Greek philosophers
led to fundamental substances called elements
said elements were composed of tiny particles that couldn't be further divided
Robert Boyle
Showed matter is made up of atoms (from studies of air and gases) and elements were pure substances that couldn't be broken down any further
Joesph Priestly
heated mercury 2 oxide and produced oxygen
Antoine Lavoisier
showed oxygen was a key substance in combustion reactions and that in a combusion reaction, the mass of products = mass of reactants
Law of Mass Conservation
Mass is neither created or destroyed
Joesph Proust
- law of definite proportions
- dif samples of pure substances always contain the same proportions of elements by mass
John Dalton
- Dalton's Atomic Theory
- -elements are made of tiny particles called atoms
- -atoms of the same element have the same mass (thought what made elements dif was their masses)
- -chemical combinations of elements only occur in whole # ratios
- -chemical reactions only rearrange the way the atoms are combined; the atoms themselves are unchanged
law of multiple proportions
- -the same elements can combine in dif ways to form dif substances, whose mass ratios are small, whole # multiples of each other.
- -ex: CO, CO2= 2 times more O in CO2 than CO
structure of atoms
electrons, protons, neutrons
Dimitri Mendeleev
arranged elements in order of increasing atomic weight
chemical bond
force that holds 2 atoms together- covalent or ionic
covalent bond
sharing of e-s H2O
ionic bond
transfer of e-s NaCl
Structural formula
- shows how molecule put together
- H
- / \
- O O
molecular compound
uses covalent bonds to form molecules
polyatomic ion
charged molecule
- compound in which a certain # of h2o molecules are contained in the formula
- ex: CaCl2 * 6H2O
hydrocarbons saturated w/ hydrogens