
  1. IL-1
    • Source: monocytes, macrophages
    • Activates immune cells
    • Endogenous pyrogen
    • Acute phase proteins
  2. IL-2
    • Source: TH cells
    • Induces proliferation
    • Enhances function
  3. IL-3
    • Source: TH cells, NK cells
    • Supports growth and differentiation of myeloid cells
  4. IL-4
    • Source: TH2 cells, mast cells
    • Activation, differentiation of B cells
    • TH2 response
    • Class switch to IgG1, IgE
  5. IL-5
    • Source: TH2 cells
    • Proliferation, differentiation of B cells
    • Class switch to IgA
    • Eosinophil activation
  6. IL-6
    • Source: monocytes, macrophages, TH2 cells
    • Pyrogen
    • Differentiation of plasma cells
    • Acute phase response
  7. IL-7
    • Source: Thymus, bone marrow
    • Proliferation of B, T cell progenitors
  8. IL-8
    • Source: macrophages, endothelium
    • Chemokine (neutrophils)
  9. IL-10
    • Source: TH2 cells
    • Suppresses TH1 cytokine production
  10. IL-11
    • Source: bone marrow
    • Increases thrombocyte production
  11. IL-12
    • Source: macrophages
    • Stimulates cell mediated immunity
  12. IL-17
    • Source: TH17 cells
    • Increases inflammation and tissue damage
    • Associated with some autoimmunity
  13. IFN-a, b
    • Source: Leukocytes, fibroblasts
    • Inhibits virion synthesis
    • Acts on uninfected cells
  14. IFN-g
    • Source: TH1, CTL, NK cells
    • CMI
    • Inhibits TH2
    • Increases MHC I, II expression
  15. TNF-a, b
    • Source: CMI cells
    • Enhances CMI
    • Tissue inflammation and cell death
    • Acute phase proteins
  16. G-CSF, GM-CSF
    • Source: macrophages, TH cells
    • Proliferation of granulocyte progenitors in marrow
    • Counteracts neutropenia
  17. IL-25
    Induces TH2 cytokine release
Card Set
Cytokine sources and functions