Spanish Verbs Chap 1

  1. aprender
    to learn
  2. asistir
    to attend
  3. bailar
    to dance
  4. beber
    to drink
  5. caminar
    to walk
  6. comer
    to eat
  7. comprar
    to buy
  8. comprender
    to understand
  9. conversar
    to talk, to converse
  10. correr
    to run
  11. deber
  12. escribir
    to write
  13. escuchar
    to listen (to)
  14. estar
    to be
  15. estudiar
    to study
  16. hablar
    to speak
  17. leer
    to read
  18. llegar
    to arrive
  19. mirar
    to look (at)
  20. montar (en bicicleta)
    to ride (a bicycle)
  21. necesitar
    to need
  22. participar
    to participate
  23. practicar
    to practice
  24. sacar buenas/ malas notas
    to get good/bad grades
  25. tomar
    to take; to drink
  26. tomar apuntes/ notas
    to take notes
  27. trabajar
    to work
  28. ver
    to see
  29. vivir
    to live
Card Set
Spanish Verbs Chap 1
Spanish verbs