biochem clinical correlations

  1. Uncoupling and BMR
    BMR increased when all of the proton gradient energy (as opposed to just some) is transformed into heat...increases BMR
  2. Non-shivering thermogenesis
    in brown adipose tissue; uncoupling protein-1 (thermogenin) is only in brown fat mit and hormonally controls non-shivering thermogenesis
  3. pathological uncouplers
    thryoxine: produces less ATP and increases heat production; seen in hyperthroidism (Grave's disease)

    salicylate: degradation prod of aspirin, uncouples mit oxid phosph
  4. riboflavin deficiency
    flavins used in oxid phosph (FMN in complex 1 and FAD in complex 2) come from riboflavin; def of riboflavin decreases mit ability to make ATP via oxid phosph

    results in megamit; due to impairment of complex 1 and complex 2
  5. anthracycline toxicity
    (aka doxorubicin); impairs mit func by binding to complex 1
  6. production of reactive oxygen species (ROS)
    when ETC blocked, reduced complex 1 and complex 3 directly reduce molecular oxygen and end up producing superoxide radicles (toxic)
  7. apoptosis
    when receive a death stimuli, mit outer mem becomes permeable and releases cyt c into cytosol (act caspase cascade)
  8. ischemia/hypoxia
    brain, heart, kidney super sens to ischemia/hypoxia bc need the most amt of ATP possible
  9. OXPHOS diseases
    def/prob in oxidative metab which result in accumulation of lactate in blood and incorporation of FA into triglyceride
  10. mit myopathies
    OXPHOS disease; caused by non-func mit (muscles and nerve cells are super susceptible)

    Kearns-Sayre, MERRF, LHON, MELAS
  11. Sx of mit myopathies
    muscle weakness, exercise intolerance, heat failure, rhythm disturbances, dementia, mvmt disorders, stroke-like episodes, deafness, blindness, vomiting, seizures

    muscles easily fatiqued or weakened during physical act
  12. rotenone
    fish/rat poison; toxic to humans; binds to complex 1 of ETC
  13. antimycin A
    inhibits complex 2
  14. myxothiazole
    inhibits complex 2
  15. cyanide
    reversible inhibitor complex 4
  16. azide
    reversible inhibitor complex 4
  17. malonate
    competitive inhibitor complex 2
  18. FCCP
    uncoupler of ETC
  19. DNP
    uncoupler of ETC
  20. oligomycin
    binds to complex 5 and blocks mvmt through channel; fixed by adding uncouplers to leak H into the matrix
Card Set
biochem clinical correlations
MS1/Mod 1: Biochemistry; clinical correlations