The first indian people

  1. The Hopewell people built their mounds in the form of a circle,rectangle,or square. This means that the mounds were                          .
  2. Why didn't the Mound Builders have to move around as much as the Paleo or Archaic Indians?
    They grew their own food and saved it for the winter.
  3. The first people to come to North America moved around lot to search for food. They hunted large animals with tools they made. What are those people called?
  4. The first people who first lived in Ohio left behind things like rock art,trash piles and burial sites. What are these things called? 
  5. No one knows what happened to any of the prehistoric people. Why?
    Because they did not leave any written records.
  6. Before ancient people learned better ways to use the soil for farming, they made tools that made farming easier. Since they farmed, what did they have more time to do? 
    They had more time to make jewelry and musical instruments. 
  7. The Adena people built cone shaped mounds. What were those mounds used for? 
    They were used for burial.
  8. Why were the Glacial Kame people probably given their name? 
    They buried their dead in Kames. 
  9. The Archaic indians were good hunters. What was the name of the spear thrower they invented? 
    Atle Atle
  10. Pretend you are an archeologist, you are lucky to find some tools that were used by people many years ago. The tools are made of animal bone and stone. What do you think these tools could have been used for? 
     - Spear point

     - Scraper
    • Spear point: hunting
    • Scraper: scrape fur from animal hides
  11. For each item below, write P for Primary. S for Secondary

    _ a stone knife found near burial mound

    _ a letter you wrote to your friend about YOUR birthday party

    _ a model of a burial mound

    _ a story about Hopewell indians

    _ an effigy pipe made by the Adena

    _ a MODERN painting
    • P_ a stone knife found near burial mound
    • P_ a letter you wrote to your friend about YOUR birthday party
    • S_ a model of a burial mound
    • S_ a story about Hopewell indians
    • P_ an effigy pipe made by the Adena
    • S_ a MODERN painting
Card Set
The first indian people
first people