Four main functions of skin
- Protection
- Excretion/secretion
- Temperature regulation
- Sensation
Pressure ulcer risk factors
- Confinement
- Inability to move
- Loss of elimination
- Poor nutrition
- Lowered mental awareness
Braden scale 6 points
- Sensory perception
- Moisture
- Activity
- Mobility
- Nutrition
- Friction and shear
Braden scale scores
- 1-limited
- 4-fine
- at risk 15-18
- Moderate risk 13-14
- High risk 10-12
- Severe risk 9
Pressure ulcer staging system
- I Area of red, deep pink, or mottled skin that does not blanch with fingertip pressure
- II Partial thickness skin loss involving epidermis/dermis; may look like abraison, blister, or shallow crater. Area may feel warm
- III Full thickness that may extend to fascia, subq tissue is damager or necrotic; bacterial infection is common and causes drainage; damage to surrounding skin
- IV Full thickness skin loss with extensive necrosis or damage to muscle, bone; widespread infection; may appear black and dry
- Unstageable-loss of full thickness; base covered by eschar or contains slough
Four main purposes for bathing
- Cleanse skin
- Promote comfort
- Stimulate circulation
- Remove waste products secreted through skin
Unconscious patient should be provided mouth care
at least once every 8 hours; moist swabbing done every 2
A healthy epidermis is important because it
Acts as a barrier to entry of pathogenic organisms
Elderly patient's skin problems include
Nails become more brittle and thin and skin is less elastic and more fragile
Patient has an area at left trocanter that is reddened with slightly abraded skin has a
stage 2 pressure ulcer
Stage III pressure ulcer has
full thickness skin loss that looks like a deep crater
Partial bath includes
Face, hands, perineum and axillae
Prevention of pressure ulcers is promoted by
- Changing position every 2 hours
- Keeping heels off the bed
- Using lift devices to move patients