- Cimabue
- Crucifix, 1270's
- Commissioned by the Dominicans of Sanbomen
- Cimabue
- Crucifiction, 1279
- Upper Church, Assisi
- Fresco
- angels capture the blood of Christ
- right side = good
- left side= sinister, bad
- the paint oxidized so it now looks like a photo negative
- Altarpiece of Saint Clare, 1280's
- Santa Chiara, Assisi
- St. Clare founded the order of the Poor Clares, the womens section of the Fransciscan Order
- shows scenes from Clare's life
- 3 knots in belt = 3 principal vows(obedience, chastity, poverty)
Sancta Sanctorum
- Master Cosmatus
- 1278
- Lateran Palace, Rome
- translates to the holiest of the holy
- has the Acheropita the true portrait of Christ
- holds many important relics
- floor was made by Master Cosmatus with serpentine stone from Egypt
- was commissioned by Pope Nicolas III
- Sancta Sanctorum
- 1277-1280
- patron saints of Rome
- Pope Nicolas III is presenting the building to Christ
- the figures are pushed forward in the picture frame
- Cavallini
- Last Judgement 1290
- St. Cecilia in Trastevere, Rome
- Fresco, was destroyed when the interior was redone
- is now hidden by the nuns' choir
- depicts the end of time the good and the bad
- Christ is surrounded by a Mandorla
- garment is open, bloody and gross
- angels are shown in an array of colors
- the archangels are jeweled
- the virgin and st. john are shown, apostles are present holding attributes
- drapery looks 3D there is light and shadow, modulating smooth facial features
- Cavallini
- Birth of the Virgin. 1290
- Santa Maria in Trastevere, Rome
- commissioned by Stefaneschi
- moasic = very expensive
- shows the life of the Virgin
- rituals of childbirth
- very well planned narrative
- Upper Church, 1228
- San Francesco, Assisi
- St. Francis is buried in full here
- 2 churches in one
- upper church = the larger one
- surrounded by a convent
- has a papal seat in the apse
- created with papal funding
- begun in 1228 was completed by 1239
- St. Francis Kneeling Before the Crucifix in San Damiano late 13th - early 14th cent.
- sold bolts of fabric given to him by his fater and gives the money to the church
- Upper Church,
- San Francesco, Assisi
- St. Francis Renouncing his Worldly Goods late 13th - early 14th cent.
- Upper Church,
- San Francesco, Assisi
- publically renounces his earthly possessions and gives his father even the clothes off his back
- calls God his father, there is a little God hand shown (medieval tradition)
- Bishop of Assisi wraps him in his cloak and claims him for the religious life
- The Dream of Pope Innocent III late 13th to early 14th cent
- Upper Church,
- San Francesco, Assisi
- got 12 followers
- pope dreamed the st. francis was holding up the church of St. Lateran
- Scrovegni Chapel 1303-1305
- Padua
- built on the grounds of Roman ruins
- act of devotion to ensure salvation
- commissioned by Enrico Scrovegni
- contains the paintings: Expulsion of Joachim, Lamentation, and Last Judgement
- 3 tiers of narratives
- top = virgin mary
- bottom 2 = life of christ
- Expulsion of Joachim 1303-1305
- Scrovegni Chapel, Padua
- Giotto
- Mary's father is kicked out of the temple bc it is believed that he is not in the favor of God
- architecture forms the scene
- fictive marble gold leaf on the hems
- furrowed brow he is very upset
- Lamentation 1303-1395
- Scrovegni Chapel, Padua
- Giotto
- immediately follows the crucifiction
- christ is layed out
- figures set the scene draws the viewer in
- non descript landscape
- dead tree mirrors the death of christ
- everything linear leads to christ including the landscape
- st. john = the eagle hands out behind him
- Last Judgement 1303-1305
- Scrovegni Chapel, Padua
- Giotto
- located on a portal inside of facade wall
- monumental
- empty cross, christ is surrounded by a mandorla
- sun and moon are being rolled up
- show the end of time people going to heaven and hell
- Palazzo della Signoria 1299-1310
- architect: Arnolfo di Camio
- Florence
- limestone
- tower = fortfied
- castle like = power symbol
- meeting place
- all other towers in Florence were taken down
- Santa Croce 1294
- architect: Arnolfo di Camio
- Florence
- built very close to the river
- Franciscan Church
- late medieval, trad. basilica church
- trancept: cross shaped plan
- narrow side aisles
- was once frescoed now is plain and bare
- Italian Gothic Architecture: pointed arches stained glass windows open wooden beams
- floor is covered with tomb slabs
- raised church built on a crypt
- Ognissanti Madonna and Child 1310-1315
- Giotto
- Florence Uffizi Gallery
- no documents exist about this work
- Ognissanti: All Saints Church; belonged to Umiliati order
- very wealthy order = cloth producers
- overlapping used to create space faces are covered
- shows recession into space
- more naturalistic uses shadows and light creates volume
- Last Supper, Trees of Life, and Four Miracle Scenes 1330-1340
- Taddeo Gaddi
- Refectory, Santa Croce, Florence
- an iconic image
- comes from a textual source from St. Bonaventure
- fruit hanging from the tree
- meant for an educated audience
- Donor: Mona Vaggia Manfredi
- St. Francis and St. Dominic are present
- the bird is a pelican
- leading to leonardo's last supper image
- South Doors 1330-1336
- Bapistery (San Giovanni) Florence
- depicts scenes from the life of John the Baptist
- two bottom rows are scenes of virtues
- the rest are life scenes and can be read like a book
- cast bronze doors, very expensive
- Commissioned by the Calimala Guild- oldest guild in the city, textile guild: imported wool made cloth and exported it
- used Giotto as an influence
- quatrofoil frames
- the baptism of christ shows John the Bap. recognizing Christ as the son of God
- Pulpit 1265
- Nicola Pisano
- Siena Cathedral
- performs an important function in the mass
- Eagle = St. John the Evangelist, the writer of the Gospel
- 6 sides covered in HIGH RELIEF
- trefoils and gothic arches
- shows the life of Christ beginning with the annunciation and ends with the last judgement
- animated sculpture
- massacre of the innocents- King Herod put to death all children 2 years old and younger
- made from chiseled marble and also used a drill
- drill creates dramatic shadows
- all faces are different there is no repetition
- Biccherna Cover 1468
- The Virgin Protects Siena in the Time of Earthquakes
- Francesco de Giorgio Martini
- the biccherna controlled the finances of the city
- tempera on panel
- city of Siena is shown
- earthquakes led to evacuation of the city and people lived in tents
- virgin oversees from above