1. Staphylococcal food poisoning
    • Bacterial
    • Pathogen: Staphylococcus aureus
    • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
    • intoxication (enterotoxin)
  2. Salmonellosis
    • Bacterial
    • Pathogen: Salmonella enterica- gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, non-endospore forming rods
    • nausea and diarrhea
    • Infection (endotoxin)
  3. Cholera
    • Bacterial
    • Pathogen: Vibrio cholerae- slightly curved, gram-negative rod with a single polar flagellum
    • diarrhea with large water loss
    • Cholera toxin (exotoxin)
  4. Vibrio parahaemolyticus gastroenteritis
    • Bacterial
    • Pathogen: V. parahaemolyticus
    • cholera-like diarrhea, but generally milder
    • Infection (enterotoxin)
  5. Traveler's diarrhea
    • Bacterial
    • Pathogen: Escherichia coli
    • watery diarrhea
    • Infection (endotoxin)
  6. Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli
    • Bacterial
    • Pathogen: E. coli O157:H7
    • shigella-like desentery
    • Infection, shiga toxin (exotoxin)
    • Jack in the box E. coli
  7. Clostridium perfringens gastroenteritis
    • Bacterial
    • Pathogen: Clostridium perfringens- large, gram-positive, endospore-forming, obligately anaerobic rod
    • usually limited to diarrhea
    • Infection (exotoxin)
  8. Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea
    • Bacterial
    • Pathogen: Clostridium difficile- gram-positive, endospore-forming bacterium
    • mild diarrhea to colitis
    • Infection (exotoxin)
  9. Hepatitis A
    • Viral Hepatitis
    • Pathogen: Picornaviridae
    • Method of Transmission: ingestion
  10. Hepatitis B
    • Viral Hepatitis
    • Pathogen: Hepadnaviridae
    • Method of Transmission: parenteral; sexual contact
  11. Hepatitis C
    • Viral Hepatitis
    • Pathogen: Flaviviridae
    • Method of Transmission: parenteral
  12. Hepatitis D
    • Viral Hepatitis
    • Pathogen: Deltaviridae
    • Method of Transmission: parenteral; requires coininfection with Hepatitis B
  13. Mumps
    • Viral
    • Pathogen: mumps virus; paramyxoviridae
    • painful swelling of parotid glands
  14. Viral gastroenteritis
    • Viral
    • Pathogen: Rotavirus- vomiting, diarrhea for 1 week; norovirus- vomiting, diarrhea for 2-3 days
  15. Giardiasis
    • Protozoan
    • Pathogen: Giardia lambia- flagellated protozoan that is able to attach firmly to a human's intestinal wall
    • may inhibit nutrition absorption
  16. Tapeworms
    • Helminthic
    • Pathogen: Taenia saginata
    • Human infections by tapeworms begin with the consumption of uncooked beef, pork, or fish containing cysticerci. The cysticerci develop into adult tapeworms that attach to the intestinal wall by suckers on the scolex.
    • Intermediate Host: cattle, pigs, fish
    • Definitive Host: humans
  17. Hookworms
    • Helminthic
    • Pathogen: Necator americanus
    • The hookworm attaches to the intestinal wall and feeds on blood and tissue rather than on partially digested food.
    • Larvae enter skin from soil
    • Definitive Host: humans
  18. Ascariasia
    • Helminthic
    • Pathogen: Ascaris lumbricoides
    • In the intestinal tract, they live on partially digested food and cause few symptoms.
    • Intermediate Host: humans
    • Definitive Host: humans
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