
  1. Monoamines
    Catecholamines (tyrosine) & Indolamines (tryptophan)
  2. Catecholamines
    Dopamine, Epinephrine (adrenaline), & Norepinephrine
  3. Indolamine
  4. Amino Acids
    Glutamate, GABA, & Glysine
  5. Peptides
  6. Lipids
  7. Nucleosides
  8. Soluble Gases
    Nitric Oxide
  9. Acetylcholine
    The primary neurotransmitter secreted by the efferent axons of the CNS
  10. Ach Receptors
    Nicotinic (nAchR) and Muscarinic (mAchR)
  11. nAchR
    Ach receptor that is stimulated by nicotine and blocked by curare
  12. mAchR
    Ach receptor that is stimulated by mascarine and blocked by atropine
  13. Three systems for Dopamine
    Nigrostratial, Mesolimbic, & Mesocortical
  14. Nigrostriatal System
    Plays a role in control of movement
  15. Mesolimbic System
    Plays a role in reinforcing effects of drugs that are commonly abused
  16. Mesocortical System
    Short term memory and problem solving
  17. Norepinephrine (noradrenaline)
    Found in the ANS and brain. Main Nucleus is Locus Coeruleus in dorsal pons, for arousal & attention
  18. Epinephrine
    A hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla; Not used as much in the CNS as norepinephrine
  19. Serotonin
    5-HT or 5-hyrdoxytryptamine; Thought to play a role in regulation of mood, control of eating, sleeping, dreaming, and arousal
  20. Drugs for Serotonin
    PCPA, Fluoxetine, LSD, & MDMA
  21. PCPA
    A drug that inhibits the activity of tryptophan hydroxylase, interfering with the synthesis of 5-HT and serves as a serotonergic antagonist
  22. Fluoxetine (Prozac)
    A drug that inhibits reuptake of 5-HT. Used to treat depression, OCD, and some anxiety disorders
  23. LSD
    A drug that stimulates 5-HT2A receptors
  24. MDMA (ecstasy)
    A drug that serves as a noradrenergic and serotonergic agonist; has excitatory and hallucinogenic effects
Card Set
The four main monoamines