
  1. scapulothoracic jt
    • (not a real jt)
    • Describes relationship btwn medial border of scapula and thoracic vertebrae

    • Rotary Motion (glenoid fossa as pt of reference)
    • - upward/downward rotation
    • - int/ext rotation
    • - ant/post tilting

    • Translatory Motion
    • - abd/adduction (as related to pro/retraction)
    • - elevation/depression
  2. sternoclavicular jt
    • sternal end of clavicle and manubrium
    • complex simple jt (has a disc)
    • triaxial (3 DOF)
    • - z axis
    • -- elevation (~ 45 degrees)
    • -- depression (~15 degrees)

    • - y axis
    • -- protraction (~15-20 degrees)
    • -- retraction (~10-15 degrees)

    • - x axis
    • -- rotation: arm up, clavicle rotates posterior, arm down, clavicle rotates anterior
  3. stabilization of sternoclavicular jt
    • ant/post sternoclavicular lig
    • costoclavicular lig
    • interclavicular lig
  4. acromioclavicular jt
    • lateral end of clavical and medial end of acromion
    • triaxial
    • - y axis
    • -- int/ext rotation (or medial/lateral rotation) of scapula "winging"; internal (medial): medial border moves back, lateral border moves forward
    • --- occurs in order to maintain the contact of scap with contour of rib cage.

    • -x axis
    • -- ant/post tipping/tilting (sup border of scap is POR)
    • --- ant: acromion tilting forward & inferior angle tilting back
    • --- occurs in order to maintain the contact of the scapula with the contour of the rib cage and to orient glenoid fossa

    • -z axis
    • -- upward and downward rotation
    • -- provides a little more upward lift of arm
  5. stabilization of AC jt
    • sup & inf acromioclavicular ligs
    • coracoclavicular lig (major stabilizer)
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Shoulder girdle section of kinesiology