Bell 206

  1. What are the torque limits for a bell 206?
    • 50% to 85% continuous
    • 85% to 100% 5 min take-off
  2. What are the fuel sample procedures?
    • Fuel tank drain: Battery on, Fuel valve off, depress drain button.
    • Fuel filter drain: Battery on, Fuel valve on, Fuel boost pump circuit breakers in, Caution light circuit breaker in, fuel filter drain valve open drain sample then close the valve.
  3. TOT limits for normal operations?
    • 330'C to 737'C continuous power.
    • 737'C to 793'C 5 min max take off power.
  4. What are the engine starter runtime limits?
    • External Power
    • 25 sec on, 30 sec off
    • 25 sec on, 30 sec off
    • 25 sec on, 30 MINUTES OFF
    • Internal Battery
    • 40 sec on, 60 sec off
    • 40 sec on, 60 sec off
    • 40 sec on, 30 MINUTES OFF
  5. Engine anti-ice Limits?
    Engine anti-ice must be on for flight in visible moisture in temperatures below 4.4'C

    Max ambient temperature for anti-ice use is 4.4'C
  6. What are the rotor limits (NR)?
    • Power ON:
    • Max 100%
    • Min 97%
    • Note: accelerate trough 50% to 60% as rapidly as possible

    • Power OFF:
    • Max 107%
    • Min 90%
  7. What is the VNE?
    VNE is 150 mph from sea level to 3000 ft decrease by 4 mph per 1000 ft above 3000ft

    Autorotation VNE limit is 115 mph marked by a blue line
  8. What are the gross weight limits?
    • Internal - 3200 lbs
    • External - 3350lbs
  9. What are the gas producer (N1) statrting speed vs outside air temperature speeds?
    • 15% N1 rpm above 7'C
    • 13% N1 rpm -18'C to 7'C
    • 12% N1 rpm below -18'C
  10. Turbine Outlet Temperature (TOT) limits during start?
    TOT: 793'C to 927'C for 10 sec MAX
  11. What is the gas producer (N1) limits?
    • MAX 104%
    • Transient 105% (MAX 15 sec)
  12. What is the Power Turbine (N2) operating RPM limits?
    • MAX: 100%
    • Min: 95% below 8000 ft
    • Min: 97% above 8000 ft
    • Min: 97% for all altitudes when gross weight is above 3000 lbs

    Transient: 105% 15 sec MAX
  13. What are some reasons to abort the start?
    • TOT is about to exceed 793'C to 927'C for 10 sec
    • Main rotor is not turning by 25% gas producer (N1)
  14. What is the engine model for a bell 206?
    • Rolls-Royce
    • Model 250-C20
  15. What are the procedures for a engine failure?
    • Reduce Collective IMMEDIATELY
    • Adjust pitch to maintain 90% to 107% rotor RPM
    • Reduce airspeed to 60 mph to 70 mph
    • At low altitude flare to loose excessive airspeed
    • Apply collective to decrease forward airspeed and cushion landing
  16. What to do if you get a low rotor RPM light?
    • Rotor RPM is below normal
    • Reduce collective and check throttle is full open
  17. What to do if you get a Battery Hot Light?
    • Battery case temp has reached 60'C or higher
    • Land as soon as possible
    • After landing DO NOT use battery for engine restart
    • Service or replace battery
  18. What to do if you get a Battery Temp Light?
    • Battery temperature has reached 54.4'C or higher
    • Turn battery switch off until it cools
    • Then turn battery switch on
  19. What to do is you get a Transmission Chip Light?
    • Metal particles in transmission oil
    • Land as soon as possible
  20. What to do if you get a T/R Chip light?
    • Metal particles in tail rotor gear box
    • Land as soon as possible
  21. What to do if you get a Engine Chip Light?
    • Metallic particles in Engine Oil
    • Land as soon as possible
  22. What to do if you get a Engine Out Light
    • Engine power failre
    • Reduce collective and preform autorotation landing
  23. What does a Low Fuel Light Mean?
    • Approximately 20 gal of fuel remaining
    • Land as soon as Practical
  24. What does A/F Fuel Filter Light mean?
    • Airframe fuel filter is clogged
    • Land as soon as Practical
    • Clean before next flight
  25. What does Fuel Filter Light mean?
    • Engine fuel filter is clogged
    • Land as soon as Practical
    • Clean before next flight
  26. What does a Fuel Pump Light mean?
    • One or both fuel pumps inoperative
    • Descend below 6000 ft pressure Altitude
    • Land as soon as Practical
  27. What does a Trans Press Light mean?
    • Transmission pressure is below minimum
    • Land as soon as Possible
  28. What does Trans Temp Light mean?
    • Reduce power
    • Check transmission oil pressure
    • Land as soon as Possible
  29. What are the two different type of emergency procedures?
    • Land as soon as Possible
    • Land without delay at nearest suitable area

    • Land as soon as Practical
    • Landing site and duration of flight are at the discretion of the pilot
    • Extended flight not recommended
Card Set
Bell 206
Bell 206 study cards