Histology LAB

  1. Where is Simple Squamous Found?
    • Heart
    • Aveolor of the lungs
    • blood vessels
    • kidney
  2. Where is Simple Cuboidal found?
    • Kidney tubules
    • Ducts and Secretory portions
    • Small Glands
    • Ovary surface
  3. Where is Simple Columnar found?
    Digestive system (Microvilli on intestines)
  4. Where is Pseudostratified Columnar found?
    Trachea and upper respiratory tract (Cillia for movement)
  5. Where is the Stratified Squamous found?
    • Protects the openings to the body.
    • Esophagus
    • Mouth
    • Vagina
  6. Where is the Transitional Epithelium Found?
    • Ureters
    • Urinary Bladder
    • Part of the Urethra
  7. Where is Stratified Cuboidal/Columnar found?
    • Rare
    • Some gland's ducts
    • Male Urethra
  8. Image Upload 2
    Simple Cuboidal
  9. Image Upload 4
    Simple Squamous Epithelium
  10. Image Upload 6
    Simple Columnar Epithelium
  11. Image Upload 8
    Transitional Epithelium
  12. Image Upload 10
    Pseudostratified Epithelium
  13. Image Upload 12
    Stratified Squamous Epithelium
  14. Image Upload 14
    Skeletal Muscle
  15. Image Upload 16
    Cardiac Muscle
  16. Image Upload 18
    Smooth Muscle
  17. Image Upload 20
    Bone (Osseous Tissue)
  18. Image Upload 22
    Blood (Classified as connective tissue)
  19. Image Upload 24
    Areolar Connective Tissue
  20. Image Upload 26
    Adipose (fat) Connective Tissue
  21. Image Upload 28
    Reticular Connective Tissue
  22. Image Upload 30
    Dense Regular Connective Tissue
  23. Image Upload 32
    Dense Irregular Connective Tissue
  24. Image Upload 34
    Nervous Tissue
  25. Image Upload 36
    Hyaline Cartilage
  26. Image Upload 38
    Elastic Cartilage
  27. Image Upload 40
  28. What is the function of Skeletal muscle?
    To move body parts
  29. What is the function of Cardiac Muscle?
    • Involuntary
    • Pumps Blood out of the heart through blood vessels to all parts of the body.
  30. What is the function of Smooth Muscle?
    squeezes substances through organs
  31. What is the location of the Skeletal Muscle?
    Attaches to the skeleton
  32. What is the location of the Cardiac Muscle?
  33. What is the location of the Smooth Muscle?
    Walls of the hollow organs

    • Lungs
    • Blood Vessels
    • Bladder
    • All organs
  34. Where is Nervous Tissue located?
    Brain and Spinal Cord
  35. What is function of Osseous Tissue?
    Supports and protects; mineral storage.
  36. What is the location of the Osseous Tissue?
  37. What is the function of Blood?
    Transport respiratory gases, nutrients, wastes.
  38. What is the location of the blood?
    Inside blood vessels
  39. What is the function of Hyaline Cartilage?
    Providing firm support with flexibility, reduces friction.
  40. What is the location of Hyaline Cartilage?
    End of bones, cartilages of ribs, nose, trachea, and larynx
  41. What is the function of Elastic Cartilage?
    Provides strength and elasticity, maintains structure.
  42. What is the location of Elastic Cartilage?
    Ear, epiglottis.
  43. What is the function of Fibrocartilage?
    Ability to absorb compressive shock
  44. What is the location of Fibrocartilage?
    Intervertebral disks, pubic symphysis, discs of knee joint.
  45. What is function of Areolar Connective Tissue?
    • Most abundant
    • Reservior for water and salts
    • Loose Arrangement
  46. What is the location of the Areolar Connective Tissue?
    Wraps blood vessels, packages organs.
  47. What is the function of the Reticular Connective Tissue?
    Internal framework for the support of blood cells
  48. What is the Location of the Reticular Connective Tissue?
    Lymph nodes, spleen.
  49. What is the function of the Adipose Connective Tissue?
    Nutrient Storage (energy reservoir), protection, and insulation.
  50. What is the Location of the Adipose Connective Tissue?
    Deep to skin (hypodermis), abdomen, breasts, and around kidneys.
  51. What is the Function of Dense Regular Connective Tissue?
    Withstands stress/force in one direction
  52. What is the location of the Dense Regular Connective Tissue?
    Tendons, ligaments
  53. What is the Function of Dense Irregular Connective Tissue?
    Withstands tension/stress exerted in many directions
  54. What is the Location of Dense Irregular Connective Tissue?
    Dermis of skin, digestive tract.
  55. What are the four primary tissue types inerweave to form the "fabric" of the body?
    • Epithelial
    • Connective
    • Muscle
    • Nervous
  56. What is the function of Epithelial Tissue?
    Covers body surfaces
  57. What is the function of Connective tissue?
    Binds organs together
  58. What is the function of Muscle tissue?
    Responsible for movement
  59. What is the function of Nervous tissue?
    • Control body activities
    • Nerve Impluses
Card Set
Histology LAB
Histology LAB