the slick thickness to reduce partial volume effects?
    1. increased appearance of noise
    2. increased spatial resolution
    3. decreased anatomical coverage with the same number of slices

  7. Which of the following is a possible manifestation of beam hardening?
    1. CT number inaccuracies
    2. streaks in the image
    3. cupping artifact

  8. Which of the following would result if the filter at the aperture of the x-ray tube removed even more low energy x-ray photons?

  9. What is the cause for the cupping artifact?

  10. Which of the following would make noise in the image appear less noticeable?
    1. increased window widths
    2. increased mAs
    3. increased slice thickness

  11. Which of the following may be the cause of two parallel lines seen on a localizer image?

  12. How would we expect metal to affect the appearance of a localizer image?

  13. Why must we choose a scan field-of-view which is larger than the anatomy to be scanned?
    1. to achieve the highest spatial resolution
    2. to minimize partial volume artifacts
    3. to avoid out-of-field artifacts

  14. Which of the following may be the cause of a metal artifact?
    1. earrings
    2. a zipper
    3. dental fillings

  15. Beam hardening refers to:
    1. the increase in the number of photons reaching the detectors
    2. the increase in the number of low energy photons reaching the detectors
    3. the increase in the average energy of the photons that reach the detectors

  16. Which of the following might increase the possibility of motion artifacts occuring?

  17. What is the cause of cone beam artifacts?

  18. Which of the following would reduce the partial volume effect?

  19. Which of the following would increase the severity of the edge gradient effect?
    1. a scanner with a small detector aperture
    2. a scanner with a low data sampling rate
    3. using thin slices

  20. Which of the following affects the severity of metal artifacts?
    1. the quantity, composition and shape of the metal
    2. the slice thickness
    3. the number of data sampling points

  21. Which of the following would eliminate a ring artifact?

  22. _____ in the image is a possible manifestation of patient motion
    1. Ghosting
    2. Blurring
    3. Streaks

  23. CT x-ray tue arcing can occur because of _____ the x-ray tube.
    1. impurities in the oil outside
    2. tungsten gas inside
    3. tungsten solids in the oil inside

  24. If an algorithm to correct for the cupping artifact is applied too aggressively to the data for a head image, the _____ of the image would be too bright.
    1. top and bottom
    2. center
    3. edges

  25. Which of the following may occur if the patient's arms are placed at their sides during a chest exam if the scan field-of-view is 33 cm?
    1. beam hardening
    2. out-of-field artifact
    3. cone beam artifact

  26. Which of the following could allow for a reduction of partial volume artifact while not increasing the appearance of the noise in the image?

  27. A variation in which of the following will affect the hardening of an x-ray beam?
    1. tissue density
    2. tissue thickness
    3. kVp

  28. In which direction are streaks from the edge gradient effect oriented?

  29. On a CT image of the brain a cupping artifact would appear brighter:

  30. Which of the following may be a result of partial volume averaging?
    1. decreased sharpness of edges
    2. inaccurate CT numbers
    3. ghosting of tissue boundaries

  31. The service engineer should be notified about which of the following?
    1. frequent bad streaks on the inferior slices of head scans
    2. a consistent circle on the images
    3. frequent bad streaks throughout the entire image

  32. How would the artifact from a faulty detector element appear on a localizer image?

  33. Which of the following is TRUE as the slice thickness is decreased?

  34. A(n) _____ artifact is a streak artifact which arises from a high spatial frequency interface between tissues with a great diference in density.

  35. Which of the following would decrease the effects of beam hardening artifacts?
    1. increased kVp
    2. increased mAs
    3. increased scan time

  36. Which of the following strategies would NOT help us differentiate possible pathology from a partial volume artifact?
    1. inspection of adjacent slices
    2. collect additional thinner slices through suspicious region
    3. rescan and decrease pitch (without changing slice thickness)

  37. Which of the following strategies minimizes beam hardening artifact from dense contrast media?
    1. the contrast solution can be diluted
    2. the scan can be performed with a slight delay
    3. the scan can be performed in the opposite direction

  38. Tube arcing might cause _____ on the images.

  39. Which of the following will have the least likelihood of producing edge gradient artifacts?

  40. Which of the following strategies will minimize metal artifacts?
    1. remove as much metal from the patient as possible
    2. orient slices such that the metal is avoided if possible
    3. inspect the localizer for any metal on the patient and remove any metal or avoid imaging it as much as possible

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Study Guide 8
CT Artifacts