Found Chpt 18

  1. What changes in the musculoskeletal system occur with aging
    • Bone strength and mass are lost
    • Loss of bone density predisposes the elderly to fractures
    • Muscle cells are lost and replaced by fat
    • Elesticity of muscle fibers is decreased or lost casuing loss of flexibility
    • Joint motion may decrease limiting mobility
  2. Nursing diagnoses used for problems with body movement
    • Risk for injury
    • Impaired physical mobility
    • Risk for impaired skin integrity
    • Impaired walking
  3. Changing position accomplishes four things
    • Provides comfort
    • Relieves pressure on bony spots
    • Prevents contracutres, deformities, respiratory problems
    • Improves circulation
  4. Who gets active ROM
    Patient who independently performsADLs but is immobilized or limited in activity or is unable to move one extremity due to injury or surgery
  5. Who gets passive ROM
    • For the patient who cannot actively move
    • Cannot contract muscles
  6. An elderly person may need to be reeducated on how to lift safely because
    • Muscles and bones lose strength as one ages
    • Bone density is decreased
    • Decreased muscle mass and changed posture
  7. When moving the patient up in bed
    Lock the wheels before moving the patient
  8. WHen preparing to move a patient up in a bed who can assist, you would first
    Raise bed to working height
  9. The side lying position is helpful because
    It takes pressure off trocanter and shoulder
  10. When placing elderly in Fowlers
    Refrain from raising the knees more than 15 degrees
  11. When changing the patient's position
    Work at same level or height as patient
  12. COmmon pressure point in supine position
  13. When performing passive ROM
    avoid moving the joint to the point of discomfort
  14. When a patient falls,
    document any patient stated cause of fall
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Found Chpt 18
Test 2