Chapter 1:Scientific Understanding of Behavior

  1. Alternative Explanations
    • part of causal inference
    • a potential alternative cause of an observed relationship between variable
  2. Applied Research
    conducted to address issues in which there are practical problems and potential solutions
  3. Authority
    accept something because someone in AUTHORITY believes it
  4. Basic Research
    Tries to answer fundamental questions about the nature of behavior
  5. Covariation of Cause and Effect
    • part of causal inference
    • observing that a change in one variable is accompanied by a change in a second variable
  6. Empiricism
    use of objective observations to answer a question about the nature of behavior
  7. Goals of Science
    • to describe behavior
    • to predict behavior
    • to determine the causes of behavior
    • to understand or explain behavior
  8. intuition
    • accept unquestioningly what your own personal judgment
    • a single story about one's experience tells you about the world
  9. Peer Review
    The process of judging the scientific merit of research through review by peers of the reacher - other scientist with the expertise to evaluate the research
  10. Program Evaluation
    Researched designed to evaluate programs - social reforms - that are designed to produce certain changes or outcomes in a target population
  11. Pseudoscience
    • claims that are made on the basis of evidence that is designed to appear scientific
    • such evidence is not bases on the principles of the scientific method
  12. Skepticism
    ideas must be evaluated on the basis of careful logic and results from scientific investigations
  13. Temporal Precedence
    • part of causal inference
    • the cause preceded the effect in a time sequence
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Chapter 1:Scientific Understanding of Behavior
Chapter 1 Vocab