Root: adeno (gland) = ah +dee+ no
Medical Term:
adenoma (gland tumor)
Greek (aden) Everyday Usage: adenoids
Word Association:
gland, sweat gland, sweaty dinosaur, a dino, adeno
Root: calculi (stone) = cal + cue + lie
Medical Term: calculosis (stones)
Latin (calculi; meaning pebble) Everyday Use Calculator
Word Association:
stone, counting stones, math, calculus, calculi
Root: cele (tumor, cyst; hernia) = sell
Medical Term: hydrocele (water cyst, tumor)
Greek (kele; tumor, swelling) Everyday Usage: celestial (heavenly)
Word Association:
tumor, two more, sale, cele
Root: cyto (cell) = sigh + toe
Medical Term: cytology (cells, study of)
Greek (kytos; cell)
cell, jail cell, the hole, site, hole, cyto
Root: glyco (sweet, sugar) = gl + eye + co
Medical Term: glycosuria (sugar in the urine)
Greek (glyks)
sugar, doughnut, "O", gee like "O", glyco
Root: homeo, homo (similar, same, like) = hoe+me +oh
Medical Term: homeostasis (same environment)
Greek (hemores; similar) = homogenize
same, same home, home, homeo
Root: lingua (tongue) = ling + wha
Medical Term: linguiform (tongue-shaped)
Latin (linguae; tonguelike) linguistic
tongue, eat, pasta, linguini, lingua
Root: lip (fat) = lip
Medical Term: lipoma (fat tumor)
Greek (lipos; fat)
fat, fatty, fatty food, passes through your lips, lips
Root: lith (stone) = lith as in fifth
Medical Term: lithotripsy (stone dissolve)
Greek (lithos; stone) Everyday Use: monolith
stone, speaking with stones in your mouth, lisp, lith
Root: madaro (falling hair) = ma + dare + oh
Medical Term: madarosis (loss of eyelashes or eyebrows)
Greek (falling)
falling hair, hair cut, sharp cut, arrow, mad arrow, madaro
Root: psych (mind) = sike
Medical Term: psycho (mind; study of psychology; mental processes)
Greek (psyche; mind) Everyday Use: psycho
mind, circuit, cycle, psych
Root: pyo (pus) = pie + oh
Medical Term: pyogenic (pus producing)
Greek (pyon; pus)
pus, yellow ooze, yellow, lemon, lemon pie, pie, pyo
Root: radi (rays) = ray + dee
Medical Term: radiology (rays, study of)
Latin (radius; rays) Everyday Use: radiation
rays, 4 letters, d is 4th letter, ray + d, radi
Root: thermic (heat) = ther + mick
Medical Term: thermobiosis (exists at high temperature)
Greek (therme; heat) Everyday Use: thermostat
heat, temperature, thermometer, thermic
Root: arthro (joint) = are + throw
Medical Term: arthritis (joint inflammation)
Greek (arthron; joint)
joint, arm bend, throw, r + throw, arthro
Root: carpo (wrist) = car + poe
Medical Term: carpoptosis (wrist dropping)
Greek (karpos; wrist bones) Everyday Use: carpenter
wrist, drive car with wrists, carpool, carpo
Root: chondro (cartilage) = con + droh
Medical Term: chondromalacia (cartilage, soft)
Greek (chondros; cartilage)
cartilage, cart, apart, apartment, condo, chondro
Root: costa (rib) = cost + uh
Medical Term: intercostal (between ribs)
Latin (costae; rib)
rib, buying ribs, cost, costa
Root: cranio (skull) = crane +knee + oh
Medical Term: craniotomy (skull incision)
Greek (kranion)
skull, houses brain, rhymes with brain, crane, cranio
Root: dactyl (finger) = dact + till
Medical Term: dactylitis (finger inflammation)
Greek (daktylos; finger)
finger, web fingers, duck, duck tail, dactyl
Root: ili (hip) = ill + lee
Medical Term: iliosacral (ilium and sacrum)
Latin (ilium; flank)
hip, cool, temperature, ill, ill + e ili
Root: manus (hand) = man + us
Medical Term: manicure (hand care)
Latin (manus; hand) Everyday Use: manual
hand, help, man (verb), manus
Root: myel (bone marrow) = my + el
Medical Term: myeloma (marrow tumor)
Greek (myelos; marrow)
marrow, tomorrow, distance, mile, myel
Root: myo (muscle) = my + oh
Medical Term: myoedema (muscle swelling)
Greek (mys; muscle)
muscle, contract, spread, mayonnaise, mayo, myo
Root: ortho (straighten) = or + thoh
Medical Term: orthopedic (concerning deformities)
Greek (orthos; straight) Everyday Use: Orthodox
straighten, hammer, Thor, or Thor, ortho
Root: osteo (bone) = ah + stee + oh
Medical Term: osteoplast (bone surgery)
Greek (osteon; bone)
bone, shell, oyster, osteo
Root: pedi (foot) = pee + dee
Medical Term: pedicure (foot care)
Latin (pes; foot) Everyday Use: pedal
foot, pedal, pedia
Root: spondyl (vertebra) = spawn + dill
Medical Term: spondylitis (vertebrae inflammation)
Greek (spondylos; vertebra)
vertebra, spine, spin, spindle, spondyl