chinese102 PCR17-18

    • diǎn
    • time, o'clock, dot, speck, spot, degree
    • fēn
    • minute
    • quarter of an hour, fifteen minutes
    • chà
    • to lack, to be short of
    • (ie 10 'til 2 = liang3 dian3 cha4 shi2 fen1)
    • Bàn
    • half, thirty minutes
    • zhōng
    • clock
    • biǎo
    • watch
  1. 今天
    • jīntiān
    • today
  2. 明天
    • míngtiān
    • tomorrow
  3. 昨天
    • zuótiān
    • yesterday
  4. 上午
    • Shàngwǔ
    • late morning
  5. 早上
    • zao3shang4
    • early morning
  6. 中午
    • Zhōngwǔ
    • noon
  7. 下午
    • xiàwǔ
    • afternoon
  8. 晚上
    • wǎnshang
    • night
  9. 每天
    • měitiān
    • everyday
  10. 起床
    • qǐ chuáng
    • to get up/ wake up
  11. 吃飯
    • chīfàn
    • to eat
  12. 吃早飯
    • Chīzǎo fàn
    • to eat breakfast
  13. 吃午飯
    • Chīwǔ fàn
    • to eat lunch
  14. 吃晚飯
    • Chīwǎn fàn
    • to eat dinner
  15. 上課
    • shàngkè
    • to attend class, to go to class
  16. 下課
    • Xià kè
    • to be dismissed from class, get out of class
  17. 上班
    • shàng bān
    • to go to work
  18. 下班
    • xià bān
    • to get off of work
  19. 回家
    • huíjiā
    • to return home
  20. 睡覺
    • Shuì jiào
    • to go to bed
    • děng
    • to wait
  21. 跟.......一起
    • gēn ... yìqǐ
    • to go together with
  22. 食堂
    • shítáng
    • dining hall
  23. 電影
    • diànyǐng
    • movie
  24. 電影院
    • diànyǐngyuàn
    • movie theater
  25. 咖啡館
    • kāfēiguǎn
    • cafe
  26. ....好嗎?
    • ...hao3 ma?
    • ..., ok?
  27. 以前
    • yǐqián
    • before
    • (use after the noun phrase)
  28. 以後
    • yǐhòu
    • after
    • (use after noun phrase)
  29. 休息
    • xiūxi
    • to rest, to take a break
  30. 時候
    • shíhou
    • time
    • (used only with sometime, what time [shenme shihou], etc. not used by itself)
  31. 有時候
    • yǒushíhou
    • sometimes
  32. 問題
    • wèntí
    • question
  33. 問問題
    • wèn wèntí
    • to ask a question
  34. 坐車
    • zuo4 che1
    • to ride in a car
  35. 很多
    • hen3 duo1
    • many, a lot
  36. 餐廳
    • cāntīng
    • dining hall
Card Set
chinese102 PCR17-18
Chinese 102 Lesson 17-18