Biology ch 1 Vocab Terms.txt

  1. Biology
    The study of life. Is the scientific study of all forms of life or all types of organisms.
  2. Biososphere
    All living things and the places they are found on Earth.
  3. Organism
    Any individual living thing.
  4. Biodiversity
    Across the biosphere, the variety of life is called biological diversity, or Biodiversity.
  5. Species
    A paticular type of living thing that can reproduce by interbreeting among themselves.
  6. Cell
    • The basic unit of life. All organsim are made up of one or more cells.
    • -Unicellular = 1 cell
    • -Multicellulalr = many cells
  7. Metabolism
    All of the chemical processes that build up or break down materials.
  8. DNA -Deoxyribonucleic acid
    Molecule that stores genetic information in all organisms.
  9. System
    An organized group of related parts that interact to form a whole.
  10. Ecosystem
    • A physical environment with different species that interact with one another and with nonliving things.
    • Ex. A large region such as a desert a coarl reef or forest, or a small area such as a individual tree.
  11. Homeostasis
    The maintenance of constant internal conditions in an organism.
  12. Evolution
    Thr change in living things. Change in the genetic makeup of a subgroup, or population of species.
  13. Adaptation
    Inherited trait that (is selected for over time because it) allows organisms to better survive in their enviorment.
  14. Qualitative Data
    A deescription in words of what is being obsereved. Based on quality of observation, such as color, oder, or texture.
  15. Quantitative Data
    Numeraic meausurments. Includes meausurments such as mass, volume, temperature, distance, concentration, time, or frequency.
  16. Observation
    Using the seses to study the world; using tools to collect measurments; examining previous research results.
  17. Data
    Observation and meausurments recorded during an expirement.
  18. Hypothesis
    A proposed answer for a scientific question. A hypothesis must be specific and testable.
  19. Experiment
    The process that tested a hypothesis by collecting information under control conditions. (Scientist study factors called indeoendent variables and dependent variables to find cause-and-effect relationships).
  20. Independent Variable
    Condition or factor that is manipulated by Scientist durring an expirement. Note: Effects of manipulating an independent variable are measured by changes in dependent variables.
  21. Dependent Variable
    Experimental data collected through observation and results. Note: Changes in dependent variables "depend upon" the manipulation of the independent variable.
  22. Constants
    Conditions that do not change during an expirement. Note: to dtudy the affects of an independent variable, a scientist uses a control group or control codition.
  23. Theory
    A proposed explanation for a wide range of observations and experimental results that is supported by a wide range of evidence.
  24. Microscope
    A tool that provides a enlarged image of an object.
  25. Gene
    A segment of DNA that stores geneitc information. Specific region of DNA that codes for a particular protein
  26. Molecular Genetics
    The study and manipulation of DNA structure and function on a molecular level. Note: Molecular genetics is used to study evolution, ecology, biochemistry, and many other areas of biology.
  27. Genomics (juh-HOH-mihks)
    The study and comparison of genomics with in a single species or among different species.
  28. Biotechnology
    The use and application of living things and biological process.
  29. Transgenic
    Organisms that have genes from more than one species, or have altered copies of theier own genes.
  30. Inquiry
    The act of seeking information by questioning. Note: Biology is a process of Inquiry
  31. Nonsignificant Data
    The data show no effect, or an effect so small that the result could have happened by chance.
  32. Statistically Singnificant Data
    The data shows an effect that is likely not due to chance.
  33. Imaging Technology
    Is technology that helps better look at an object. Ex. Microscope, X-Ray, MRI.
  34. Medical Imaging
    Gives doctors the ability to see bones, tissue and functions inside living organisms.
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Biology ch 1 Vocab Terms.txt
biology vocab