Step 1: Complete Hydrolysis
HCl 6.0M, 110 C, 16-72 Hrs
Edman Degredation
- Determine 1st residue (Nth terminal)
- pH 9.0
- Determine 1st residue (Nth terminal)
- Less harsh, faster than Edman
2-ME or DTT
Cleave disulfide bond
Prevent formation of disulfide bond
Cleaves on C-side of methionine
Cleaves lys, arg on C-side
Cleaves phe, tyr, try on C-side
Endopeptidase S. Aureus V8
Cleaves asp, glu on C-Side
Cleaves gly, ala, val, syr on C-side
Carboxypeptide A
- C-side of all except lys, arg, pro
- Will not work if R(n-1) = pro
Carboxypeptide B
- C-side of all
- Will not work if R(n-1) = pro
Carboxypeptide C
- Cleaves all on C-side
- Requires acidic conditions (pH 3.5)
Carboxypeptide Y
- Cleaves all on C-side
- Slow with gly
- Cleaves leu, phe, trp, tyr on N-side
- Will not work if R(n-1) = pro
UV-Absorbance @ 280nm
Phe, tyr, trp